
How to Love God More

Do you sometimes have those feelings when you think that your life is not associated with God anymore? If you do not think about God that much, you won't be able to maintain a healthy relationship with Him.

Here are 5 ways you can improve your relationship with Jesus Christ.

1, Pray more to God- As the sayings go, communication is the key to leadership and progress. That is the same with God. If you do not talk to someone, how are you supposed to get closer to them or know them better. The way you talk to Jesus is by praying. In my next chapter I will teach all about how to pray. But, pray to God always thanking Him for all he has done for you and asking for forgiveness.

2, Read the Bible- When you read the Bible, you start to understand God more. If you understand His love more, the more you will love Him. Reading the Bible can also cure some of your depression and anxiety. You can read how God forgave Israel so many times. You can also read about Jesus Christ and how He showed His love to the world. Many things can be found in the Bible and I think you will enjoy them.

3, Show Acts of Kindness and Wiseness- "If someone throws a stone at you throw them bread" says Jesus. When you are faced with evil, always use good to conquer it. When someone throws bitter words at you, pay them no heed. That shows wiseness. If you see a beggar give them food or money. If you can, help them get back on their feet. This shows kindness. If you experience how to be kind and wise, you will also have a better relationship with God.

4, Keep The Ten Commandments- Always do your utmost to keep His commandments. You will see that if you keep the commandments you can become a son of God. The commandments were made by God and so keeping them makes you a child of God. What happens if you dont keep the commandments you say? Then we have sinned. Keeping the commandments mean keeping peace. If you keep peace, you yourself will experience peace.

5, Put your trust in God- People often make the mistakes where they trust in their ability to much thatn trusting the ability of Jesus. Just as the book of Proverbs say," Do not promise to pay a stranger's debt". Never trust in your ability too much. Trust in God. As they say "God will always make a way". Always surrender your life to God. If you are being tempted by sin, go to God and do not trust yourself too much because it may lead you to sin.

These will help you improve your relationship with God. Remember love God always. May all of you be in peace.
