
Chapter 2: My Birthday

As I left the hospital I got a call from my mom telling me not to come home and before I could ask why she hung up. So, I disobeyed my mom and rushed home. When I got home from school I didn't see anything wrong from the outside of the house but, when I went inside my house was a mess. There were books thrown everywhere, tables and chairs turned over, broken glass riddled the ground and the back half of the house was missing. And after taking it in for a minute I asked myself what the hell happened, what kind of thing could rip a house apart like it was paper macque. I called for my mom but I got no answer. I called again and this time I was answered with a horrifying inhuman sketch. Then out of the dust appears a wolf-like creature. It looks like the mixture between a wolf and bear, It had fur as black as chared ashes and reeked of a smoldering earth. The creature stood on its hind legs and had black eyes with a bright red glow that seemed to glow even during the day, that piece into my very soul. The creature stood ready to attack me when I heard my mother's voice and she told me to get out of the way. But I was pinned down by the beast but I managed to move enough so my mother could touch the huge beast and push the thing about 25 feet backward into a nearby house. My mom picked me up off the ground. I looked at her and at first I didn't recognize her. She was covered in a cyan flame and wearing some kind of armor. She said, "Stay down and out of the way." At that point a huge rock hit my mom out from in front of me. When the dust cleared I saw my mother pinned under the large stone and her flame disappeared and the armor faded away, an by pure instinct I went to my mother and tried to pick the huge boulder off of her but, I had no success and on top of all that the wolf creature is coming right at me and my mom. She tells me to run, I say, "No! I can't leave you like this." Then I felt my hands start to shake and glow red. I felt like my bones bursted open to release sparks and embers that ignited my blood. It's like I was lit up like a match that bleaches out the deepest darkness, like all at once I can feel all of the vibrations and sounds around me. As if I become living music and I'm conducted by the fire of my soul. All my senses go haywire and goosebumps cover my body, steam starts to radiate off me and I blackout. When I woke up my hands were covered in some kind of black liquid and the huge stone was off of my mother's body. I asked my mom what the huge beast was. She says, "The creature is called a dyven wolf, a powerful beast that can be trained to hunt spectral users." Then I ask my mom what happened to the massive beast, she says, "That I took care of that problem." So I look around and right over the table lay the shredded remains of the monster. The creature looks like it was cleaved to death by some type of sharp object like a knife or ax. Then I remember what my mother told me and the black liquid on my hands and I realized I somehow killed the huge beast with my bare hands or some weapon. So, I went back to my mother to examine her wounds. She has some external bruising and a couple broken ribs, that's it. I can not beleve she is not dead but, if you told me just two days ago, that my mom was some kind of superhero and had the power to control over a cyan flame and that there were giant wolf-like creatures after me and my mom. I would think you had just escaped from the mental hospital down the street. I move my mother to what is left of the couch and get the first aid kit. I got some pain killers out of the kit and got some water from what was left of the facet. I give the water and painkillers to my mom. She takes them and it isn't long until she is asleep. I helped her into the car and started driving us to the hospital. It takes about one hour and 30 minutes to get to the emergency room. About halfway to the hospital she wakes up. I ask her what she is and furthermore what I am. It takes her only 10 minutes to tell me. At first I was shocked then, I remembered about two weeks ago I was at my martial arts class before class hitting the heavy bag. My master called my name and I hit the bag at the same time my hand went clean through to the other side I never told anybody. I guess I knew at that point but I didn't ammit it to myself. We were about thirty minutes away from the hospital when an 18 wheeler was hurled at me and mom. I try to react but I am not fast enough and the huge red truck crashes into us and we are hit into a ditch and blackout. When I come to, I am out of the car and on my knees. My mom is being held up by one of those dyven wolves and there is an ominous looking guy standing beside the huge beast. He was tall and muscular, he had red hair and was about 6" 8'. He said, " I am Tytone Allyious and I am the grand champion of Severus Dohven, highest Lord of the Atherial Council. An I was sent to kill you and your mother." My hands started to heat up and glow red and this time I didn't blackout. Fire starts to pour out from my hands and cover my body and as the fire gets closer to my heart the flames start to get hotter and then out of the flames I crafted a form like my mom's. I would never forget this form, for this is the form that started my ascension back to being a spectral user and moveover The Tome. This is my Thermal Metal transformation. The weapon that was paired with this transformation was the Dohitomi blade. With my weapon in hand I attack the dyven wolf holding my mom, when my sword passes through the large creature's abdomen it falls to its knees and releases my mother. Then I turn my attention to Tytone, he draws his bow and releases his arrow, then out of nowhere the dyven wolf protects me from the arrow. The huge creature falls to the ground and as the creature starts to die the red glow leaves it's eyes and color returns to a very dark green, I can't help to feel bad. I rush over to the creature and hold my hand to its heart and as the creature passes on I feel guilty for the beast's death. I look at Tytone and the flames start to burn black and travel down my right arm. The flames flow tightly against the blade, he tries to shoot another arrow, it flies at me and a wave of my sword the arrow insintergates. I draw my sword and swing the blade up. The whole road gets consumed in that crude black flame. As I reshelve my blade, all the fire that composes my form gets drawn into the shelve the the blade and as the gard touches the top of shelve my form disappeareds and I'm left with seven marks, Three blue on my left arm, three red on my right arm and one large one on my chest, It seems I have sealed my fate as a spectral user. When I look forward the road in front of me is scorched, some of the asphalt seems to be charred or burned to such a degree that it has liquified and for Tytone, I didn't see anybody. I turn around to see my mother looking at the dyven wolf. I walk over to her then I feel some pain in my right arm and I fall to my knees and clench my arm. Then the corpse of the large creature started to glow a bright blue and the outside of the creature seemed to turn into ash and then out of the remains came a floating orb of energy, as it got closer to me the ord particlelized and entered into the large seal on my chest. As it passes through me it was like a cold wind just passed through me. My mom rushes over, I asked, "What just happened?" My mom replied with, "The creature saved you because it saw you as an ally and not a foe. And to heal your lost energy it gave you its soulforce. But this exchange comes with a cost, the dyven wolf is now a part of you, You will be able to access its power of healing and its grand strength. But you will also inherit the ability to harness the beast and turn into it." I looked down to witness claw-like marks appear on the tops of my hands, I guess as an indication that the beast gene was now bonded to me. I looked at my mother she was holding her side and smiled at me than I saw something behind her I shout, "Watch out!" She turned around to see a half scorch Tytone. He raises his blade and passes it through her chest then picks her up and tosses her to the side. In a fit of rage I ran at Tytone and tried to tackle him but he raised his blade and thrust it through my shoulder and into the asphalt. The blade pinned me down and like any villain he started to tell me that he will kill all my family and the people I love. That's where he made the mistake, he threatened my friends and family. I look down at my hands and see the claw marks glow, so I have to buy myself time. I put my hands on the ground then called upon my fire and pushed the fire into the asphalt. I start to burn red and the blade in my shoulder starts to melt. The heat reached Tytone and melted the bottoms of his feet to the road. I stand up and pull the scorching blade from my arm and I start to heal. Tytone is trying to escape through some portal, so with a heated blade in hand I jump and cut down Tytone. And I sent a gift back to his boss, the lifeless head of his great warrior.