
Shattered Realms: Regression of a Guardian Knight

Working as a mob to the Lightheart Guild in the latest upcoming VRMMORPG game, Shattered Realms, Connor strove to pay off the debt of his late brother. During his twenty years of service, Connor had gotten promoted several times. When he was near paying all of the debt his brother had accumulated, Connor started noticing changes. Missions he was sent on went up in flames. Crucial information about bosses and raids were entirely wrong or missing entirely. All these things Connor added up to be someone was sabotaging him. A few months after his latest disaster, Connor finally found out who the saboteur was. His uncle. All this time, he was slowly taking over the Lin family which started with his father. Then, his late brother. Now faced with this reality, Connor pulled a gun on his uncle. However, before he could say or shoot anything, his uncle’s guard shot him before he could even tell he’d been shot. And to top it off, his uncle reveals that Connor isn’t even a part of the Lin family. Defeated, Connor thought he was dead for sure. Despite the looming darkness of death, he didn’t die. Instead, he’d woken up 25 years in the past!! Armed with all the knowledge of the future, Connor knows something revolving around his reincarnation isn’t that simple. To get to the bottom of this, Connor will have to achieve strength far beyond his future self if he wants to stop the deaths of his adoptive brother and father and claim the things that belong to him. Moving forward, Connor will enter the game once again and look for his real family… But, is the game even a game? *** This will be a LitRPG book. However, twists will come about so be ready for the foreshadowing. This book will also contain elements from RSSG as well as inspired ideas from other books with my originality incorporated.

RealDarkSeraph · Games
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27 Chs

Twenty-five Years Ago? I’m Back!

{A/N: In the next chapter, I'll just skip over all the sentimental details of Connor seeing his father and brother alive but recap. He will just start and play the game. Thanks for reading.}


Some minutes later, in a dark room, a hatch opens suddenly, and Connor's gaming capsule opens up, pouring out steam as though he were in the center of a steam train.

Still lying down, he yells as hard as he could.

"Ah damn, that whore Vanessa. I'll kill her. I'll kill them all!" Connor shouts aloud with rage filled in his voice, attracting the attention of his servant. His lungs inhaled and exhaled at a fast pace.

He pauses for a moment, remembering his servant being ever-present. This causes him to be a bit embarrassed for venting his frustration and letting her see him so out of character.

"I apologize, Maria. You weren't supposed to see that."

The servant woman named Maria just kindly smiles.

"It is all right, Young Master. I was here to inform you that your uncle has returned home and requests your presence," Maria calmly says to Connor.

Seeing Maria's kind smile and calm tone reduces Connor's anger and frustration significantly. But, something about her smile seems… carefree.

"Alright, Maria. Where's my mother? Is she not yet back from the trip?" Connor asks Maria.

"No, Young Master. She's still in New Found England trying to handle that business deal with the Mikaelson Family."

"Ah, yes. I forgot about them. Those bastards are trying to rob us blind under the guise of being "partners". Forget it. We'll deal with them later. I'll meet my uncle now."

Connor makes his way to his uncle's office which is in the far back of the mansion. But, not before tucking his .22 Colt handgun into his jeans. He feels much safer with it. Especially after what happened three months ago.

Upon arriving at his uncle's office, a weird feeling suddenly invaded his senses. Connor feels an overwhelming sense of doom coming from his uncle. As quickly as it came, it left quicker.

"Connor, my dear nephew, how are you? Come in," a husky voice sounds aloud from inside the office.

All of Connor's senses tell him not to enter that door. Due to his cognitive strength reaching close to the prime master, Connor's sixth sense received a minor boost as well.

However, this is his trusted uncle. What could go wrong?

Opening the door, Connor is greeted by a sad smiling man. The man himself is very large. Even while sitting, his frame still dwarfs Connor's… even if it's just by a few inches.

Looking around for a quick second, Connor sees that the room is completely dark. Except for the overhead light illuminating his uncle's round head and face, everything else was pitch black.

He often thought his uncle resembled Fisk from a certain comic book series he used to read as a kid.

When looking into his uncle's eyes, he notices there's a gleam hidden behind that weird smile of his.

It made his heart shrink. It made him feel like a victim. No, prey. That smile was more predatory than anything else.

'What the hell's going on with me? Why am I having these weird thoughts about my uncle? I've known him my whole life. Maybe what happened earlier is affecting the way I am thinking.'

Pushing those weird feelings to the back of his mind, Connor addresses his uncle in his usual cheery tone, "Hey, Unc. How have you been? What's the reason for this abrupt visit?"

"I had just gotten news from a friend of mine that you have been kicked from the Lightheart Guild. Is this true?"

Shocked that his uncle had gotten word of this so fast, Connor blindly replies, "Yes," while feeling a bit guilty. Who would willingly give up a powerful legacy artifact?

"Sigh. Connor what is the reason for your removal from Lightheart? You're $100k from fulfilling the contract." Connor's uncle pauses for a second.

Then he adds, "The family won't be helping you with this."

Something in his uncle's last statement makes Connor feel a certain way.

"What the hell do you mean 'the family won't be helping you with this'? We have more than enough money to spare. I checked with my mother last week about our available funds.

So, who the hell are you to tell me what my family can and can't do?" Connor says, seething with pent-up anger that's beginning to bubble to the surface.

"Plus, I'm the heir to this family. I've put up with you long enough treating me like I'm some child. I've had enough of this. I'm taking out a loan from the family bank."

With that being said, Connor turns to head back out through the office door when his uncle chuckles behind him.

"You won't be doing that, Connor. Come, take a seat. Let me reveal something to you that you don't know."

Turning back around near the door, Connor is stricken with a whammy of emotions as the barrel of a gun is pointed at him.

"I'll reveal some other truths about which you don't fully know," Connor's uncle soon takes out a couple of documents with pictures and hands them to Connor to read.

After scanning the documents, Connor begins to tear up. The truth was too shocking!

His uncle murdered his father and brother.

"The investigation shows that someone snuck into your brother's room and overheated the Brainwave Regulator which sent a beam of radiation straight to his brain. Thus, his brain melted and turned to mush.

As for your father? Well, he was simply too naive to lead the Lin Clan. So, we needed to… cut him off,"

With finished words, Uncle chuckles a bit. The cause of his brother's death was the severing of his head.

Connor could not believe, at that moment, the words that came from his uncle. The man who practically watched him grow up just admitted to killing his father and brother.

What should he feel? How should he feel at this moment? A blank, numb feeling arises in Connor's heart.

At this moment, Connor made up his mind that his uncle would be the one dead.

The biggest sense of betrayal now takes over his heart. No love. No empathy. Just…


One bullet.

That was all he needed to end his uncle. Connor swiftly takes the .22 Colt handgun from behind the waistband of his pants and pulls the trigger. However, before he can finish pulling, two bullets pierce his left and right lungs respectively.

The person who shot him was…


"Oh, I almost forgot this one last bit of information. You're a-adopted,"

'No wonder the other families treated me so differently. Looking at me with disdain. Even going as far as downright bullying him. It all makes sense!'

Then, to make matters worse, Connor's hair is silvery white while his "family's" is dark brown. It would be different if it was a light brown, but a different color means he does not belong to anyone in the Lin Family.

{A/N: More on that later on.}

Coming back to reality, Connor is met face to face with his uncle who is only inches away.

They were practically kissing.

"Yes, Connor. You finally realize the truth despite knowing the rules of the Inner Families. Let this be a lesson learned for your next life…

Don't f*ck with me,"

The gun Uncle was holding was pointed at his face. With a trigger pull, Connor was sent off to the otherworld.

Before his soul can be collected by the Death Dealer, a crack in space opens up and a red marble floats down to Connor's soul.

It merges with the soul and they both disappear in a flash.


On a bright and sunny day, a young man in his late teens is seen sleeping in a bed made for a prince. It was simply too big for just one person.

Birds chirp in the distance outside the open window, making the atmosphere in the room all the more serene. However, this serene scene is broken by the yelling of the young man in the bed.

"AHHH! Damn you old man. Wait—"

The young man, who is Connor, stops mid-sentence, and is shocked to find himself in this particular room.

'Why am I back here? This room… I remember.'

Getting off the bed, Connor walks around the room, inspecting every detail.

'It's exactly as I remember. Even the makeshift calendar on the side of my nightstand. This… how is this possible?'

Thought after thought filled Connor's mind. To get the most definitive confirmation, Connor decides to pick up his iChronos 7 tablet to check the internet for dates and times and other events taking place.

About thirty minutes later, Connor locks the tablet and falls back onto his bed.

'It's true! Twenty-five years ago. I'm back!! And this time… I won't be a slave for anyone. But first… I have to save my brother and father."