

She popped open her medicine cabinet and opened a bottle of small pills, ''Here you are cutie, this is a vitamin that helps with stress. It works in two stages.'' she handed me the pill and I examined it for a moment.

''This isn't some kind of sleeping pill is it?'' I asked. It was a throwaway comment, innocent enough when you add a little laugh at the end of it. But Pamela didn't laugh, she just smiled and watched as I swallowed it, she handed me a small cup of water and it was gone.

She breezed passed me and into her bedroom, ''Can you help me with something for a moment please? It'll only take a moment I promise, then you can be back on your way.'' she called.

I was already swimming in the deep end, I may as well drift out a little further. I walked into the bedroom and was shocked at the size of the bed. It must have been queen sized. Mom's was a king, and that seemed huge enough, but this was something else.

I glanced around and saw Pamela standing at the doorway of a walk in wardrobe, ''Take a seat honey.'' she said as she vanished for a moment.

''I have a party to go to this Friday and I need a man's opinion. And before you say I have a husband, I need to opinion of a man who hasn't gotten bored with my body.'' she called.

''Bored of your body? Really?'' I called back, it started to make a little sense. Her husband didn't want her any more, he wanted the younger version of her. I suddenly remembered why I was there and pulled the recorder out of my pocket, I switched it on and to 'record', turning the volume up to its maximum and then slipping it underneath a bed side cabinet. Before I could make sure the microphone wasn't buried into the carpet, Pamela was clearig her throat.

I turned around to see her standing in a short red dress with a plunging neck line. The kind of neck line that dropped to just above her navel and was open wide enough to give me half a breast each.

''Oh,'' was all that came out of my mouth, but ''Wow.'' quickly followed it as I began to feel a slight itch coming from my crotch.

''do you think the dress is enough, or do I need to add something like tights or stockings?'' she asked.

''No, I think the dress is quite enough.'' I replied.

''I'm unsure about the red dress and red hair, maybe I ought to put it up?'' she raised her arms and ran her fingers through her hair. As she did her breasts lifted and the fabric that was barely covering them, slipped to reveal a little more.

''Yeah I think that works.'' I told her. The itching in my pants was getting irritable now, I noticed that I had somehow managed to gain a full erection.

I remembered my own words to Faye, telling her not to take any food or drink that was offered. How could I have been stupid enough to do the exact opposite?

''Oh sweetie, don't worry,'' she told me, ''As I said, that vitamin works in two stages. First comes the tool, then it's all about using the tool.'' She began to approach me slowly, she moved like a lion stalking it's prey.

This was only going to end one way, as she came within reaching distance she stopped and then looked me right in the eye.

''Let me help you out here, and maybe we can help each other.'' she suggested. She reached out and began to unfasten my belt, unzipping my trousers and then quickly freeing my long hard cock. Her eyes widened for a moment, ''Faye's a lucky girl, to have this thing chasing her.'' she said as she took my swollen member in her hands.

How much deeper was I going to allow myself to get?

I got home as fast as I could, across the street and lawn I darted into the house and collapsed against the door as it slammed behind me. I was out of breath and sweating, and then Mom quickly appeared in the kitchen doorway with a surprised look on her face, ''Doc, what is it?'' she asked.

I wondered for a brief moment how I could even explain it, what could I say? I decided right there and then that it was probably best to not say anything. Nothing about the voice recorder, nothing about being drugged with Viagra by Pamela and nothing about anything else.

''Nothing Mom, I just thought I saw the Avon lady coming.'' I told her.

''Oh christ, don't open that damn door.'' she said as she returned to whatever she was doing. I darted up the stairs and into my room, slumping down into my computer chair I suddenly began to feel a little easier.

That was when I heard the roar of the engine, I was back on my feet in a flash and at the window, and it was just as I thought, the husband was home.

Even though I had unknowingly recorded him drugging and masturbating Faye, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty watching him pull into the drive way. I silently hoped that Pamela had cleaned up the bedroom and fired around some air freshener, even if she hadn't I would highly doubt he would assume me, maybe it's something he'd come to expect from devoting his sexual attention to his daughter rather than his wife. But then, who was I to judge, after all the things I had done and continue to still do.

''Spying on Faye again?'' came the voice behind me, I turned around to see Bobbie leaning against the frame of the door. She had a cheeky smile on her face and a gleam in her eye. Her bath robe was wrapped tightly around her and all I could see sticking out from underneath was her feet.

''No, she's out for the night at a friends,'' I told her, ''Just doing the whole neighbourhood watch thing.'' I told her joking.

''Sure.'' she replied, I glanced back over at her and smiled, ''What're you up to?'' I asked. She rolled her eyes before replying, ''Mom told me to get in the shower, wanna scrub my back?'' she asked as she turned away from me, she unfastened the robe and shrugged her shoulders free, slowly letting the robe drop and reveal her bare back.

''Um,'' was all I could mutter as the crease of her ass appeared, ''Maybe not right now, Bobbie. But hurry up because I need a shower too.'' I told her.

''Get in with me.'' she quickly replied, as if I didn't see it coming the moment the words left my mouth.

''Next time.'' I told her, she didn't have to turn to face me for me to know that she had disappointment spread all over her face, she whipped the robe back up over her shoulders and slowly trudged down the hall to the bathroom.

I dropped back into my chair and tried not to think about my sisters round face, dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes. But I couldn't help it.

But rather than marching to the bathroom and joining her, I decided to listen to the angel on my shoulder for a change and switch on the computer. It was always in sleep mode and my desktop quickly appeared on screen.

I had an email saying that Zak had left me a message over Xbox Live; ''Dissapointed you let me down today bruv!'' It read.

I felt bad for bailing on him, but there was always going to be another time. Everything that was going on took priority. And as I glanced through the emails exchanged between me and Faye I felt a brief moment of longing for how things were.

But those times were also when I thought my family was boring, and now I felt closer to my family then I ever did. I was grateful in that regard.

After a few minutes too long spent brooding, Bobbie walked back into my room wearing a towel and flicking her wet hair all over the place. ''Showers free.'' she told me.

''That was quick,'' I replied.

''Don't worry I'm clean.'' she said innocently, boy did I know that wasn't true. ''So now go get dried off and into your PJ's.'' I told her.

''That's not what Mom said to do.'' she told me.

''And what did Mom say to do?'' I asked with intrigue.

''She said we were having a surprise after dinner.'' she replied, ''Well I'm sure that whatever she means by that you can be dried and dressed for.'' I told her.

She nodded her head and disappeared again, knowing that it was time I cleaned the dry sweat and Pamela's fluid off of me, I got up and went to shower.

Afterwards I was sitting in the edge of my bed in a towel scrolling through my phone, I was disappointed to not have a text from Faye but then I kicked myself for probably having feelings that she didn't share.

I tossed my phone onto my bed and dried off, it felt good to be clean again and slipping into my lounge pants. I grabbed a t-shirt from the dresser and headed downstairs, Mom had been cooking Chicken in Red Wine and I've been smelling it for the last hour.