
Shattered Reflections: A Regressed Reality

I just wanted to live a peaceful life. I didn't want to get involved in anything troublesome. Even then, I died. But when I woke up, I regressed back to make things right. Or so I thought. I never thought I would be involved something even more troublesome or should I say rather dangerous. Read his story to find out what exactly he was involved with and will he be able to achieve his peaceful end. Let's find out.

Phantasmic_Scribe · Fantasy
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19 Chs

6. Starting Over in a New Place (2)

In my previous life, I used to have another friend who I was close with like these two. I should probably say I hung out with quite a lot more than compared to these two. His name was Aqua. Aqua unlike the other two, wasn't a childhood friend. I met up with him way later.

But, whatever he said was relatable and it seemed like we were always on the same wavelength. We helped each other in various occasions. But, little did I know, that wasn't the person I knew and just a facade.

After my family kicked me out and I started living independently, both Akane and Rei met up with me even when they were busy. There were able to make up time to hang out. But, the same couldn't be said about Aqua.

He didn't read any messages sent to him or pick up any calls whenever we called him. One day, I met him on coincidence near a park.

When I approached and asked him if everything is alright since we wasn't picking up our calls or reading any of the messages. He replied as if we never met.

"You really think I would stay friends with someone who was kicked out by prestigious Watanabe family. You expect me to hang out around you when you have no worth. You were always of less importance. Your family has it all which is why I had made a connection through you. Now, I hope that useless brain of yours can understand so scram and get out of my sight"

Those were the words he said. I remember them as clear as day because how else can I forget those words. I, then, who was already taking a hard time from being kicked out from the house, took another major blow.

The friend I knew for all these years was never here for me, but for my family instead. Connecting through me to gain recommendations was his plan all along.

Later, I did get to know that he was a high ranking player who was being supported by the old man. I laughed at myself for not being able to realize such a thing then. I didn't tell much about him to Akane and Rei then because it wasn't going to be worth it.

Someone who has the power and is popular as high ranking players can't be defamed that easily or accused of things especially when that man is backing him up. I didn't want to cause more trouble for both of them.

He was never here for sake of me or never had plans to be a friend with all of us in the first place. He was always aiming to get a connection with family since it's obvious that the old man values unique talents over anything.

So, of course, I had no plans in entertaining him in the life. Now, that I'm back I decided to not have a connection with him. It is indeed one of the reasons I moved out of that place and rented another place.

Knowing that, I left that house, well on the outside, it looks like my family has abandoned me, and thus Aqua will stay away from me since I don't have any benefit to him as he told in the previous life.

I still don't know whether the future will remain the same since I have changed too many things and things that haven't happened in the past. In midst of thinking about how to reply about to them, they kept bombarding me with more questions.

"Did you guys have a fight or something?" Rei asked.

"Even if they did, they would have reconciled sooner or later so this might be a big issue at hand" Akane replied to him without any hesitation.

I needed to get my answers straight. Just as I was supposed to answer, the bell rang. I went ahead to check who it was.

It was Aqua. He probably followed Rei if he saw him nearby and since Akane was tagging along; he could have deduced that it was me that they were going to meet.

I opened the door and there he was. He was silver haired, blue crystal eyes, tall and one of the most popular people when we were studying together and even worse the person who betrayed me in the past.

"So, it was indeed your house. I just came along since I saw Rei and Akane coming over here. You should have invited me if you guys were having party together. We are after all best friends."

Rei and Akane came to the front door since they heard Aqua's voice. They wanted to ask questions to him about what I said earlier but I stopped them by signaling them with my hand.

"What's with you guys? Why are you guys so quiet? Did something happen?" Aqua questioned us as he was going to enter the place.

"I don't think, I have invited you to hang out with us."

"Really now? We're friends so, it doesn't matter much. Like I said, so let's enjoy ourselves together."

"You really thought you could get away, just because we were 'friends'."


Aqua looked perplexed since I wouldn't say the same things to him in the past. But, now things are different. I know about his true nature and I rather not get involved with him any more than this. It's pointless in feeding other people's desires.

It's about to end this fool's game and tell him that I won't be of any use to him so that he would stop pestering me. I, pretty much am sure that the moment I tell him that the old man cut ties with me, he won't be meeting me again.

"Just for your information, the old man cut ties with me. So, there's no need for you to stay around me."

Aqua was taken aback by what I said. It seemed like he didn't expect me to catch on to his intentions.

"So, you finally deemed yourself useless that you finally got kicked out. That's precisely perfect for me. As you have said, now you have no use to me to begin with. It was annoying trying to act like a good friend to you for so long. But, you will later pay the price for this."

Aqua said those words and left the place just as I expected. There was no point for him to stay near me when I gave him the information that I'm useless because his main goal was to get close to my family and especially the old man to prove his worth and his talent.

I closed the door and turned around to explain everything to both Akane and Rei. I need to do some explaining since it's better to set things clear rather than keeping them in the hidden about Aqua.

"He's for real? He was acting trying to be friendly with all of us?" Rei questioned.

"I thought he was shady but when we hung out together he was genuinely a good person. Never would have thought he was like this at all." Akane replied.

"He was always like that apparently. He was trying to use people for his own benefits." I said while trying to look sad since Aqua was someone who I thought was a good friend in the past.

"Regardless of that, how did even know that he was like that?" Rei asked the obvious question.

The room was filled with tension. Someone who hung out with us for a long time turned out to be using us. Obviously, their mood wouldn't be bright about it.

"I did some research on him and heard about him from others and his own mouth that he was going to use me to get close to my family. With enough evidence, I decided that he would leave me alone if he knew my family cut ties with me."

"Ah, I'm still sad. First, your family kicks you out and now you lose your best friend. Akane said melancholy.

"It's nothing to worry about. It's better to know yourself than for them to straight up not tell you about things like that." I said while I smiled bitterly.

It was getting late so both Akane and Rei left, after asking a few more questions and whether I was alright and about everything that happened today. After a while, it was all quiet again and I was alone in this place.

I didn't need to tell the truth to them that the old man didn't cut ties with me yet and I'm just living separately from the main estate. It will just raise too many unnecessary rumors that Aqua doesn't need to know about.

I got rid of Aqua who was only there to use me which I didn't expect to happen this fast. Aqua coming over was something I least expected to happen. I have my own house so that no one will monitor me here about what this Main Quest will ask me to do.

I laid on the bed as it was getting late. I turned off the lights and waited for the new day to come and what new problems were going to shine upon me.