
She's a rose with thorns

Isabel Ricci had just return home early to surprise her husband,only to actually find him cheating with her best friend.To make matters worse,Isabel finds out her husband had never loved her in the first place and had married Isabel only for her inheritance money. Betrayed and heartbroken,Isabel swears revenge on the cheating couple. They had lied to her.They had deceived her,but she wasn’t anything easy.They have never seen her anger,what she can actually do. James Brown,Hannah Williams you picked the wrong person to mess with.Be ready for what’s coming your way.A Ricci never lets things slide. .... “I’ll do it.” “Huh?” “I also want to make them pay.”his golden eyes seemed like they were glowing in the dark,like a wolf waiting to pounce on his opponent. In this journey of revenge she wouldn't be alone.

WandererXXII · Urban
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46 Chs


While Isabel was in the shower,James got a call from his aide.After listening to the words,James expression went dark and he replied coldly.

"I see."

"Sir,what can we do now?"

"I'll deal with it."

"Sir- " *beep**beep*

The call was ended.


When Isabel finished her shower,she saw James on the bed who had turned to the other side,breathing heavily.

She had been pondering in the bathroom all the time if she should suck it up and sleep in the bed tonight to avoid the suspicion,but this room always reminded her of that ugly day,and thinking what Hannah and James had done in that bed made her feel nauseous.Even after 2 hours in the shower she wasn't able to decide.

After staring at the sleeping man for a few minutes,Isabel finally decided.She would be brave this night.

She slowly walked to,once her side of the bed and hesitatingly pulled the corner of the matress.Touching the soft,silky fabric didn't feel good,but only made her skin crawl.

After laying down and covering herself,Isabel felt like she was on pins and needles,each pricking her body coldly.There was bound to be no sleep tonight.Isabel just kept praying for patience to make it through this night peacefully.

But Isabel wasn't the only one awake.Just a few minutes after laying down,James turned around and hugged her from behind,not planning to let go.The darkness hid his emotions.

Isabel just thought he had done it on a semi-conscious state,and that he was most certainly asleep.This only added to her trouble and discomfort making her situation even worse.With just a few seconds in his uncomfortable embrace,Isabel felt like crying for her terrible fortune.

She tried moving slightly to shake him off,but James embrace was too strong and kept getting even stronger.The fingers dug on the egde of her waist hurting to the point she cried in pain.

"Ow,James!Let go!This hurts!"

No answer and the strength slightly increased.


No answer.After calling out a few times,Isabel gave up and stood there stiffly,enduring the pain.Just a few hours until morning.It will be okay.Just a few hours.It is for the best,please endure. Mio dio dammi pazienza!

Isabel endured the night while swallowing her cry and discomfort.


The next morning,James rose up and stared at the woman who had her back turned.His gaze was piercing and Isabel felt like he had seen through her,but she gave no reaction and pretended to be asleep.

After a bit James bent down and kissed her hair and stood up to get in the shower.After hearing the water running.Isabel rose up at the speed of light and kept rubbing the place James had kissed like a maniac while tears slipped on her cheeks.******!*******!How dare you do that!

The whole experience had taken a huge toll on her.She had barely held herself from rushing to hit and bite him to free herself.She couldn't stand the fact that they lived in the same planet,imagine being in his embrace all night.

Isabel took her clothes and showered in the other bathroom.During the shower she kept scrubbing herself to the point that her skin became irritated and red.Isabel finally broke down and silently cried in the shower.When would it be over?When would that ******* finally get his punishment?She couldn't take it anymore.She wanted to go back to her real home and stay with Gael.

Isabel suddenly had the impulse to call Gael and vent out everything ,but just as she picked out the phone she stopped.No,she couldn't bother him like this.She was actually doing this for both of them,she couldn't simply cower like this.She has a goal and she should finish it.Yes Isabel.You're not weak.The ones that endure,win,so just wait a bit more.It's for the better.

Then she got back to wash of the shampoo that was left on her.


When James got in the office,he called his to give him a detailed report of what he had said last night.

The aide had told James that there was a possibility that Isabel had entered the state more than a month ago.The date of possibility was a few days before his and Hannahs trip in P city.

"Did you check the security cameras?"

"Yes,we did,but there is no footage from that day,they said that there were a few problems with the cameras that day."

That was strange.James thought for a while.

"What about the records if she entered the state.Have you checked them?"

"Sir,that will take a bit of time to check since it's difficult to get our hands on them.But according to the our people in that branch,Miss Isabel finished her work smoothly and there were no difficulties that could have delayed her trip like she told you sir.It was simply impossible."

"You can leave and tell everybody to not disturb me."

James was scarily calm and the aide felt cold inside and quietly left.After a while James opened his safe and took the old phone dialing a number.

The deep voice of the man answered.

"What is it?"

"There's no delaying anymore.The person I told you to take out before,I want the job done in the next few days."

"It will be difficult since we barely got the grasp of her schedule.It will take much more time."

"She'll leave on X/X/XX in 'I' state,in S city.The place she will go is remote so you can easily make it an accident.No one will bother investigating since there's noone to care anyway.Finish it as soon as possible."

It was better to end the matter than bother with guessing and delaying it.Confirming wheather she knew or notimportant anymore.He couldn't risk it. The man from the other side laughed ridiculously at James's nervousness and insistence.

"You're really cruel James.Wanting to get rid of not just any weak woman,but your own wife.You must really fear her."

James endured the ridicule.

"I told you what you wanted,get rid of her.The next thing I want to hear about her,is Isabel Ricci's death news."