

Pain. Pain doesn't perish like people make you believe. It doesn't fade at night. It doesn't hurt less the day after. It grows with the person.

You might forget a few weeks later when standing in front of a mirror. You may try to make things better, be positive, and feel thankful for your life. But, the thoughts always come back. The pain always comes back. It will never disappear from your heart.

People keep telling it's okay. They say they've been through emotions like this. They say they know how I feel, even if I have never talked to them about it. They have no idea what caused it, they don't have a clue about the dreams I see at night. And they don't know how I enjoy them.

I can't act as if I were a good person. I can't substitute the pain I have made others feel. And now it's too late to say sorry—to apologize. We only have a few days left.

Everything you say has consequences. Whether they're good or bad ones, that's your choice. Choose wisely, because my life... I already ruined it.