
Shards of Fire

Darkness enveloped the world, mysterious creatures started showing up. How many days will this madness last? May God help us all because if nothing good happens we will all perish in this darkness.

Martin_Newell · Horror
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7 Chs

Day 2

I woke up to a burning sensation on my arm.

I decided to turn on the flashlight on my phone to check why my arm hurts so much. What I found was a scar that looked like I was burned by something. I could distinguish a couple of numbers on the scar, and it read "363". I was confused, and I couldn't really figure out how I could have burned myself so that it would leave such a scar on my body, but since I had bigger problems on hand, I kind of decided to brush it off and focus on the main issue, which is this darkness and the unexplainable noises coming from outside.

I got out of the closet that I was hiding in, and it is still pitch black when I look through the creeks in between the barricaded windows. I tried messaging my friend, but I didn't get a reply back.

I need to be more careful with the use of this phone; the battery is at 70%, and since there is no power, if this phone loses its battery, I will be in complete darkness. Talking about a battery, I remembered that I had a generator that runs on gasoline (it generates electricity), but the only problem is that I don't know where it is. I tried looking for the generator. As I was looking for it I remembered as a kid that I would often play in the garage and my dad would work on his car. Those were some good times. It took me a while, but I found the generator, filled it up with gasoline, and turned it on. It worked! Now I have a source of electricity. I charged my phone right away to full and turned off the generator. Since I don't have to worry about my phone running out of power, I decided to try and find out what that unexplainable noise was that was coming from outside. Looking at the doors and windows that I locked and barricaded, I started thinking about how I could try and check the outside of my house without going out in the open. Then I got a neat idea. I remembered that there was a mini window in the attic of my house that I used to look out from as a kid. The little window was pointed at an open wheat field, and in the winter days I would cover myself with a blanket and look through that window. I climbed up the ladders towards the attic and saw the little window. I laid down on the floor and opened the window.

Opening the window, I started hearing the noise better. The noise wasn't from an animal or a human; I couldn't really figure out what it was, but I understood one thing: the noises surrounded my house. I took a couple of pictures with the flashlight on before climbing down the ladder and going back to my room. As I went back to my room, I was looking at the pictures that I took, and nothing odd could be seen in the pictures except for the last picture I took. What I saw in that picture wasn't anything resembling a human; it was a mixture between an animal and a human.

The humanoid was tall and slim; it was walking on all fours with a long chain tied around his neck; blood was pouring out of his eyes; and the one thing that made me start freaking out was that his face resembled one of my close neighbors.

What in the hell is happening? The more I try to figure it out, the more questions I have.

As I was trying to process what I saw, I got a message on my phone.

I was relieved because I thought it was my friend, but no, it was someone else, someone that I knew from a really long time ago.

I used to always call him by his nickname "Ice".

Ice was not one of your usual friends that you would have; he would tell you what he meant right in your face. I used to respect him a lot because he was always true to me. His parents moved to a different country, and he needed to go along with them. I didn't see him in a long time (and I always wondered what happened to him).

He told me to unlock the back door of my house.

I was already skeptical about this because of the stuff I have seen already, but I don't think I will be able to survive alone, so if it's really Ice out there in front of my door, I've got to let him in.

I gathered some courage, trusted the message that my long-lost friend sent, and unlocked the door. As I did, something pushed on the door, knocking me down.

As I fell, I started losing consciousness. I heard someone screaming and a black fire burning as I faded into darkness.