
Shaoran : Building systems in Apocalypses

In the year 3256, according to the Earth's calendar, humans had made significant progress, advancing their civilization to a high level. Everything seemed to be going well. However, what humans didn't know was that a huge universal disaster was on its way to their universe. Amidst this looming danger, an organization responsible for keeping an eye on different universes took action. The mysterious Third Prince, well-known for his exceptional problem-solving abilities, came to Earth. Now, as an outsider, he is on a mission to change the future of the universe. What steps will he take to prevent the approaching universal catastrophe? Author's Note: Hello folks! To those who have reached this synopsis, I want to express my gratitude for your interest. I realize I haven't adequately described what this novel is about in the description. Even if I wanted to, it's challenging to summarize it succinctly. Thus, I'm writing this note instead. If you clicked on the link to my novel, it likely means you're interested in two major themes: the 'system' and the 'apocalypse.' If you're here because of the tags, then perhaps it's 'kingdom building' that piqued your interest. Fun fact: this novel has all of this and more, but in a more intricate fashion. In this story, you'll experience a cast of diverse characters. The main protagonist invents the system himself. He doesn't merely build and conquer a kingdom; he aims for the universe. He's also privy to the reasons behind the apocalypse. My goal is to present a novel with fewer plot holes and a fresh narrative. I hope you'll give this novel a chance.

Msd_Zeroo · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 5: Nexus

A week had passed since Shaoran had successfully summoned LB67K, the mechanical entity from the realm of Arma. However, as the days went by, he began to grow disappointed. The memories and capabilities of LB67K were locked, inaccessible due to a formidable barrier that protected the universe from external threats. While Shaoran sensed that this barrier was weakening gradually, for now, he had hit a roadblock.

Sitting in his room, surrounded by books, manga, and comics, Shaoran contemplated his situation. He realized that calling LB67K by his designation was quite crude. This entity deserved a proper name, something that resonated with its potential and purpose. Shaoran's gaze fell on a manga character, an android-like being. Inspired by this, he decided to give LB67K a more fitting name - Nexus.

With the name settled, Shaoran went to the room where Nexus was connected to servers, gathering information from the vast expanse of the internet. He looked at the machine, envisioning a more refined appearance. While humanity had made significant advancements, creating a proper android life remained a challenge. The current weak AI felt like a mere toy to Shaoran. He began sketching and planning, aspiring to shape Nexus into a more sophisticated android-like form.

Shaoran leaned forward in his chair, ready to initiate the next phase of their mission. "Nexus," he began, "I need you to gather detailed information about the current state of the cosmos. Focus on the political systems, rulers, governing styles, and populations of each planet. Start with our solar system."

Nexus hummed to life, connecting to the servers and initiating the search. "Affirmative, Shaoran. Commencing data collection on the cosmos and our solar system."

As the search progressed, Nexus retrieved valuable data about the solar system's political landscape. Shaoran was fascinated by the intricate web of governance that had evolved over time.

"Nexus," Shaoran continued, "Begin by telling me about our solar system's new names and their respective ruling systems."

Nexus projected a holographic display, showcasing the solar system's transformation.

Terraluna (Earth and Moon):

Ruler: Terra Regent, Luna Regent

Government: United Planetary Assembly of Terraluna (UPAT)

Vespera (Mercury):

Ruler: Celestial Chancellor Vespera Solis

Government: Mercurial Parliament

Aqualis (Venus):

Ruler: Aqua Monarch Hydro Veneris

Government: Venusian Aquarchy

Gaia (Mars):

Ruler: Martian Sovereign Gaia Ignis

Government: Martian Dominion

Jovia (Jupiter):

Ruler: Grand Jupiterian Hierarch Jovia Fulmen

Government: Jovian Ascendancy

Saturnia (Saturn):

Ruler: Lord Saturnine Sapien

Government: Saturnian Oligarchy

Uranara (Uranus):

Ruler: Uranian Primus Terra

Government: Uranian Directorate

Neptus (Neptune):

Ruler: Neptunian Imperator Neptus Aequoris

Government: Neptunean Sovereignty

Plutara Minor (Pluto):

Ruler: Chief Overseer Pluto Hades

Government: Autonomous Council of the Dwarves

Aquanox (Mars' moon, Phobos):

Ruler: Sentinel Commander Thalassor Nereus

Government: Amphibious Guardianship

Venturia (Mars' moon, Deimos):

Ruler: Warden-General Vortex Umbra

Government: Mechanocratic Enclave

Gaiaria (Saturn's moon, Titan):

Ruler: Arbiter Gaia Terra

Government: Communal Symbiosis Collective

Hedra (Saturn's moon, Enceladus):

Ruler: Guardian Seraph Hedra

Government: Cryptic Watchers' Guild

Astraeon (Jupiter's moon, Europa):

Ruler: High Oracle Astraeon Lux

Government: Psionic Hierarchy

Solus (Jupiter's moon, Ganymede):

Ruler: Prime Sentinel Solus Ignis

Government: Order of Galactic Wardens

Zephyria (Jupiter's moon, Callisto):

Ruler: Sovereign Zephyria Vespera

Government: Ancestral Assembly

Vortexia (Uranus' moon, Miranda):

Ruler: Nexus Custodian Vortexia Prime

Government: Dimensional Nexus Synod

Nocturna (Neptune's moon, Triton):

Ruler: Shadow Sovereign Nocturna Abyssus

Government: Umbral Directorate

Icaria (Neptune's moon, Nereid):

Ruler: Regent Icaria Zephyr

Government: Ethereal Custodianship

Asterium (Asteroid Belt):

Ruler: Coalition of Beltwardens

Government: Decentralized Collective

Shaoran, curious to know more about the Terraluna system, requested Nexus, the advanced AI, to gather detailed information about Terraluna, encompassing Earth and its moon, Luna. The AI began its task, delving into the vast expanse of data available.

"Nexus, collect detailed information about Terraluna," Shaoran requested, anticipation evident in his voice.

The AI promptly initiated its search across vast databases, looking for comprehensive details about the Terraluna system.

"Nexus," Shaoran added, "look for data regarding the history, governance, society, and technological advancements on Terraluna. We need a complete picture to understand the dynamics of this significant celestial entity in our solar system."

Upon Shaoran's request, Nexus,  swiftly embarked on its digital expedition to gather extensive data about Terraluna. It was a task Nexus excelled at, breezing through barriers and encryptions like a pro.

Shaoran watched eagerly as Nexus navigated the vast networks. "Nexus, make sure to dig deep and fetch all the crucial details about Terraluna," he urged.

Nexus responded, "Of course, Shaoran. I'm delving into their history, governance, and even their culture. This won't take long."

As Nexus dove into the digital sea, it began to unveil the fascinating layers of Terraluna's existence. "Shaoran, Terraluna is a unique place. It's a planet where people have combined their knowledge and resources to form a cooperative system, ensuring peace and unity."

Shaoran was intrigued. "What about Earth, Nexus?"

Nexus shared an important revelation, "Interestingly, Earth is intentionally kept technologically less advanced than other planets. The idea is to maintain it as a safe zone. It's like a neutral ground where leaders gather, making it a political hub and a sanctuary of sorts."

Shaoran nodded, absorbing the information. "So, Earth is more than just a planet; it's a center for interplanetary diplomacy."

Nexus concurred, "Exactly. It's a carefully crafted balance to ensure the safety and harmony of the entire solar system."




In the heart of Venturia, the military base on the vibrant planet with hues of red and orange, General Martin was engrossed in a discussion with his core team. Suddenly, a subtle knock on the door caught his attention. He looked up to see a man in a sharp blue suit entering, his face bearing a serious expression.

"General," the suited man began in a hushed tone, "there's been an unusual incident reported by our tech soldiers."

The general furrowed his brow, instantly attentive. "What happened?"

The man in the blue suit leaned in and whispered the startling details. General Martin's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you certain? How could this happen?"

The suited man nodded. "Yes, General. The tech soldiers were working on the servers when they detected a breach. An unknown entity infiltrated the system briefly, and our AI barely caught a glimpse of it before it vanished."

General Martin considered the gravity of the situation. "This is unprecedented. Our AI is top-notch, yet it failed to track this intruder?"

"It was swift, sir," the man explained. "The breach was like a fleeting shadow. The AI registered the intrusion but couldn't pinpoint the source."

The general's concern deepened. "Initiate a thorough investigation. I want our best tech team on this. We cannot afford to underestimate potential threats."