
Shattered Realms: Regression of a Guardian Knight

Working as a mob to the Lightheart Guild in the latest upcoming VRMMORPG game, Shattered Realms, Connor strove to pay off the debt of his late brother. During his twenty years of service, Connor had gotten promoted several times. When he was near paying all of the debt his brother had accumulated, Connor started noticing changes. Missions he was sent on went up in flames. Crucial information about bosses and raids were entirely wrong or missing entirely. All these things Connor added up to be someone was sabotaging him. A few months after his latest disaster, Connor finally found out who the saboteur was. His uncle. All this time, he was slowly taking over the Lin family which started with his father. Then, his late brother. Now faced with this reality, Connor pulled a gun on his uncle. However, before he could say or shoot anything, his uncle’s guard shot him before he could even tell he’d been shot. And to top it off, his uncle reveals that Connor isn’t even a part of the Lin family. Defeated, Connor thought he was dead for sure. Despite the looming darkness of death, he didn’t die. Instead, he’d woken up 25 years in the past!! Armed with all the knowledge of the future, Connor knows something revolving around his reincarnation isn’t that simple. To get to the bottom of this, Connor will have to achieve strength far beyond his future self if he wants to stop the deaths of his adoptive brother and father and claim the things that belong to him. Moving forward, Connor will enter the game once again and look for his real family… But, is the game even a game? *** This will be a LitRPG book. However, twists will come about so be ready for the foreshadowing. This book will also contain elements from RSSG as well as inspired ideas from other books with my originality incorporated.

RealDarkSeraph · Games
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25 Chs

Connor’s Status Info

Thanks to Emiliano for suggesting for me to make an AUX chapter for Connor's player Info. I'll update this regularly. So u can always check here for his status.

Whenever characters get an increase in whatever stat, I always put it as "+" and whatever number of stats they've gained.

Example: "+300 Senses" or "+1000 AGL"

There's the end of that bit. Here's his info.


Player: Nebula

Affiliated Power: Bankai Star Empire

Titles: Blessed by the God of Space, Touched by the ????, The Progenitor of the Wearh, Weapons Class Master, Magic Calamity, Realm Tearer(Locked), Forbidden Divinity(Locked), Level Leveler II

Job: Ominous-Celestial Knight (King)

Race: Wearh (Origin)

Level: 17 (EXP: 12%)

Combat Rating: 1595

HP: 284000/284000

MP: 224000/224000

Stamina: 284000/284000

Strength- 330

Agility- 270

Endurance- 440

Intelligence- 240

Vitality- 315

Free Attribute Points: 180

Class Points: 100

Inventory: Blood Recovery Potion, Mana Recovery Potion, Vibrant Mitigation, Novice Sword, Skill Stone, Crystallized Naelop Htuos Antlers.

Skills: Shadow Estrangement (Passive), Lightbearer (Passive), Luminous Night, Overbreak, Heal/All Heal, Siphon, Negate/Dispel, Limitless Recovery (Passive).



And yes Connor still has all of those materials and other drops that he acquired from the monsters. It's too much to put on the status.

As for the skills that he has, I'll give their descriptions when he uses one. I hate it when authors bombard readers with all the skill descriptions and effects that they don't even use.