
Sharonjewells 4028

Damn! Lynn you really outdid yourself time. I mused shaking my head, in disbelief. trying to deny what I'd just witnessed, I mean it's not like humans that morph into Big-giant dogs exist. I must have made it all up, I must inform Mum, her daughter might be in the early stage of borderline madness. "Does such a thing exist" I asked rhetorically. "who knows". I shrugged my shoulders, in indifference . unknown to me, I was being watched in the shadows of the forest where a grey wolf lurks. She's human. Reserved with an air of sassy mixed with crazy.... She's definitely not a ball of sunshine, sarcasm her best pal. An odd mate for an alpha. He's an Alpha. A pureblood, the strongest they've had for decades. He's cold. Darkness personified. Heartless. A devil they would say. They called him the dark Alpha.They whispered about him; said he's a beast; called him cruel. Treated like he was a literal fire that'd burn them if they got too close. No one dared talk to him or in front of him, his presence frightening. But behind him, behind closed doors they would tell untrue and scary stories about him; stories that send chills down one's spine. Parents use his name as a threat to keep their kids in line. It wasn't always like this. Betrayal of his mum and the death of his dad left a bad taste and gave him a terrible impression about mates."Mate" he hates that word and the meaning attached to it. The death of someone very important to her, made her lose herself,she wasn't the happy go lucky girl, that believed every fairy tale told by her dad, hung up on every word he says. She's changed, his absence left a gaping hole that she's unwilling to fill. Circumstances changed them both. An encounter brought them together. Fate made them one.

Sharonjewells4028 · Teen
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9 Chs

In Love With A Shifter

Chapter Nine

Jayden's POV

I couldn't sleep, my mind was restless. Ever since the day I met that woman at the borders I've been having sleepless nights alongside restlessness during the day.

The nightmares I've been having is a twisted horrifying remake of my mother's betrayal. It wasn't my mom doing the betraying, it was "Her" the mate I can't recognize.

Waking up from this continuous nightmares has really drained, I felt weaker than I've ever been, I've processed and gone through every possible reason why I've been like this ever since my encounter with that woman at the pack's border. The only conclusion I reached left a bitter taste in my mouth. I don't want it to be what I think it is. I don't want to hurt my mate but I will without hesitating if it means I get to keep my pack members save, they come first before anyone and I won't let them down we didn't get this far to have a woman ruin us. I don't need a mate, the pack doesn't need a Luna , if it gets to the point I'd need a Luna so as to prevent other packs from attacking, though they're no match for us, I'd pick a chosen mate Instead of my fated mate.

If my suspicion is right I'd have to avoid her for as long as it takes for me to come up with a plan. Or perhaps I keep her by my side without letting on what or who she is to me, not that she means anything to me and the fact that my mate might be a human or non-shifter will make the pack seem weak and I don't need nor do I want a weak link in the pack especially as Luna.

I sensed her before she knocked and got up to open the door. I stared at her with a questioning look on my face. "Jay" she called out to me, deliberately addressing with the pet name only her has ever been allowed to call me. " Don't call me that" I cautioned as my aura changed becoming more intimidating, I know this cause she let out a whimper.

" Please can i stay here for today". She begged, looking me in the eyes pleadingly. " You know how I get when I'm left alone in the house, and it's even far from other buildings in the pack land". She explained , trying her best to convince me to make her stay. She looked at me with hopeful eyes but I ignored her. I ignored and dismissed her vulnerable state and I didn't give it a second thought before I said–" I've got no room for the likes of you". "I'm not going to leave you here with my people, you don't belong here and you never will, you're not even a part of us you're just a mere human who got the ex alpha wrapped around her little finger, you got him whipped enough it almost ruined this pack, you betrayed everyone including your mate and pup, got five thousand wolves killed and what? You want to stay in the pack house cause your evil deeds are finally catching up with you". I said my voice raising at the end.

" You're not allowed to step foot in this pack house or any other place in this pack aside from the places I allowed.

"I've got better things to do than stick around and baby sit you, besides you've got John, I'm sure he'll be back before the sunset and stay with you". I said, as an after thought.

" How can you treat me, your mother like this". She yelled at me.

" Your son?". I asked her, incredulous.

" Should I remind you, I'm not your son, not anymore, and I'd very much appreciate it if you can get that in your head, else....". I said, as I paused to let my words sink in.

"Else what?". She challenged. " Else I'll cut off your head and have it put on display, actually I should have done that a long time ago but there's still time to make up for lost opportunity, don't you think?" I asked in my most seductive voice.

"you're still as disgusting as ever". She rebuked with disdain.

" And you're still the manipulative whore I knew you to be".

" I guess Old habits die hard, don't you think?. I asked with an heavy dose of sarcasm.

"Too bad, we can't go back to the past?" She tsked, looking sad all of a sudden. " You were more simple and.....".

"And what ? I asked, barely able to compose myself.

" Submissive and easy to control, but now you seemed different, hard to control but not for long". " You'd love that, won't you?". I mocked.

" Very much". She smiled. " But I doubt you'll be willing, though it would be fun breaking you all over again. Besides I miss your body, that's the only thing I'd say I like about you".

" I see, you're still a psycho".

I know what she's trying to do. She wants to get under my skin by reminding me of my past. But I won't let her have her way.

"You know one thing I regretted doing in my life was giving your boy toy a quick death, I shouldn't have, and that's my biggest mistake." I said in all seriousness.

I saw it then, the flicker of raw hatred. The intent of murder in her eyes. I was on her before she could do anything. I grabbed her by the throat viciously. " If you hurt anybody or even attempt to look in the way of any of my pack members, you will be charged with treason and executed on the spot before you know what's happening." I threatened as I let go of her.

She stepped away from me warily. Knowing I knew she couldn't Start anything with me. No one could go against me, she knew that and backed off. But not for long, that I'm very much aware of.

"Very well then, I'd take my leave, seems like I'm not welcomed here". She said, finally.

" Glad you're aware". I nodded at the guards I'd mindlinked earlier. They came forward and escorted her out of the pack house.