
Not an Upload

I'm here to ask a lot of questions and btw i won't be uploading this week.

1. Do you want harem? I personally don't think I can fit it in this story because I already have an idea of how it goes.

2. Do you want multiverse travelling? I also personally don't want to but this I can easily do it because of the plot.

3. What power and design do want the Mangekyo Sharingan to be? I really don't know. Also make sure to not give overpowered abilities as suggestions. Like stopping time for example. Or erasing space.

4. What power and design do you want the Rinnegan to be? This can have a overpowered ability but please make sure to not have it too overpowered. I don't want to have an OP MC. Well at least not too OP.

That's all thank you for the support.

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