

The green fields laid right in front of me is something I would never get tired of marveling even 'till eternity.

I watched how the short grasses stay still, while the longer ones sways in different directions as the wind of my little brother's hand-weaved fan reaches them—

He is playing with the ants again.

I tore my sight on him and looked up... to gaze upon the majestic and length-long branches of the tree I am under now. An amazing tree... with a touch of green and brownish vines all over its body. A firm and impressive survival is etched on its imperfect old skin. Has lively colorful leaves. A mixture of white and orange pigment on its blossoms brings ecstatic wonders to the eye. With it is a long life. And it just always makes me wonder of a beautiful summer rise.

They say it seemed as if it is built with mystery. To them, the fact that it was always unfazed and unrattled by any storm or lightning while all those other trees around it already fell and was burnt down to the ground, is horrendous. A lot are in fear of it, especially at night.

The villagers would call it a doom and a sanctuary for those untouchable ghouls and mystic creatures.

I just don't know why...

Because me, I simply call it... nature... in its natural transcending.

Something too natural to be deemed dubious.

A home for birds. And also for those who are stucked in the heating sun or the rainy sky.

For animals and people.

And as I was battling with myself whether the branches are getting mightier and mightier as it gets older because it seems like it was getting firmer with the years of it standing here, on cue and in a beautiful transcending, a leaf found its way to my lap.

Out of habit, my fingers moved to feel and... unravel it. It is rough on my graze, perhaps because it is now dry and brown. I narrowed my eyes, trying to listen more as I unravel it with my palm.

I paused when it shattered on my hands.

For me... leaves were like the trees' dreams.

Sprouting from its childhood, some falls to the ground. Some vanish along the ground. Others just change colors in each season they had to pass. A lot more started to be introduced... again... some because of a drastic change.

Its body is like a fine fence that conceals the world from its inner that's still growing from within... unnoticeable if seen through days but with years you could tell a difference.

The roots spreads and clamps the core deeper and somehow I thought it brought them bravery to face a wind that's trying to blow up.

It seems to me that they are more complex than the younger ones, but still the same in needs. Water, food... light, care, tranquility... they just become more sensible.

The thoughts in my head just stopped when something was thrown purposely at my head.

A white slipper.

"Ouch," I said even though that didn't hurt me at all.

Turning my head in the direction where it came from, I found a lousily smiling culprit, who is sporting a beige shorts and an improvised white t-shirt he removed himself to make it appear like he is wearing a cape. He also has the other pair of slipper thrown at me—on his right foot.

"Oops," the unapologetic boy then beamed teasingly at me.

I lightly sighed in defeat to fake a backdown.

Only to sneakingly proceed to run and seize him as soon as I sensed him almost completing a full and wide victorious grin!

"You are a fraud damsel in distress!" his happy laughter echoed.

"Oh! Come here, pretentious superhero star! No doubt you cannot fly for your cape is all a lie!"

"Oh, dear, human! Don't you know?! Capes are just an accessory for heroes to be cool. It has no way to do with our flight! Dang! I feel so fine!"

We ran to the fields, with me barefoot and his other foot covered with only one slipper. Our giggles were all that was heard in the place for half an hour until we sat to catch our breaths.

"That's what should be called a fun run." he gaspingly noted as he smiled the widest.

I motioned a high-five and got to be received it in a blink of an eye.

While I got myself busy gathering the hem of my white puff maxi dress to properly sit, he already removed his only slipper and seated on it. His legs were spread all over his front and his palms were on the ground supporting him from a seemingly cozy boyish bend down. He is slightly grinning at the setting sun, though in his eyes is the guiltless admiration of all the wonderful colors in the sky.

Successful on a comfortable Indian sit, I gently shove all the dirt that could cause a mark on my dress.

It's not easy to do the laundry, you know...

"Grandma told me that she and Papa will go to the forest to gather woods for the bonfire tonight." his deep breathing told me he is still catching his breath from our earlier run.

They didn't let me join them again. I told them I am already a teen and I can help them do these chores but they tend to always find a time to sneak behind my back. They are treating me like a baby so much. Now I am getting teased by this 12-year-old boy because I couldn't even properly chop a wood for a bonfire the other night.

My gaze drifted to my porcelain skin and the stretched arms which some termed a bit skinny.

"And you threw your other slipper on my head because?" I said, shifting eyes to the green mountains that were a bit far from here but can still be seen majestically.

Nature is beautiful, isn't it?

I am glad my life let me witness something this breathtakingly beautiful.

"Someone told me you are with your boyfriend." He declared so sure and proud which made me turn to him.


Boyfriend? Me?!

"I have one?" I don't even know that!

He wrinkled his nose in dismay.

He didn't respond to me so I followed his gaze. He is enjoying the view in front so I returned my gaze infront again.

And of course, nature won't be as thrilling and wild without the animal kingdom.

Birds, cows, dragonflies, horses, bugs, and many other kinds are freely moving in the area. And somehow watching these diverse and foreign creatures moving freely on green land got me more curious about animals and how they naturally live their lives before... when humans weren't yet intervening. For sure, it was way different than right now.

And would be way more different in the future.

The rainy season just ended and the color of the grasses and flowers in their respective places shows how happy they are because of the amount of water they were able to receive.

Yet... I won't ever miss the puerile smile that's suddenly lurking on my brother's lips. It made the whole part of the view, a picturesque.

Coincidentally, a group of familiar people passed in the far front cueing Miro to automatically bump me by the shoulders. He playfully started raising his brows up and down at my face.

Here we go again...

"Isn't he your boyfriend?"

He proceeded to point at the eldest of the group so I immediately grabbed his hand, ashamed because the group, although they cannot hear us because of the distance, can learn that we are talking about them, particularly the one my little brother is pointing to.

But I am too late to stop it.

The boys with him bumped and tapped him on the back, obviously having a funny business now. Rowan, Tres, and Ceizo discreetly synced as they took glimpses of each other before all their eyes sillily peak a bit at me, then back to their friend. Misgal Evo Saludes laughed rough and it is heard in the distance.

I removed my eyes from them, afraid that its stay would only fuel more of their teasing. I grabbed Miro's index finger down and fixed my gaze on him.

"No, he is not!" I opposed with a sharp pitch, opening my emerald eyes wider to stop him from doing it.

He only chuckled while pulling his hand off my hold, giving my wrist a little bit of tap. Knowing he has zero intention to point his finger at him again, I let him slide.

"Why are you so ashamed? He is determined and handsome. He has the finest body and... oh! Have you seen his abs? As soon as I get older I would workout hard and reach that!"

He is in the middle of his spirited frantic when he frowned. He then glared at me with such vicious... menacing eyes.

"But then, I realize... you shouldn't wish to see his abs... why should you, right? I am enough to see it. You are not even husband and wife... yet. Going back, to top it all, he obviously likes you- "

I cut him off before he can even say all the wonderful things about him. The guy is surely a wonderful man, but I have nothing in me except my emerald-green eyes.

"I heard of it, but it doesn't mean it's true. Those were just gossips-" I tried.

"Oh, I would bet... "

And really now?

In the middle of my brother's overconfident murmurs, my eyes locked with the hottest man my brother is talking about. Akin's enchanting serious orbs got me startled for a while. He remained still when I gave my usual introverted glance. My eyes zoomed out when I realized the hype.

A passing wind subtly rolled all over me. I suddenly wondered what brand is his musk. For the wind brought me it as we refused to stare more into each other's eyes.

"Why am I this sure that it is his scent?"

His lips parted, perhaps because of the loud ruckus the group is causing.

I am getting weirder each passing time.

I dropped my eyes at them and fixed my gaze towards the mountains again.

How would it feel to live by the mountains I wonder?

"But I don't like him," I responded, fainter this time.

I don't have any idea why he was able to like me. I mean, he is always the talk of the girls in town and I am just a cave girl, moreso introvert, who loves to be alone most of the time. He should have just picked someone better, someone who can keep up with his world. Cause I am in devotion to a different world he might not... get to inhabit.

And besides, I do not have any plans to get a boyfriend yet.

I am still 16.

Miro remained mum but with a little smile breaking his lips, I let out a small sigh. And it was followed by total stillness we enjoyed because we are provided with a peaceful and healing view in front.

Except that...

"Let's brace ourselves, gentlemen! Looks like Akin could do a full score on our basketball league today!" they were already walking but the conversation is still progressing and too proud.

I could hear it. Miro can't. And no one else besides one person knew about it.

"Saludes! Guess say goodbye to being MVP..."

A bark of a grown man's laughter echoed. It is familiar. I know who the owner of the voice is. I know his crowd.

Who wouldn't? Even other schools and cities know them.

"A three-zero! Number 19 for three! Here we come!!!" the other guy mimicked the tone of a basketball commentator on TV and I couldn't help but bow down to hide.

I heard Akin say something in a dismissive tone. He sounds annoyed. Undeniably inquisitive, I lifted my head back at them.

When he realizes I found him again in between his friends and in the middle of their walk, his eyes gone snobbish and too empty. Different from the versions I found myself fancying whenever my eyes meet his.

And it urged me to check my clean and naturally coated fingernails.

"What? Are you mad now?"

"Let's just go." I heard him say cold from afar.

"Dude, he is mad!"

They laughed more.

I pursed my lips.

"Is he mad?" I whispered just enough for myself.

I sighed heavily.

Someone sighed deeper.

"No. I am not mad." I heard him again. "How could I get mad at... you,"

I bit my lips, thinking of silly things. Like him hearing me too in the far distance and him conversing back to me.

But then surely he is not.

I brought my gaze up again and caught him even with his loud group. He licked his lips and his head tilted left as they paved their way to the court. His phone is on his ears and it seemed like it was some other person he is talking to.

True enough, within a minute I heard a woman's voice seemingly coming from an audio call.

"When are you visiting me? You are taking years there!" she is obviously throwing a fit.

"You are confusing me..." that's the last thing I heard before other far noises restricted me.