
Dorms (7)

They were currently walking towards their dorms but Coco kept nagging Faith while Velvet was trying to find which dorm they were tasked to. They finally arrived and opened the room. It was simply four bed and 1 desk with a chair. A very basic room.

"Ozpin really is cheapskate." Faith sighed and jumped on a bed. "I call dibs on this bed. You guys can choose your own. This comfy bed is declared to be mine." He made exaggerated expressions. A certain annoying girl then walked next to him and sat down on a bed. "Then this will be mine." His expression of bliss (from the bed obviously) was immediately soured as he looked to his side only to see Coco with a sweet smile on her face.

"You really know how to piss me off." He clicked his tongue.

"I want to have fun and you're simply the easiest to make fun of." She kept staring at him.

"What do you mean? Look at Yatsu! Why don't you make fun of what he's wearing." Yatsuhachi was currently in pyjamas filled with Sakuras trees. He really like those type of shirts doesn't he. Yatsu had a sad expression and looked at his pyjamas. 'What's wrong with liking the beauty of nature.' He thought.

"And look at Velvet! Make fun of her! She's always shy. Why don't you make fun of that." Hearing that Velvet's ears lowered and she hid under her bed.

"Because one is a gentle giant and the other is a cute bunny girl. How can you be so rude to them." Coco shaked her head.

Faith realized it now. "Oh I see. You're mad cause I scared you. I didn't even hit you or anything and you're that mad."

"I'm not mad. If I were I would be hitting you with my suitcase."

"Actually you wouldn't because I would simply dodge it like a normal human being instead of letting you hit me just because you're a spoiled girl. Besides, you experienced it earlier, right? I would completely destroy you in combat." A hearty laugh was heard in the room.

She humphed. "My weapon is meant for destroying Grimms. Not fighting humans."

"Wow I didn't know our 'Team Leader' was such a wimp that she would use such excuses." They continued arguing while Yatsuhachi and Velvet were just watching them blankly.

"You know, I think I know why they argue so much." Velvet said.

"Really? I think it's just nonsense as they want to start up fights." Yatsuhachi shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"I think they're just so similar that they argue with each other. I mean both are arrogant, flirt in a weird way and like being in the spotlight."

"You've just met them, right?"

"Yeah but it's pretty easy to deduce these things. Say what you want but maybe it's my instincts as a Faunus." They looked back at the two to see them still arguing.

"Ok guys, I think it's time to stop. We should probably go to sleep. Tomorrow, classes starts." The pair finally stopped talking.

Coco cleared her throat. "Yes we should do so. I'm tired."

"Tired because you're so annoying." Faith muttered under his blanket. "What was that!?" Coco screamed out.

Yatsuhachi couldn't handle it anymore and spoke out. "Ok enough! I think both of you should stop. Let's go sleep."

Like that, everyone went too sleep. The team wasn't starting too well.


POV- Velvet

I woke up in the morning and had a headache. It's probably from all the arguing Faith and Coco had before we all went to sleep. Probably from the Grimms we fought yesterday. From what I've seen, it would take a while for them not to argue and annoy me and Yatsuhachi. I know I should call him Yatsu but that seems too informal and I can't do that to someone I've met just a day before.

Anyways, I look around and see Coco and Yatsuhachi sleeping. I couldn't find Faith, he wasn't even in the room. I look at the clock on the wall and see it was only 7 in the morning and he already left. I look at my backpack to find my schedule. I look at it and find that our first class starts at 9 in the morning. It was much later than I assumed and we only have 3 class in one day. Although those classes last longer than before.

I dressed up in the school uniform and go to the cafeteria for breakfast. There were already people there lining up to have their food. I pick a tray and wait in line but I overhear something behind me.

"Hey look at that girl, it's a Faunus." One of the people behind said.

"Yeah I know, it's a surprise that one is here. You'd think that Beacon have good janitors."

"Honestly, I think Beacon will just send them in a suicide mission." They kept laughing at her and she could hear everything. They probably knew that she could hear due to her oversized bunny ears. (They're cute even though they are oversized. Actually they aren't oversized.)

She had to endure all the criticism on her while waiting in line. When she got her breakfast, one of the old women working there stopped her. "Don't listen to these people, they're just young and naive. I hope this won't let you think that all humans are like that." The old women had a gentle voice. Like a grandma talking to their grandchild.

"You're going to be a huntress. Don't let these fools get in your way." She smiled at me. That comment lightened my mood by a lot. I thanked her sincerely and went to a corner in the cafeteria to sit down. I was about to start eating my breakfast but someone placed a tray of food in front of me. I looked up to see Faith sit down and start eating his food.

I was about to ask where he had gone in the morning since he was soaked in sweat when he interrupted. "Really?" I looked confused. What did he mean?

"You really are that scared to protect yourself." He looked at me with contempt. "You know a big reason why Faunus are second-rate citizens is because of people like you. People that are too scared to say what you actually think and hide in the corner. Never facing reality."

He just looked at me with disappointment. He looked as if I just made a mistake. Who does he think he is? He can't judge our race like that, is what I think but don't say. I'm too shy and scared to say things like that.

Faith sighed. "See you're too scared to say anything. You know what the White Fang did well." I look at him in disbelief. Is he complementing a terrorist group? He continued on. "They fought back. They didn't let the oppression let them down. That's why the Faunus race never won. You want to have the respect you deserve! Then earn it and don't expect things to be given to you like a child!"

His voice sounded out in the cafeteria as everyone looked at him. I tried to make him calm his voice but he stood on top of his table and continued speaking. "If you want power, then obtain it by your own hands! That's how I did (Not really but at the same time he did cuz even without the Sharingan he would still beat most people)."

Colourful scales began covering his face and his eyes changed colours with a red and black form with 3 tomoe visible in it. He looked at everyone in the cafeteria. "I'm a Faunus! And I'll beat the shit out of everyone who thinks that they are better than me. So if you think humans are better than Faunus then prove it."

He pointed at all of them. Silence reigned in the cafeteria.

Feels good to have no friends.

WutDelusionalcreators' thoughts
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