

Dunelsty_cck · Fantasy
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Chapter Two : BEWRAY

Still locked up in his dreams unknowingly that days had passed and he's been asleep for days now ,his drink buddy and Co-worker James by name noticed his absence at work but couldn't phantom any solid reasons why his bouyant friend seem to have skipped work for four consecutive days but that wasn't the true reasons why he noticed his absence.

He had actually missed going out to get drunk and not paying for the drinks,he had missed moments when he teased Pablo of his fiction love like he often called it without knowing what the word actually meant..

Just yesterday he reminisced when they met a petite Asian lady on a skimpy red dress at their usual hang out spot,James tipped the bar man and typically made it look like it was the lady on red that paid for Pablo's drink then forced Pablo to approach her only to embarrass himself because she was more of a ladies person and her date was keeping her waiting, fortunately her partner was a bi sexual and Pablo physique was dripping to drop a lady off her feet..

He stood 1.93m tall,dark toned with a broad shoulder so wide to accommodate a lady in when cuddling ,both his bicep and tricep gave fitting to any shirt he wore,he got complement on his backsides on a regular thanks to his gluteus, his commanding baritone made things even more exciting the only thing was he was an ambivert,an introvert without a bottle of beer and an extrovert when one was handy


As he stood there embarrassed he sat down without her approval smiled and explained what actually occured , while they both laughed over it he asked her for her name and she responded "Sayo" that got Pablo confused for he mistook it as something else for all he did hear was "Say Oh" she bursted into laugher as she repeated it again thrice till she had to spell it,after which he enquired for the meaning which was "born at night" the name got him thinking before someone walked in to the bar...

A girl walked in on heels she swinged her hips on each steps her cologne took over the entire place,her height was so catchy for she was 1.90m tall this obviously without the heels..Men watched as she moved her hips on each steps wasn't so long when she saw Sayo her lover and got to where she was. Nancy was a model who had a successful career thanks to her hour glass shape she had been to different parts of the world in one of her trips she met Sayo on a fashion exposition in China, Sayo flight had been delayed due to technical issues after the long wait they had to cancel the flight for a reason that seemed useless to Sayo that was when she saw Nancy walk in with enough paparazzi Sayo was just amazed on how much attention a blonde was getting funny enough they crossed paths again that same day for Sayo Boss an irate vitiligo of a woman who acted like she was cursed never to give joy to people had called earlier on to remind Sayo she was to accompany her to a fashion expository ,Sayo excuse was she had to see her sick nephew who is an orphan but now the flight was cancelled she had no other option than to call back the "crazy bitch" a nick she gave her boss nevertheless each time she went with her she got her clothes...She picked after the second tone like she knew the flight would be cancelled and told Sayo her driver would come get her at the airport,after she hunged up she sighed and waited till he came that evening Sayo was about closing her hotel room door to go meet up with her crazy bitch when Nancy passed and winked at her this time around no paparazzi was close by she stood there like a mannequin,she came back placed a soft kiss on Sayos lips took out the pen from the file she was holding and wrote down her personal call line and left, Sayo practically had to go reprint the page Nancy wrote on before the crazy bitch eat her for dinner.

As Nancy got to were Pablo and Sayo were seated she tripped and Pablo caught her in his arms they both locked eyes before he let her go and with his thick rich baritone of a voice he asked "hope you're fine" and she never responded only to stretch out to Sayo and kissed her lips like they haven't seen since ages there was something spectacular in the way they kissed,you could see how they took note of every curvature of the lips and used their tongue to gently caress it they went on despite Pablo was there watching at this point he felt the slight rise in temperature of his pants he wished he was invited,wasn't quite long before James walked up to them and said hello for he was drawn by what he was seeing and wanted some of it no matter how little...

He remembered how he and Pablo kept on talking about that day for long and hoping to meet the gorgeous ladies again at this point he couldn't take it any longer again he picked up his phone and rang his friends number twice and each time it got to the voice mail box because he never picked ,he sighed took his truck keys and headed for a drink...

Back at Pablo's crib he was still sleeping and deep down his dream realm he was with a diva he never knew, he sat down as she sang for him different genres of music before coming closer again and asked him "what is your inner most desire?" it sounded strange and all Pablo could voice out was true love from my Annabelle if only she existed for he had never been in a relationship with a lady for he was in love with Annabelle the lady of his dreams in the movie serie he watched practically everyday and never paid attention when other ladies made advances towards him for he declined several dates,infact the only time he felt a bit shaky and gave any lady attention was when he met Nancy and he never saw her again after that.She held him close kissed him and said It is I your love Annabelle and he awoke from his sleep ....

He stood up from his bed with the stench of alcohol oozing from him,he wore his slippers took out the bottles of beer he drank laying on the floor and got into the bathroom to shave off for he was all bushy,when he was done he looked into the mirror and said to himself it's all a dream. As he turned on the shower he had a noise but ignored it and kept on showering till his television came on and he heard Micheal Jackson speechless song playing, he said to himself how possible is that for he never turned on any thing plus he never listened to MJ music though he loved that particular song playing..

He came out of the shower wrapped the towel round his waist and walked in quietly tip toeing to the room like a Lion who has seen it's prey alone and ducking it's head waiting for the right moment to strike, when he got there it was a sight he would never forget so quickly for what he saw was a lady on a shiny gold dress singing along as the tape sang on ,he called out to her but it seemed she wasn't listening he called again and moved closer to touch her before he could touch her she turned it was Annabelle..

This was getting too much for him to handle now,he paced severally while she stood there all gorgeous giving a smile that makes the heart of any man melt and do her will..He gave up this battle already for her will was much greater than his, but he had things going through his head

- could this possibly be Annabelle or was he hallucinating?

- if she was the one then how did she get to his abode?

-or could it be James was up to something fishy again that cocky bastard couldn't be trusted again?

- the film was based on a story told 680AD how possible had she had survived till now ,her coming back to life was in the 70's but the series stopped producing years ago..

wasn't it meant to stay as a stage play or was this shit now real?

as he thought about that he ran to peep through his window if the Roman Lord's were also here with him ,or has he gone mad?...

At that moment his phone rang again he picked it up to answer and got the shocking news ever as Annabelle smiled without saying a word...