
Shattered Destiny-

Restarted novel on rings of eternity

CheddarCheeze · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 1: Pity From a Goddess

Elsewhere in a far and distant future:


Sirens could be perceived, echoing throughout the burning city. Then, a frightening announcement was made. "Alert-Alert…I repeat, this is not a drill! Gather all your personal belongings and evacuate to the galactic ships now! I will state this again once more, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!"

It was chaos… complete chaos. Some types of demonic beings were assaulting the entire world for whatever reason, nobody knew the intention as to why.

Currently inside a giant black armored truck, me, along with my wife holding our two kids who are a month old, were in the rear-end of this vehicle. Seated on brown leather seats put onto the sides of this spacious section. All while my butler was occupied driving, attempting to escape.

It just irritated me that it had to be at a time like this - or even happened at all. My own kids are being dragged into this wretched planet. All I wanted, was to live a happy, peaceful life; without worry and spend time with my family. But now, it seems like Armageddon had truly arrived right in front of my eyes.

This of course, is something I had never came across before in my life, even when I used to go into the dungeons and explore the dangers in the so-called, 'other worlds'. Seeing everything transpire made me quiver with fear that I never knew I had within myself. Me, a planetary adventurer, only covered in rampant fear.

Hellish flames were everywhere in the city that I live in. The once beautiful skyscrapers that used to glimmer radiantly from the sun's gleam, were only beaten and broken down horribly. Several windows shattered, sheathed in blazing fire due to short green humanoid demons with pure black eyes.

There were people stuck on those once breathtaking structures. Some eventually burned to a crisp from the flames. Whilst many others had fallen out the windows, trying to escape. Sadly, it looked as if a mass suicide had occurred.

But it didn't stop there, the streets were even worst…explosions and fires burning in and out of buildings large and small alike, restaurants, stores, all the way to small homes. As people tried to run, speeding cars who were trying to retreat collided into civilians.

Red demons with curved horns who are at least eight feet tall, were witnessed chasing the people out. Completely slaughtering them, blood staining the streets and sidewalks as many citizens were getting mauled to death. As they continued to perish, it seemed like somebody had poured gallons of red paint onto the cement.

Those animals...were even cackling away while murdering the civilians too, smearing the blood of their victims on their twisted faces, revealing those beastly fangs. Many other adventurers tried to help save this world but were killed off swiftly by those fiendish beings.

I lost many friends and comrades during this time of chaos. It's horrific, it…disgusted me.


It truly disgusted me.


I gazed over to my left, my wife staring at me with a worried face. Her skin a fair peach, long straightened scarlet hair, pushed to the back of her head with a silver band. Big, dazzling light brown eyes, having a tiny scar on the left side of her cheek. Attired in a crème-colored nightwear dress and brown slippers.

Our kids covered in brown blankets on her lap begun to cry after waking up. She then had to calm them down, "its ok-its ok."

After rocking them back to sleep, I watched as her pink lips worded everything that she said, "how are you feeling? You look pale…" She asked with concern.

I glanced at the window as we entered a tunnel filled with dim lights.

Fixing my glasses, I possessed shortened silver hair that swept across my forehead. My eyes are light brown, a muscular body with a wide chest, broad shoulders, and toned thighs, wearing a black t-shirt and brown shorts. I turned back to her, attempting to smile, "yeah, sorry - I'm fine Alorerah... just trying to think of other plans, just in case something goes wrong..."

My butler, Winston, had discovered a better route for us to escape, so we could arrive at the galactic ships quicker. Since everything else would-be haywire from traffic and the demons.

Alorerah responded looking at our sleeping kids, who had light grey hair and pudgy faces, "it's ok, you don't have to apologize Dranon. From what we had witnessed earlier...I don't blame you at all. Anyone would feel the same after experiencing that."

I glanced at our kids and clinched my fist out of spite, "don't worry Alorerah. I promise that we'll get away from here and live a better life with our kids."

She sat her soft hand atop of my fist and replied with a passionate smile curving up her cheeks, "of course honey, I always believed in you. I'll never stop; we'll make it out of this..." She bended over to me, pressing her soft lips against my cheek.

I sternly nodded, but the worry...the fear, this agonizing terror wouldn't depart from my thoughts.

As we exited the tunnel, I surveyed the sky above us through the window. The more I observed it, the more it hit me that this world is gone…forever. Soaring above in the sky, a giant bird-like beast with enormous draconic wings, having a feathery jet-black body, big as a five-hundred-foot building. Its large red beak opened, releasing rampant black flames from its mouth, disintegrating fighter jets and adventurers who were shooting an array of spells at it. I also noticed the azure sky had altered from light blue to crimson red. The clouds were no longer white, but a mixture of blue and violet.


Suddenly, the entire four-ton truck had ascended into the air. Then, the kids had begun to bawl helplessly. As they cried, Alorerah quickly casted a sleeping spell. Waving her hand in the air, small white particles drifted onto their faces, causing them to go into a deep slumber. I shouted as anger and exasperation flowed out of me. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!!" I asked erecting to my feet instantly.

"I-I'm sorry sir...b-but there is an extreme p-problem!" Winston's disembodied words had entered my ears, his voice encased with terror.

With haste, I grabbed my black gauntlets on the right of the leather seat, and briskly walked to the front, "what do you mean? What happened Winston?" Entering the front, two seats on each side with the interior covered in black. I turned to the right, staring at Winston behind the driver's wheel.

Observing his facial expression; absolute horror. His jaw gaped open, revealing all his bottom teeth. His eyes broadened, and his skin became deathly pale, as if the grim reaper was slowly making its way to him. Feeling cold sweat materialize on my forehead, I quickly glanced out the window, coming to see a demon, maybe fifty feet away from us.

He's humongous, at least rivaling the size of the titanic itself. Its build - burly, like body builders you'd see in the Olympics. His eyes and entire body are blood red, having two giant horns curve to the back of its head. It had long, unruly black hair pushed backwards, falling onto his upper back. The only clothing it wore were metal shackles on his wrists and a pair of beaten, baggy brown pants.

On the spur of the moment, he disappeared in what seemed like an instant. 'How could something at such a size could move so fast??!' I thought to myself, frantically searching for the being.

Then, I distinguished a large shadow...slowly, but surely, growing larger.

My instincts kicked in and I sprinted to the back of the car yelling, "Alorerah get up!"

By the time she stood with the kids in her arms, I kicked open the armored door, not caring about it being locked. As it flew opened, I lifted my wife and jumped out of the car, streaking to get as far away as we could. While we ran on the dirt covered road, I noticed the being plunging down near us. Just as I forged a thick earth wall, hoping it'll block the shockwave, Alorerah grasped onto the kids firmly.

When Winston made it to the door, the being had smashed and decimated the entire car, all while creating a ginormous crater under his giant feet. It was done in such insane speeds; I was utterly aghast by this demon.

Alorerah cried out in a state of panic, "Dranon, w-what is that?!"

Turning to look at the creature, "I...I don't know, but he's something I've never came across in my life," I muttered discreetly. This monster is in a whole other league from the alternative demons.

Filled with determination to keep my family safe, I stood, trying to keep my composure, "What is it that you exactly want?" I called out. It's a dumb idea, but we couldn't escape from it, even if we tried.

The being turned around, his red eyes glaring deep into my soul, he responded with a baritone, gravelly voice, "what I want...is this world and 'it' alone. Without you meager bugs."

Feigning a poised demeanor, "is there any way that you can just let us possibly live? If not me, then please, let my family live is all I ask."

"Dranon, no stop!" Alorerah screamed out in fear and denial

The demon scoffed shaking his head, "sorry, but that's something that I cannot allow, lesser being. Insignificance is not allowed to live."

'If he's not going to allow them to escape... I have no choice,' I contemplated to myself. Just when I was about to forge my mana and fight off this monster to protect Alorerah and the kids. The demon flicked his finger, then before I knew it, I was moderately buried inside the dirt. My ribs were broken, left forearms bone jutted out of place, and my right leg twisted backwards from impact.

While I was struggling to keep my consciousness from the bare pain alone, Alorerah had ran to me, creating a translucent barrier between the demon and us four.

"D-Dranon! I-I'll heal you honey..." Having tears trail down her cheeks, Alorerah attempted to heal me. She closed her eyes and red particles appeared, flickering like fireflies surrounding my entire broken body.

However, the demon uncuffed his giant hand, and frantic black and white blazes emerged.

We gazed at this abominable flame, only brimming with everlasting fear. Both of us figured this was the end after feeling this insane pressure from the blazes. Along with me in an unrecoverable state to fight.

Alorerah turned to me crying filled with hiccups, "I'm sorry…that I was useless to you…Dranon."

I placed my bloodied hand on the side of her shivering cheek, "don't be...you kept the kids safe...it's my fault that I'm not strong enough to protect you all. I appreciate all that you've done," I replied weakly.

Still, I could feel dejection rising inside me. 'Why must I be so weak? I can't even protect my own family...' I argued to myself as my thoughts continued to run expeditiously through my head.

Knowing that this was the end, she held the kids tightly in her arms, endeavoring a smile one last time, "I love you - and I hope in another life, we'll meet again, Dranon..."

"As do I, Alorerah," I placed my hand behind her head, and slowly pulled her to me, pressing our lips together.

Thus, the being projected his horrific flames onto us as we continued to embrace each other.

'If only I was stronger...I wouldn't feel like such a failure...' I thought to myself in misery, witnessing my own family whom I loved so much and dearly, disintegrate...right in front of my eyes.


"Oh my - such a miserable way to die..." A mysterious, silvery voice chuckled. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give them another chance...just this once."

Instantly, a brilliant light had shown, comparable to the big bang itself. Revealing four souls. Two big spirits being the size of an adult's head, and the smaller two around the size of a baseball.

The larger two were different colors. One was crimson red; the other, violet. As for the smaller ones, light blue.

As the souls gleamed over this peculiar being, there were a few distinguishable features. A woman's rosy chin, luscious pink lips wielding a smile. A slender neck with a platinum necklace, falling down to her well-endowed cleavage. Delicate hands wearing a platinum bracelet and two rings on her fingers. All while the shadows covered the remaining areas of her figure.

Abruptly, another voice had questioned the woman's action, "my goddess Malerenz... just what are you doing, if I may ask?"

The goddess pulled her hand back as her bracelet and necklace fluoresced from the souls, "ah, hello Jyniper. I'd like to give these poor mortals another chance at life after witnessing what had happened to them."

"I'm surprised that your actually showing empathy ma'am, what made you do this?"

"I'm actually very empathetic, thank you."

"...crazy woman," Jyniper scoffed discreetly.

"What was that dear?"

"A-oh-um, nothing at all ma'am, hahaha." Jyniper chuckled apprehensively.

Malerenz shooed Jyniper away while occupying her hand on her chin, "shut up girl, I'm thinking...Ah, I have an idea!" Malerenz cheered merrily. "I'll make this man forget all of his memories, while still being able to let him keep his muscle memory as a warrior. But I'll let the two keep vague recollections of their past when they sleep. I think I'll add something like an organic signal that'll be embedded into their brains. So, when they look at each other in the eyes, evocations from their past lives will play out into their heads, hehehe," the goddess laughed deviously.

"So, ma'am…what exactly is the purpose of this, i-if you don't mind me asking?" Jyniper asked hesitantly.

"Ehh-I'm really just bored...so I thought I'd do a little - 'experiment' - of the sort," Malerenz explained, showing a mischievous smile across her face.

"You really are graceful and empathetic ma'am," Jyniper sighed sarcastically.

"Shut up you fool, or I'll send you to the abyss," Malerenz sneered.

"I-I apologize to her greatness...but what about the two other souls?"

"If those two reproduce babies again, I'll send off the souls before the children are born." Malerenz explained, making a small green planet revolve atop her index finger.

"Interesting indeed ma'am," Jyniper acknowledged.

"Meh, I'm getting bored; off you two souls go!" As Malerenz grown impatient, with a wave of her finger, the red and purple souls disappeared.

Traversing throughout the vast and beautiful universe. Passing spiral like galaxies phosphorescing with an array of colors, suns, planets, asteroids in all shapes and sizes, giant creatures flying through the cosmos too.

As this transpired, a beautiful yellow fox with ten tails and penetrating pearl eyes was displayed. Lying on an oversized peach-colored pillow, in a translucent-like cube, watching the two souls speed past it.

Closing in on their destination, six planets made an appearance, with each of them placed in a single file row. The last two seemed at bit bizarre, having one directly above the fifth.

Then, the souls had steadily drifted apart; the red heading towards the first planet of the solar system. A turquoise and teal colored one, Planet Gremis. As for the purple, its destination was the third. Colors being bright green with light blue water, which is Planet Valorrey.

Just as the purple soul grew closer, everything became a blur. Shooting through the stratosphere, all the continents of the planet were jointed together as one, like Pangea. It then came across a huge medieval-like city, encircled by a large brick wall. Withholding giant buildings and bustling with civilians.

But as the soul passed by the city, an ivory great house with huge acres of land filled with bright green grass was in view. The soul quickly phased through the house, and all at once, everything turned dark...


"Oh! I can see the head. You're almost there, just keep pushing Valentine!" A man's voice exclaimed excitedly.

"ARGHH RELLGIS, SHUT THE HELL UP!" A woman growled in pain and frustration.

"Haha, sorry," the man chuckled nervously. Another woman had spoken lightly, "just one more push ma'am." On the spur of the moment, light had finally returned as a baby's cry was heard.

"She's so beautiful," Valentine weakly stated.

"She looks exactly like you," Rellgis claimed.

The doctor then stated matter of fact, "I'm sorry, but 'she', is actually a 'he'."

"Mhm…well, at least I won't have to kill any boys," Rellgis acknowledged the doctor jokingly.

Viewing the white ceiling, two figures were revealed, Valentine and Rellgis.

Valentine: a very gorgeous woman, who has an exceeding amount of long, wavy pineapple-colored hair, pushed behind her head, draping past her back. Showing her smoothly, sand-colored face covered in sweat. Curly eyelashes and divine lavender eyes, along with deep bags under them from fatigue. Including a simple mole under her left, presenting a passionate, yet exhausted smile curving to her cheeks.

Rellgis; a refined man with lengthy, wild azure hair that flowing down his upper back. Skin of beige, penetrating citrine eyes, and a short beard on his sharp chin, grinning with a cheerful smile.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rillem," the woman said in a calm manner.

Rellgis smiled brightly, "thank you for your help doc."

As she left the room, Valentine's lavender eyes shifted onto Rellgis, "what do you want to name him honey?"

Rellgis scratched his short beard while pondering. Then, as he moved his hand closer to the baby, his finger was grabbed by a small pudgy hand. Rellgis smiled, "lets name him Skysin…Skysin Rillem."

Valentine looked at the small baby cradled in her arms, wrapped in a blue blanket. Silky golden hair, porcelain skin like a glass filled with milk, and large violet eyes with long feminine eyelashes. Holding him tightly as the newborn baby observed his parents. She acknowledged the name with a motherly smile, "Skysin…I really like that name; I like it a lot..."