

She rolled off of me and almost curled up into a fetal position, my cock was still hard and glistening. I took it in my hand and began jerking. I reached over to Mom and pulled her onto her back. She looked down at what I was doing and brought her head down onto my chest. I pulled her hair back out of her face and shot my semen at her. She waited for the flow to stop before hungrily taking me in her mouth and cleaned me off like a cat with a blow of milk.

She turned to face me and I saw that what she hadn't caught in her mouth, had hit her in the cheek. I glanced over to the doorway again and this time Bobbie was gone. Mom kissed me and looked into my eyes, ''This has been one of the best nights of my life.'' she told me, ''You're perfect.'' she added. I smiled and pulled her closer for another kiss.

''Bobbie was watching us.'' I told her in a whisper, Mom smiled and looked over at the doorway. She wasn't surprised, which I found a little unnerving. ''She's been there the entire time.'' she told me. I couldn't believe it.

''And you're okay with that?'' I asked her. ''Well you were once you noticed she was there.'' she replied with a smirk on her face, ''What we're doing is wrong Doc, I know that. Despite it feeling right, and despite everything else, I think Bobbie watching is no drama. She won't tell anyone and it draws her that much closer to us. Would you prefer her to be on your fathers side if he leaves?'' she asked. ''No, of course not. I'm one hundred percent comfortable with everything that's happening between us. But I think Bobbie wants the same things. And I can't give her that.''

''No, but then that's a conversation you need to have with her baby. Maybe tomorrow after you get that camera back.'' Mom told me, and I had the impression that the conversation was over. She kissed me again and rolled over, taking my arm with her. I held her from behind as we both began to slowly drift off into a sleep.

I woke up in an empty bed, Mom had obviously managed to slide out and disappear without waking me and the bedroom door was wide open. As I put my feet down onto the floor Bobbie appeared in the doorway, we stared at each other for a moment before I realized I was completely naked. I grabbed the duvet and covered myself as she giggled and then disappeared. I got to my feet when I heard her bouncing down the stairs and walked out of the bedroom and into my own. I grabbed a pair of jogging bottoms and put them on before glancing out of my window and at Faye's house. I knew I had to go over there at some point today, and then I had to decide what I was going to do with the camera.

I went downstairs and on my way to the kitchen I passed the lounge, Bobbie was watching her morning shows whilst led on the sofa. She was wearing a summer dress and was bare-footed. I thought about talking to her but quickly turned and walked into the kitchen. Mom was standing at the back door smoking a cigarette when I entered. She looked over at me and smiled. ''Morning.'' she said, I smiled back at her and opened the refrigerator to get some juice. ''How'd you sleep?'' I asked her. She tossed her cigarette butt into the bucket placed on the doorstep and came into the kitchen, ''Better than I have in years.'' she replied.

I turned and our lips met for a quick kiss, she appeared to be wearing nothing but her robe. I reached to pull on the belt when Bobbie walked into the kitchen.

''What can I do today?'' she asked, looking out at the beautiful weather. ''Beats me kiddo,'' I replied, ''Maybe catch some sun in the garden. Turn those milk bottles brown.'' I suggested. ''What're you doing today?'' she asked, ''Well I need to pop over the road, but after that I could probably catch some rays.'' I told her, it put a smile on her face and she turned and walked back into the lounge. ''You got your day sorted then.'' Mom said leaning against the kitchen table.

This time I reached out and pulled on the belt of her robe. It sprung open and one of her breasts greeted me. ''I guess it might too much to ask for you to work on your tan too Mom, maybe some nude sunbathing?''

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, ''Maybe.'' she answered. I could feel a hardening in my crotch, I thought about using it right there on the kitchen table but the choice was taken away from me when the doorbell rang.

Mom covered herself back up as we heard Bobbie open the door, a moment later we heard her call, ''Doc! It's for you.'' she called. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Faye standing at the door, Bobbie ran past me and into the kitchen, no doubt to tell Mom who was standing on our porch.

''What's up,'' I finally managed to ask. She held a smile back and raised her eyebrows, ''I know one thing that's up.'' she said pointing at my crotch. Dammit, I thought.

''Can we talk? She then asked. ''Sure,'' I quickly replied, ''Come on up.'' I said, leading her upstairs. My erection was thankfully receding and as soon as we walked into my bedroom I grabbed a t-shirt and threw it on. ''So, what's up?'' I asked again. She was stuck where she was for a moment, taking a look around my room. She noticed the telescope leaning against the wall and my heart skipped a beat, ''Do my stargazing?'' she asked. ''A little,'' I replied, she rolled her eyes and then walked across to my bed, ''It okay to sit on this or will I have to run a black light over it first?'' she asked sarcastically.

''Just sit down.'' I told her as I slumped into my chair. She sat on the edge of my bed and reached into her bag and produced my camera. The blood in my body ran cold, this was probably one of those moments when your hair turns white, I thought to myself.

''So I found this on my shelf, and I think my parents must have forgotten to take it with them.'' she said. I swallowed the knot in my throat and was hit by confusion. ''I'm sorry, what?'' I stammered. She rolled the Nanny-cam around in her hands for a moment, ''My parents. I think they left it in my room.''

''Why, um, why would they do that?'' I asked, she then tossed the camera over to me and I caught it. ''Check it out.'' she instructed.

I knew that when I plugged it into my computer, the application would open. And she would no doubt realize that the camera was mine when it didn't prompt me to install it. ''I can't,'' I told her, ''My screen is burned.'' I told her. ''What's on it?'' I asked, trying to sound as dumb as I could.

''My mother slipping me a pill, before having her way with me while my Dad whacks himself off and fucks her from behind while she's on top of me.'' she said dryly. For a moment the images flashed in front of my eyes, ''You're kidding, right?'' I asked. She looked at me with a completely blank expression on her face. ''Do I look, like I'm kidding?'' she replied, her eyes began to fill up and she was using every bit of strength she had to not burst into tears.

''Jesus Christ,'' I muttered. ''So what're you going to do?'' I asked her, she looked up at the ceiling and wiped a tear away from her eye, ''I always knew, that there was something extremely perverse going on at the fucking house. But there's no way to prepare yourself, for watching yourself pass out, and then get raped by your own fucking mother. And then sprayed with the same fucking seed that fucking made you!''

I don't think she realized she was shouting, but she had been getting progressively louder since she started. I got up and walked across toward her. I dropped down and placed a hand on her shoulder, she turned her head away from me and looked across the room.

''So what--''

''I don't know.'' she said, cutting me off. ''But you have to help me.'' she told me.