
Shatter the Bad Ending!

[Restore The Crown] This was the novel that I was tasked to review as a contestant for our yearly webnovel event and as someone who had to probably read hundreds of novels by now. It was utter garbage, it was full of overdone tropes and cliches that you could have seen from a mile away. A bland and mary sue protagonist ✓ A list of heroines who fall in love and become obsessed with the protagonist instantly ✓ A myriad of villains who have no other personality other than to hate and try to kill the protagonist ✓ They were all there. Except for the surprisingly catchy title, there was no other positive thing about this novel. But was pissed me off the most was the ending. With no build-up and seemingly out of nowhere, most of the heroines were killed and the world that they lived in became hell on earth. It was literally revealed in a couple of chapters and was clearly done just to shock the readers. Honestly, I wish I could restore the time I wasted reading this novel. But as I said my criticism to the author. The f*cker shot me in the head! (I proofread my chapters by myself, sadly I am only human, so if you find any mistakes, kindly point them out and I will fix them as soon as possible) (This is my first attempt at writing novels, to those who keep on reading despite the occasional mistakes here and there, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will promise to be a better author, anyways have a nice day and please never build galeforce on twitch, if you do, you don't deserve 8 hours of sleep, that is all, thank you)

VapeAddict · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Sounds of The Sword

Troi stepped inside the room filled with the sounds of different weapons clashing with fellow steel.

The smell of sweat encumbered his nose which came from different people of age and gender. 

After stretching his arms and getting changed into a new pair of clothes he had brought after going back to his dorm. 

He soon took out his longsword of simplicity from his wrist. 

A steel blade of no renown with the symbol of Tyresia on its blade was held by his hand.

After swinging it a couple of times in front of him he soon made his way to one of the training dummies. 

'Huh, Bernard isn't here.' 

He felt it quite weird seeing the brown-haired second-year with his trusty claymore nowhere around the training center. 

But nevertheless, he approached one of the metal dummies that was able to regenerate itself every time it got hit by a blade strengthened by aura. 

He then took a deep breath.

And activated one of his skills,

<Aura of the Wanderer has been activated>

Not long after a blue-colored energy surrounded his sword.

Ignoring his sore and aching body. 

He started to swing. 


The metal dummy vibrated as it was cut. 

Yet that was all it took for his entire body to scream at him to give up and rest.

With all his will he pushed past it.

He had already used his <Mind of a Murderer> for today so he had no way to ease the pain he was feeling in his mind. 

So all he could do was clench his teeth as he gave the inanimate dummy all of his might. 


He wanted to faint.

He wanted to pass out from the pain. 

Yet his will did not let him do so. 

Instead of slowing down, he started to pick up speed. 

But this time he did it with proper form. 

[Human, you are overdoing it.] 

The voice of Theos rang within his mind. 

He ignored it and put all of his attention to the blade in his hand. 


The sound of his sword had fitted in with all the others. 

The sweat on his brow fell to the ground as he continued to train. 

He let out a small smile through the agony he felt as he saw the dummy slowly but surely start taking larger and deeper cuts.

The proper forms that Bernard had taught him were starting to show their effects. 

An overhead swing, 


A feinted slash.


A downward cut. 


A piercing strike.


He laughed at the version of himself back then who could only swing his sword randomly. 

Troi didn't realise it but he was starting to enjoy the sensation of the sword. 

But alas, 

He couldn't go any further. 


Stabbing his longsword into the concrete below. 

It was the only thing supporting his body from completely falling to the floor. 

With meek effort, he forced the remaining strength in his muscles to move his body towards a nearby bench.

He sat there while gulping a water bottle in one go.


After wiping the water on his lips with a cloth. 

He rested for a bit to regain a little bit of his strength. 

After a while. 

He soon stood up, 

He could feel his legs slightly shaking. 

But with a smile, he approached the metal dummy once again.

'I got 3 more sets, let's do this.' 


The sun had set and only the lamps scattered around gave light to the grounds of the academy. 

A lone student who had spent the entire evening battering and beating his body beyond his limits could be seen weakly walking beneath them. 

'I can't feel my arms.' 

From time to time he let out a groan. 

It was none other than Troi who had spent two hours inside the training center. 

He had to take longer and longer breaks between sets. 

Yet even though he was in agony he could not help but smile. 

'I did it, haha," 

Finally reaching the entrance of the buildings his room was in. 

He debated in his mind whether to take the stairs or use the elevator. 

His room was on the 5th floor so it would take some time if he chose to go up the stairs. 

But whether because he was stupid or merely wanted to push his body even further. 

He took the hard way up. 


Even Theos could not believe it. 

After a grueling half an hour, he finally reached his room. 

'503, 504, ah!, 506.' 

Quickly opening it with the bracelet on his wrist. 

And without even taking a moment to shower or change into a new pair of clothes. 

He jumped into the bed which for him felt like the clouds of heaven. 

[Human, with that state your body is in, a single night's rest will not be enough to regain your strength.] 

Theos was right every muscle in Troi's body right now was ripped apart and his sore body would be a lot worse when he woke up the next day. 

Troi only replied with a grin and took the remaining health potions he had in his bracelet. 

Drank them all down as he gently raised his head to let the fluids flow through his throat faster. 

And then completely passed out on the bed. 

In his mind, Theos could only let out a sigh.

Yet a small voice that the God of Hope nor the fainted Troi could not hear. 

Let out a quiet whisper. 

[I wish I had your strength.....]