
(Chapter 0) Shadowie Tare in My Reality.

The dreams I had felt another life. I have dreamed over 100,000 worlds. I held 10,000 jobs, loved 1,000 people, killed 100, and died 10 times but I am still just 1 Person.

Everything started when I was 10. One night, I awoke in a cold sweat. My body ached and a sharp pain struck against the side of my ribs. 20 Large red indentations 6 of which seemed to slowly bleed out from the skin. The pain was agonizing. The last thing I remembered was the black shadow seeming the shape of a large dog.


A the sound of quicken steps slam against wooded panels of the floor. The door slams against the wall.

Mijo!!! Whats wrong bebe?!

It hurts MA it hurts.

Ma's eye shot down towards my ribs. Her eyes were cold with dread. She approaches me coddling my head. Mijo, it's going to be okay. Look again at your ribs my love.

I look back down where the pain once was. Except for some dry blood, there was nothing there. Ma but there was…

Shh bebe I know. This was something your father went through. It will be okay. Promise you will be strong. I know it hurt, but it will only be for a moment.

What was that, Mama?

Not even your dad could tell me, but it is the life you will live now on. Your dad said there was a chance for you to be like him. In his words, "I walked a mile in the shoes of others. Sometimes in worlds of fantasy but others were on this planet we call Earth." I only ever listened to his stories but I can not understand what you go through just that when you wake up there might lasting effects.

My eyes tear up as I hug my mother harder. My Ma and I stayed like that until I passed out.