
Shaoran : Building systems in Apocalypses

In the year 3256, according to the Earth's calendar, humans had made significant progress, advancing their civilization to a high level. Everything seemed to be going well. However, what humans didn't know was that a huge universal disaster was on its way to their universe. Amidst this looming danger, an organization responsible for keeping an eye on different universes took action. The mysterious Third Prince, well-known for his exceptional problem-solving abilities, came to Earth. Now, as an outsider, he is on a mission to change the future of the universe. What steps will he take to prevent the approaching universal catastrophe? Author's Note: Hello folks! To those who have reached this synopsis, I want to express my gratitude for your interest. I realize I haven't adequately described what this novel is about in the description. Even if I wanted to, it's challenging to summarize it succinctly. Thus, I'm writing this note instead. If you clicked on the link to my novel, it likely means you're interested in two major themes: the 'system' and the 'apocalypse.' If you're here because of the tags, then perhaps it's 'kingdom building' that piqued your interest. Fun fact: this novel has all of this and more, but in a more intricate fashion. In this story, you'll experience a cast of diverse characters. The main protagonist invents the system himself. He doesn't merely build and conquer a kingdom; he aims for the universe. He's also privy to the reasons behind the apocalypse. My goal is to present a novel with fewer plot holes and a fresh narrative. I hope you'll give this novel a chance.

Msd_Zeroo · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 15: Arrival

Today, StellarPort was bustling with activity. More than 4,000 people were being sent back to the Third Federation HQ. After the red alert and curfew authorized by the mayor, the entire town was slowly losing its population. Some fled, some were transferred, and some simply disappeared. Every day, hundreds of people went missing from various places across the town, and even soldiers were not immune to this mysterious phenomenon. The situation was far more complicated than anyone could imagine.

Inside StellarPort, a red light began to flash, indicating an alert. Multiple spaceships registered under the Third Federation requested clearance for landing.

A young woman in her thirties stepped forward. She wore a military uniform adorned with two stars, signifying her rank as a Major General of the Third Federation. She placed her thumb on the computer interface to grant permission for the incoming ships.

After a few minutes, the starships began to land. They came in two distinct colors: blue, representing the Third Federation, and gold, signifying Venturia—the most powerful force in the solar system.

The woman's name was Shy, and as soon as she saw the Venturia spaceships, her heart skipped a beat. Venturia rarely sent its soldiers unless there was a major emergency. Even during the Second Solar Wars, Venturia had remained a neutral party and played a crucial role in bringing the conflict to a halt. Since then, they had sealed their world with stringent security measures and taken on the responsibility of safeguarding 70% of the planets with habitable environments.

Some time later, the soldiers began disembarking from the spacecraft, and the people at StellarPort couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The deployment of such a large military force for what seemed like a simple missing persons case was highly unusual. In a solar system where human populations had grown to staggering numbers, the disappearance of an entire planet wouldn't typically warrant this level of attention. The atmosphere was charged with tension and uncertainty as everyone wondered what could have prompted such a response.

As the soldiers continued to pour out of the spacecraft, two figures stood out among them. Major Xaden was renowned as the best military strategist of the Third Federation, known for his unparalleled tactical mind and leadership skills. His mere presence signaled that this mission was anything but ordinary.

Standing alongside Major Xaden was Major Cris, recognized as the most formidable bodyguard in all of Venturia. His reputation for unmatched combat prowess and unyielding loyalty to Venturia's interests was known far and wide. The fact that both Major Xaden and Major Cris were present on this mission only deepened the sense of foreboding that hung over StellarPort.

Major Xaden: (Observing the surroundings) Quite the gathering here, Major Cris. Seems like the disappearance of a town has stirred the hornet's nest.

Major Cris: (Nodding) Indeed, Major Xaden. It's not every day that Venturia sends its forces out like this. Something big must be happening.

Major Xaden: (Frowning) It's troubling. I've seen plenty of battles, but deploying this many soldiers for a mere missing persons case is unprecedented.

Major Cris: (Crossing arms) Venturia doesn't act without reason. We may be dealing with something more complex than a simple disappearance.

Major Xaden: (Scratching his chin) You're right, Cris. The reports mentioned people going missing from all over the town, even soldiers. That's not something normal.

Major Cris: (Raising an eyebrow) And there's the matter of that mysterious fortress. The way it absorbs everything in its vicinity—buildings, people, even ships. That's beyond anything we've encountered.

Major Xaden: (Grimacing) I've heard rumors about it. They say it's alive, that it hungers for whatever comes near.

Major Cris: (Squinting at the fortress) I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's like something out of a science fiction novel.

Major Xaden: (Tapping his chin) We need to approach this with caution. We're dealing with the unknown here, and I won't risk the lives of our soldiers recklessly.

Major Cris: (Nodding) Agreed. Our priority should be finding out what's happened to the missing people and securing the area. Venturia's reputation is at stake.

Major Xaden: (Turning to Cris) I've heard you're Venturia's best bodyguard. You think you can handle whatever we might encounter?

Major Cris: (Smirking) You have my word, Major. I've faced my fair share of challenges. Whatever's out there, I'll protect our mission and our people.

Major Xaden: (Offering a handshake) Then let's work together to uncover the truth, Major Cris.

Major Cris: (Accepting the handshake) Agreed, Major Xaden. We'll get to the bottom of this, no matter what it takes.

Major Shy, who had been observing the conversation, approached the two seasoned officers. She seemed eager and somewhat starstruck.

Major Shy: (Excitedly) Major Cris! Major Xaden! It's such an honor to meet both of you. I've heard so much about your exploits.

Major Cris: (Grinning) Well, aren't you a breath of fresh air? It's nice to meet a fan.

Major Xaden: (Smiling) Pleasure to meet you, Major Shy. We're all in this together.

Major Shy: (Blushing) Oh, absolutely! If we survive this, would either of you be interested in a dinner date? My treat!

Major Cris: (Chuckling) You don't waste any time, do you?

Major Xaden: (Playfully) A dinner date sounds lovely, Major Shy, but let's focus on the mission for now. We'll see about that dinner afterward.

Major Shy: (Blushing even more) Right, right, of course. Sorry, I got carried away.

The trio of officers made their way to their assigned quarters within StellarPort. As they settled in, Major Shy began to brief them on the situation.

Major Shy: (Serious) Gentlemen, I can't overstate the importance of this mission. Venturia's involvement is a rarity, and the disappearances have raised alarms at the highest levels. We need to work together to solve this mystery.

Major Xaden: (Nodding) Agreed, Major Shy. Our top priority is to locate the missing people and assess the threat posed by that fortress.

Major Cris: (Focused) We also need to find out what happened to the Venturian forces sent to investigate. If they've gone missing, it suggests a formidable adversary.

Major Shy: (Determined) Exactly. Our initial reconnaissance teams have reported strange occurrences near the fortress. It's imperative that we proceed with extreme caution.

Major Xaden: (Thoughtful) I'll coordinate our forces and establish a secure perimeter. We'll need to set up a command center here in StellarPort to monitor the situation.

Major Cris: (Resolute) And I'll lead an advanced team to assess the fortress up close. We need as much intel as possible before we commit more troops.

Major Shy: (Appreciative) Thank you both for your dedication to this mission. We have limited time to act, and the people of Terraluna are depending on us. Let's get to work.

The three officers exchanged determined glances, knowing that they were facing an unprecedented and potentially dangerous situation. With Venturia's reputation on the line and the fate of the missing townspeople hanging in the balance, they were resolved to uncover the truth, no matter the challenges they would face.

The town of Anachronistic buzzed with activity as Major Xaden, Major Cris, and Major Shy met with the town's key figures to discuss the upcoming mission. In a dimly lit room within StellarPort, they gathered around a large table, illuminated by a holographic display showing the fortress.

Mayor Davis: (Anxious) Major Xaden, Major Cris, Major Shy, thank you for coming. Our town is facing an unprecedented crisis, and we need your expertise.

Major Xaden: (Resolute) Mayor Davis, we're here to help. But we need your full cooperation and the support of your people to ensure the mission's success.

Mayor Davis: (Determined) You have our complete support. We've already begun mobilizing resources and preparing our citizens for evacuation.

As they discussed logistics and strategies, Major Shy took notes, making sure every detail was accounted for.

Outside StellarPort, soldiers prepared for their mission. Military trucks lined up, replacing civilian vehicles that had been requisitioned for the operation. Among the soldiers, conversations buzzed with a mix of anxiety and determination.

Soldier A: (Nervous) I can't believe we're going into that fortress. They say it eats buildings!

Soldier B: (Reassuring) Don't worry, we've got Major Cris with us. He's Venturia's best bodyguard. We'll be fine.

In another corner, there was a spirited discussion about the choice of transportation.

Citizen C: (Frustrated) I can't believe we're using these old military trucks. It's like going back in time!

Citizen D: (Excited) Are you kidding? It's a blast from the past! My grandparents used to tell stories about these trucks. It's like stepping into history!

Major Shy joined the soldiers, inspiring them with her words.

Major Shy: (Motivating) Remember, every one of you is vital to this mission. We're facing the unknown, but we have the training and the determination to overcome it. Together, we'll bring our people back.

As the preparations continued, the people of Anachronistic watched as their town transformed into a military operation center. Some had doubts, but many felt a sense of pride, knowing that they were part of an extraordinary effort to uncover the truth and save their fellow citizens.

Major Shy stood before the assembled soldiers, her holographic map of the iron fortress looming behind her. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they prepared for their mission.

Major Shy: (Authoritative) Attention, soldiers! We are about to embark on a mission of utmost importance. Our objective is to gather information about the iron fortress and uncover any clues about the missing townspeople. We have three primary objectives:

Reconnaissance: We need to gather as much information as possible about the fortress. Observe its behavior, document its structure, and identify any possible entry points.

Search and Rescue: We'll search for any signs of the missing people. If we find anyone, our priority is to bring them back safely.

Protect Our Team: This is a hostile environment. We must ensure the safety of our team members at all costs.


Soldier Anderson: (Curious) Major Shy, do we have any idea what we're up against inside that fortress?

Major Shy: (Honest) We have limited information, Soldier Anderson. We know it absorbs everything in its vicinity, but we don't understand how or why. Our objective is to gather that missing intel.

Soldier Ramirez: (Concerned) What if we encounter resistance, Major Shy?

Major Shy: (Confident) We'll prioritize communication and avoid confrontation if possible. Remember, we're not here for a battle. We're here for information. Major Cris and I will lead the way, and we'll rely on your training to keep us safe.

Major Xaden, observing the soldiers' reactions, stepped forward.

Major Xaden: (Inspiring) This mission is about courage and adaptability. We're stepping into the unknown, but we have the training and the determination to succeed. Trust in your fellow soldiers, and we'll bring our people back.

As Major Shy continued to explain the mission details, she outlined their communication protocols, emphasized the importance of staying together, and reminded them of their training.

Major Shy: (Motivating) Remember, this mission is not just about Anachronistic but also about the reputation of the third federation. We must show the galaxy that we can handle any challenge that comes our way.

The sun hung low on the horizon as the soldiers prepared to depart from the bustling StellarPort. The sight of the massive convoy assembling was awe-inspiring. Military trucks lined up in formation, their engines humming with restrained power. It was as if an entire army was mobilizing for war.

Soldier Rodriguez: (In awe) I've never seen anything like this. It's like we're going to war.

Soldier Nguyen: (Nodding) Yeah, but it's not an enemy we're fighting. It's the unknown.

As the soldiers boarded the vehicles, they couldn't help but exchange glances filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. They were about to venture into uncharted territory, a place where even the most experienced soldiers had little knowledge.

Lieutenant Jenkins: (Addressing the troops) All right, everyone, listen up. We're heading into the heart of the unknown, and our mission is to bring our people back and uncover the truth about that fortress. We've trained for this, and we're ready for anything.

Soldier Smith: (Trying to lighten the mood) Anyone else feel like we're in one of those sci-fi movies from the old days?

Soldier Lee: (Chuckling) Yeah, but I hope this isn't a horror movie. Those never end well.

The convoys were immense, a long line of military trucks stretching as far as the eye could see. Soldiers from different units shared stories, jokes, and nervous laughter as they waited for the signal to move out.

Sergeant Alvarez: (Joking) Remember, folks, if we meet any aliens, be polite. We don't want an interstellar incident on our hands.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city lights began to twinkle. TV crew members gathered to document the extraordinary scene unfolding before them.

TV Reporter: (Excitedly) Ladies and gentlemen, we're witnessing an unprecedented military deployment here at StellarPort. Soldiers from the third federation are embarking on a mission shrouded in mystery. The entire town is buzzing with curiosity about what's happening.

The convoy finally received the green light to proceed. The massive machines roared to life, their powerful engines propelling them forward. With each truck that rumbled past, bystanders couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder mixed with trepidation.

Soldier Miller: (Musing) It's like we're time travelers, going back to a different era.

Soldiers stood at attention in their trucks, armed and ready for whatever awaited them. Some felt the weight of responsibility on their shoulders, while others couldn't help but wonder about the enigma they were about to confront.

Soldier Jackson: (Reflecting) We're on a mission to solve a mystery, to uncover the truth. This is history in the making.

As the convoy of military trucks encircled the iron fortress in Anachronistic Town, Major Xaden couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that had gripped him since their arrival. The soldiers maintained their positions, their weapons at the ready, but their unease was palpable.

Major Xaden: (Muttering to himself) What in the world is going on here?

A few soldiers who had been keeping a watchful eye on the sky suddenly saw something that sent a chill down their spines—an eye, impossibly large and gleaming, had opened in the night sky for a brief moment before disappearing.

Soldier Turner: (Voice trembling) Did anyone else see that?

Soldier Ramirez: (Nodding) Yeah, I did. But who's going to believe us?

Major Cris overheard the soldiers' conversation and approached Major Xaden, his expression tense.

Major Cris: (Whispering) Xaden, did you see it too?

Major Xaden: (Grave) I did, Cris. It's as if the sky itself is watching us.

Soldier Roberts, standing nearby, couldn't help but voice his concerns.

Soldier Roberts: (Anxious) Major, could it be some kind of advanced technology? Or is this place messing with our heads?

Major Xaden: (Sighing) I wish I had an answer, Roberts. But right now, we need to stay focused on our mission.

Major Shy, monitoring the situation from the control center, observed the soldiers' reactions and the reports coming in.

Major Shy: (Concerned) Those eyes in the sky... I can't ignore them. They must be connected to whatever happened here.

Soldier Rodriguez, still on edge, scanned the surroundings, unable to shake off the eerie feeling that they were being observed.

Soldier Rodriguez: (Whispering to himself) This place is giving me the creeps.

The soldiers knew that this mission was unlike any other they had undertaken. The mysteries of Anachronistic Town, the enigmatic iron fortress, and now the ominous eyes in the sky all added layers of complexity to their task.

Major Xaden: (Addressing the soldiers) Listen up, everyone. We're here to uncover the truth and bring our people back. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and watch each other's backs. We'll get through this together.

As the soldiers prepared to venture into the iron fortress, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, not only by the eyes in the sky but by something far more ancient and enigmatic. The true nature of their mission remained shrouded in uncertainty, and they were about to step into the unknown, where answers and dangers awaited in equal measure.