
Sharonjewells 4028

Damn! Lynn you really outdid yourself time. I mused shaking my head, in disbelief. trying to deny what I'd just witnessed, I mean it's not like humans that morph into Big-giant dogs exist. I must have made it all up, I must inform Mum, her daughter might be in the early stage of borderline madness. "Does such a thing exist" I asked rhetorically. "who knows". I shrugged my shoulders, in indifference . unknown to me, I was being watched in the shadows of the forest where a grey wolf lurks. She's human. Reserved with an air of sassy mixed with crazy.... She's definitely not a ball of sunshine, sarcasm her best pal. An odd mate for an alpha. He's an Alpha. A pureblood, the strongest they've had for decades. He's cold. Darkness personified. Heartless. A devil they would say. They called him the dark Alpha.They whispered about him; said he's a beast; called him cruel. Treated like he was a literal fire that'd burn them if they got too close. No one dared talk to him or in front of him, his presence frightening. But behind him, behind closed doors they would tell untrue and scary stories about him; stories that send chills down one's spine. Parents use his name as a threat to keep their kids in line. It wasn't always like this. Betrayal of his mum and the death of his dad left a bad taste and gave him a terrible impression about mates."Mate" he hates that word and the meaning attached to it. The death of someone very important to her, made her lose herself,she wasn't the happy go lucky girl, that believed every fairy tale told by her dad, hung up on every word he says. She's changed, his absence left a gaping hole that she's unwilling to fill. Circumstances changed them both. An encounter brought them together. Fate made them one.

Sharonjewells4028 · Teen
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9 Chs

In Love With A Shifter

Chapter Six

Raelynn's POV

Time went by in a blur and before I knew it, the class was over and it was time for next period... Then the one after. I went from one class to the other. Class after class Iike a routine.

Some teachers were indifferent, some polite and there were some who were outrightly rude .

I was ready to give up and had stopped listening to the teacher's lesson a while ago.

The sound of the Bell ringing announcing the end of yet another class.

I checked my schedule and then checked my wrist watch to see that it was now time for lunch break.

At last. I breathed in relieve.

I, out of character skipped through the hallways immediately I left the classroom, and in no time I was at the cafeteria which happens to be on the same floor as my locker.

I'll exchange books in my locker later.

As I was about to step into the cafeteria I was suddenly hit with a truck load of anxiety.

All the adrenaline has wear off as I stood at the entrance scared.

"Fear" I was never one to scare easily but as I stood at the entrance of the cafeteria I was consumed by it. In great amounts.

I was certain if fear had a smell, I was covered in it and sure everyone could smell it on me.

I was about to turn on my heals and retreat to the library, when I mentally punched the thought outta my head and squashed the feeling of dread that came over me .

Squaring my shoulders, determined to not give in to my anxiety, I powdered through a few, probably a pool of students, gisting at the doorway...as I passed them they stopped talking and instead stared at me.

As soon as I entered the cafeteria all eyes were on me, as everyone immediately stopped talking or whatever they were doing to stare at me like I was a famous celebrity.

Everyone was silent you could literally hear a pin drop.

Tension filled the air, you could slice it with a knife.

I felt out of place. Like a clown on the wrong stage performing for the wrong set of people.

Everyone was tensed. I felt awkward standing there at the center of it all.

All of a sudden I hear myself utter the most humiliating and embarrassing words ever.

It didn't even go through my mental filter box, hell it wasn't processed before it spilled out of my mouth like an uncontrollable vomit.

"Y'all do know how to welcome a star". Like this wasn't enough I had to dig a bigger social grave for myself.

"Y'all look starstruck, I'm I that dazzling? I asked.

Like hell, why couldn't I shut my mouth. What happened to being quiet and not drawing attention to myself. Hell I just handed out an invitation letter to it.

As if all that wasn't enough I even giggled at the end of my statement.

Talk about being shameless. I don't even giggle. Like never it wasn't my thing so why now? of all times. As if my words weren't humiliating enough.

I mentally facepalmed and groaned at my own stupidity.

Luckily, after my outburst everything went back to normal, and I was payed no mind, besides being stared at.

Phew! Back to being invincible. Not really.

I let out a sign of relief, thankful I wasn't socially murdered.

I joined the queue, awaiting my turn to be served.

The queen wasn't that long so it didn't take long before it was my turn. Surprisingly the food choices laid out were really good, scratch that they were mouthwatering and appetizing, they were beyond good.

I piled my plate with the delicious goodness already salivating at the aroma.

" I like you,. You have a good appetite and are not shy of the amount of food you consume unlike most of the girls in this school". The petite girl at my back said, eyeing my tray of food with approval.

"Thanks? I said unsure about how I should respond.

"Didn't know I need approval though". I muttered under my breath.

" And she's got a smart mouth". Another voice chipped in from behind me.

" Aish, you're aware I can hear y'all". I groaned as I left the queue.

I scan the cafeteria for a suitable place to sit, that isn't crowded, preferably where there's no one.

I spotted a vacant table at the back of the cafeteria, and luckily for me it was close to the window.

I've always loved sitting by the window side, don't know why but I've always been like that.

I hate being confined, or be surrounded by too many people, that was how I developed the attitude of sitting out of sight and by the window side... It helps reduce my anxiety and make me not feel confined.

Time went by fast and it was time for class again the short break from school work over before it even started. I stood up to return my now empty tray of food at the same time the bell rang proving my prediction right.

I left the cafeteria and headed to my locker to exchange notes before going to the class.

I went through the same routine from this morning and by the time I was in the third class after break I came to realize that majority of my class were on the fourth floor.

The class I'm having now is physics which I kinda like so I focused on what the teacher was saying than I had in other classes aside from chemistry and literature which are subjects I like and enjoy studying.

I know it's odd liking the two subjects considering the fact that they are completely opposites, but perhaps that's what drew me in.

I enjoyed the man's teachings and his personality is totally likable, combined with his look he seem out of this world. Beauty with brain, a deadly combo.

That's all for today, next class we'll study the particle nature of matter, and I want you to have researched one or two things about it before next class, just so you know, the class will be an interactive class so come prepared". Mr Lawson said, ending the class, few moments later the bell rang and I could finally go home.

I walked out of the class and joined the other students in the hallway who were all in a haste to go home to care about me.

I was walking through the hallways, when I felt a strange sudden tremor of pleasure run throughout my body effectively stopping me in my tracks, eliciting all forms of colorful words directed at me by the students I had gotten in their path. I didn't give them any thought as I hurriedly whipped my head around, impatiently searching for the source of the scent I'd smelled.

My heartbeat accelerated for some strange reasons, beating very fast I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. I was bombarded with all sorts of emotions I felt overwhelmed.

I whipped my head around again, as I desperately searched around me, I was itching to find something but have no idea what it was I was desperate to find.

The feeling was too much to bear, and it was difficult to fight off the sudden urge that came over as I resisted going to the hallways that lead to the principal's office, I might be wrongly place in detention cause he/she would think I was there for detention and not tracking a mysterious scent.

I quickened my pace as I speedwalked through the hallways and out Of the school. I walked into the parking lot to find my brother already there waiting for me. It was a surprise to me but I shrugged it off and entered the car pausing as I was about to fasten my seatbelt when I noticed mini demon and demoness a.k.a Ashley and Marcus seated in the back seat.

After what felt like eternity we got home and I bolted out of the car and skipped into the house my room being my destination.