
Shattered Chronology: A villain Reborn

Damien Blackthorne, a young man burdened by a dark past, is granted the chance to rewrite his history. Armed with a powerful relic, he travels back in time, driven by a relentless desire for revenge against his sworn enemy. As Damien navigates his past, he discovers the complexity of his character and the path to redemption. The journey leads him to an esteemed academy, where he unravels secrets and confronts allies and adversaries alike. In a world on the brink of chaos, Damien's choices will shape the fate of all. Will he succumb to vengeance, or find the strength to forge a new path towards redemption and bring light to a world shrouded in shadows? Join Damien as he battles not only his enemies but also the darkness within. Will he succumb to the allure of revenge, or will he find the strength to forge a new path toward redemption and bring light to a world steeped in shadows?

AK_StoryTeller · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 3: The Encounter with the Wolf-Like Creature

[NAME: Damien Blackthorne]

[AGE: 16]


[Overall rating: D]

[HP: D- ]




[LUCK: E ]


[SKILLS: Beginner swordsmanship(D), sixth sense(C), mana control(E), Qi control(E), Serpent's Glide(C)]

The high-tech train slowed down as it approached Station A-7, one of the many bases spread across the planet. The doors hissed open, and Damien, our protagonist, stepped out onto the platform.

The station was located in a desolate region surrounded by dense forests, shrouded in an eerie silence. The air felt crisp, carrying a hint of mystery and adventure.

Determined to fulfil his mission, Damien embarked on a solitary journey through the unfamiliar territory. He was an awakened individual, possessing unique abilities that allowed him to endure physical exertion for an extended period. With an hour's worth of walking ahead, Damien ventured into the uncharted wilderness.

As he trekked through the thick foliage, Damien marvelled at the diverse flora and fauna that surrounded him. The chirping of exotic birds and the rustling of leaves under his feet provided a comforting ambience, contrasting the emptiness of the station he had just left behind. Damien couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and tranquillity in this untamed wilderness.

After walking for what seemed like an eternity, a colossal hill emerged on the horizon. Undeterred by its imposing presence, Damien pressed on, ascending its steep slope with unwavering determination. Each step was filled with anticipation, wondering what lay beyond the hill's summit.

Minutes later, as Damien reached the peak, his eyes widened in surprise. Nestled at the foot of the hill, concealed amidst the trees, was a hidden cave. A glimmer of excitement crossed Damien's face as he recognized it as a potential clue or refuge on his journey.

Without hesitation, Damien ventured into the cave, his footsteps echoing through the narrow passageways. The air turned cooler and moister as he delved deeper into the subterranean depths. His senses heightened, keenly aware of every sound and movement around him.

Soon, Damien's ears detected a peculiar noise, growing louder with each step.

A mixture of curiosity and caution propelled him forward until he reached a large chamber. In the centre of the chamber lay a gaping hole, its depths seemingly bottomless. Damien took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead.

Summoning his courage, Damien leapt into the abyss, descending through the darkness. The fall seemed endless, until finally, he landed on solid ground. Before him stood a massive door, intricately adorned with enigmatic symbols.

Anxiety coursed through Damien's veins as he realized that behind this door awaited a formidable opponent. He was fully aware that the creature on the other side was no friend but a menacing adversary, blocking his path and challenging his mettle.

With a trembling hand, Damien pushed the door open, revealing a cavernous room bathed in an ethereal glow. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, the figure of a wolf-like creature emerged. Its powerful form rose and fell with each breath as it slumbered peacefully.

Heart pounding, Damien knew he had to overcome this fearsome adversary to accomplish his mission. His training and awakened abilities provided him with an advantage, but the outcome was uncertain. He steeled himself, ready to face the challenge that lay before him, for the fate of his journey depended on his victory.

He has an overall advantage, he knows, he can't defeat this monster as it is a C-tier monster and he is just a D-tier awakener. But he knows how he can Kill that monster as in future the one who came here shared his technique on the internet that how he killed it.

He moves forward.

To be continued...