
Shane Crowfeather: A Rogue's Tale

Shane Crowfeather is a young human living in a world of orcs, elves, halflings, dwarves, and every other kind of fantasy folk under the sun. Here he tells the story of his life up to a certain point, uncertain of what the future holds.

dgaribay99 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

A simple request

When I first woke up the first thing I saw was the light coming from the window, I took a deep breath and looked around the room, Raleen wasn't anywhere to be seen. I got up, put my clothes back on, and went into the living area, which surprisingly is where she was standing, she just put out the fire in the fireplace when she saw me and smiled, "Good morning. You sleep well?" she asked putting down the bucket, I assumed she knows what happened but I wanted to make sure so I answered, "I guess so, but how about you? Are you sore? Do you feel relieved? Anything?" She bit her bottom lip and shook her head, "I...yeah I slept fine. We should get going and get paid for that thing." She walked out of the room as quickly as she could, maybe it's best not to talk about it.

A few good hours of travel later we made it to town and went to the local butcher shop where we were promptly paid for the meat and everything else. "Well….I guess this is where we part ways huh?" I said awkwardly scratching the back of my head, "I guess so...you know if it's any consolation, the last few days with you were...pretty fun." We awkwardly shook hands and I watched as she began to make her way back home, "Well I guess I should head back to my place...all by myself….again," I stopped her "Wait! Raleen. Would you do me a favor?" "What? Spend the night with you again?" "Not gonna lie that would sound great but, if you ever feel alone or if you don't want to spend the night in a cold cabin by yourself, you can always stay at my place when I'm around, or when I'm not around so you can keep an eye on the place. What do you say?" She smiled, "I'd like that. Besides, your place is much more interesting." I smiled and we shook hands, not so awkwardly this time. As she left I nearly bumped into an elven courier, "A letter for you sir. From one Lady Valii. From the thunder coast." He said handing me the letter.

I opened the letter as it read, "Dearest Shane Crowfeather, my name is Lady Valii, a noblewoman of the thunder coast, I would like to hire your services for at least two days, of which you will be well complicated for. If you are wondering when and where someone such as I have heard of you. You should know that news of certain, shall we say "exploits" have made themselves known in many circles. Tis a simple request that I ask. I shall await you at my estate in the thunder coast. In the city of Newharbor, surprisingly enough, it is quite less, for lack of a better term, wet, this time of year, very light drizzle. In any case, I do hope to see you quite soon. Yours, Valii." I looked up from the letter and headed home, "might as well, I'm already dressed anyway." I said to myself.

I walked back home where I found Raleen leaning against the wall, "Going out?" She asked, "Yup, gonna be gone a few days maybe, I don't know. But just keep an eye on the place until I get back." She shrugged and made herself comfortable. I took my coin pouch, a couple of books, and of course my weapons. "Right, keep an eye on the place feed the chickens out back, help yourself to some food, and if the debt collector comes give him the 200 platinum I have in the drawer next to my bed in the master bedroom." "Right Right I get ya- wait 200 platinum?" "Gotta go," I said as I shut the door and sprinted down to the docks, there I found the scout just about done resupplying, Voyage waved to me, "OI! You plan to come along this time captain?" she asked excitedly, "Indeed I am, I need to get to Newharbor in the thunder coast." "Ahh, well, we'll get you there, there's a dock in that city, leads right to the rich part of town though." I chuckled, "It's kinda why I'm going, seems a noble lady needs my company for a few days, she said I'll be "Well compensated" as stated in her letter." I said waving the letter in front of her.

Voyage chuckled, "Alrighty then, let's get to sailing eh?" She turned around and put her cupped hands over her mouth, "Captain on deck!" She shouted, the whole crew turned to see me and cheered in excitement, "At ease lads, it's a short trip, nothing to work yourselves up for." nearly the whole crew laughed at my comment, "Well don't just stand there ya bilge rats, Unfurl the sails lets get this heap moving!" I watched as a plethora of crew members ran around the deck unfurling sails, tying down various ropes, the usual way ships work. I headed into the captain's cabin to set down my belongings, It'll take a bit but all the same, it'll be fun to sail the sea for a short time.

The whole trip lasted a good three days to reach Newharbor, after which I said my goodbyes and walked through the bustling dock area to reach the noble area of the city. As I walked through this area, I politely asked where I could find Lady Valii's residence, though strangely reluctant a few gave me directions on where to find her home. It was a beautifully made home, possibly filled to the brim with multiple rooms, lounges, and so on, the outer facade was a bright white, there were bits here and there colored in bright greens and sky blues including the roof. After admiring it all I walked up to the large double doors and knocked on the door as loud as I could.

I looked down to see a halfling male wearing a well-made suit, perhaps he's one of the lady's butlers. "Pardon the intrusion but, I'm here to see the lady Valii." "Ah, you must be the company she was expecting, she is upstairs in her room, I shall tell her you have arrived. Oh, and feel free to set down your belongings anywhere, someone will come by to pick them up shortly and take them to the guest room nearest to the lady's room, as per her request prior to your arrival." He said as he began to make his way up a large flight of stairs. I shrugged and set down my things. In less than a minute a human woman, a maid, walked in and took them and walked up the same flight of stairs as the halfling did. I stood there waiting for a short while when I heard an elegant voice call my name, "Shane Crowfeather, son of Sebastian Crowfeather, soon to be one of the greatest rouges of all time." When I turned around, at the top of the stairs was a gorgeous goblin woman. Standing around four feet tall, she had an amazing figure clearly outlined by the beautiful blue dress she was wearing. She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen on a goblin woman, her black charcoal hair had a hint of an oily blue shine to it was tied into a loose ponytail.

As she made her way down the stairs, I couldn't help but stare, never in my life would I have thought to have seen a goblin woman as beautiful as her, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you darling." she said as she extended her hand for me to kiss it, as I held her hand, her skin felt softer than the finest silk, and as I laid my lips on it, I heard her giggle, "oh my, you truly are quite the gentleman, your father must have taught you about manners well." "Well he needed to, how else would rogues like me infiltrate fancy parties and meet with nobility such as yourself." She chuckled, "I see, well, let us continue this discussion over dinner." The thought of dinner sounded fantastic since I haven't had too much to eat in a few weeks, the idea of it even made my stomach rumble, "My, you must have quite the appetite. Don't worry I have one of the finest dragonborn chefs around working in my kitchen. She'll make us an excellent five-course meal I'm sure you'll love." She said leading me into the dining room, it was a gorgeous room with a long table set in the middle adorned with candles and six chairs, two at the long ends and four in the middle, and plenty of room for more.

Lady Valii took the seat at the head of the table and asked me to sit in the chair closest to her on her right-hand side. A female dragonborn came in wearing a full chef's outfit and holding her hands together, "Good evening, for the soup course we have an excellently creamy roasted mushroom and brie soup with a rosemary garnish." two elven butlers came in and set down two small yet steaming bowls of soups, and it smelled amazing. As we were finishing our soup and waiting for the next course Lady Valii turned and asked me, "Mr.Crowfeather, are you perhaps married?" "No, unfortunately, though I plan to once I meet the right person." "Do you have a preference?" This question caught me off guard.

I adjusted myself in my seat, "Would you mind elaborating?" I asked, "I simply ask if you have someone you prefer. Elves, gnomes, humans?" "Oh! Well, not precisely, I don't usually mind who they are, if I end up with some dwarf wife or a human husband I wouldn't care. I also wouldn't mind having some kids running around." Lady Valii smiled as she took a sip of her champagne. The dragonborn chef came back, "for our second course, the appetizer, smoked salmon and dill deviled eggs." small plates with the meal were presented to us and after eating one, I needed to have more, it was great. Before I had another one Lady Valii asked me more questions I didn't expect from someone of her status, "have you ever had sexual intercourse Mr.Crowfeather?" I nearly spat out my drink.

I swallowed whatever I had in my mouth and coughed, "I'm sorry, what?" she chuckled, "Oh Mr.Crowfeather, it's a simple question, there's no need to feel embarrassed." "I...I um…" I took a moment to collect myself, "Yes. Yes I have." she gave me a sultry look as we continued with the meal. As the third course, the salad, was brought to us, I decided to ask her a question, "You asked me if I was married, what about you? Is there a Lord Valii? Or some other sort of name, she laughed, "Oh my dear Mr.Crowfeather, of course not. Though that doesn't mean that many haven't tried. In human years I would say I'm...29. I'm still young Mr.Crowfeather, besides as you have stated yourself, I need to find the right one." she maintained eye contact as they took our plates and as we both took a sip of our champagne.

The second to last meal, the entree was, as the chef stated, a brandy flamed peppercorn steak a sirloin steak cooked in butter, garlic, and wine, and then set on fire. Crushed peppercorns, brandy, and a cream sauce. The smell was just as intoxicating as the taste. After we finished I finally remembered to ask, "Lady Valii, I dont exactly remember, but in your letter, you never specified why you invited me here. Am I to go on some sort of quest? Am I supposed to go retrieve something or someone?" She took one last sip of her glass before asking to have it refilled. "My dear, I invited you here to enjoy yourself." "What do you mean?" "Well, as they finish up preparing our dessert I shall explain. You my dear have been making quite the name for yourself. That deserves a proper reward. For the two days, you are here I shall treat you to an incredible vacation of the highest luxury here in my home. That and I would like you to accompany me to the Newharbor beach, it's quite a shame to go alone." I was about to say something when the dessert was brought to us and my words were replaced by something else.

I stared at the plate in front of me in confusion, it was some sort of bright purple slice of bread or some sort of pastry with a buttercream swirl in the middle. If I didn't know any better I would have thought this was made from some unknown plant found in the Underdark. "What….in the nine hells….is this?" With a smile, Lady Valii turned to look at me, "Oh my dearest. I was skeptical of this fine dessert at first as well, it's a dessert made from a purple-colored yam called ube. It's quite good." She wasn't lying. The first bite I took, the taste was subtle but there was an earthiness and it was a bit nutty. Nonetheless, it was a very good dessert and an amazing meal overall. "Ah, very well if you are satisfied you may head to the guest quarters, we have a long and eventful day tomorrow my dear." She said making her way back upstairs. My only thought after that was if I wanted to have a vacation I would have stayed home, but this is a little better.

Thank you all again for reading, please remember to rate and comment on what you liked and didn't like and how I can improve. As always, never forget to love one another.

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