
Shameless Little Nine Is Loved By All

Lin Chuijiu slowly opened her eyes and found herself In the Most Powerful Force of the Continent, The Lin family of ancient Cultivation World. As the little heiress of the Lin family everybody dots on her but she has a mysterious poison and is yet to awaken her spiritual root. Chujiu navigates her world with grace and determination, capturing the hearts of those around her, including her reluctant betrothed, the Third Prince. Chujiu, who went on a mission to find her missing parents will encounter an indescribably handsome young man in a pitiful state. Displaying her compassionate nature, she takes him under her care with pure intentions, harboring no ulterior motives. Not at all. She did not covet his body, not at all. Fast forward to a super romantic evening. Chujiu's all snuggled up with this dreamboat (whose name, by the way, is Wei Ting), gently moving his shirt to place tender kisses on his neck and shoulder. But when she looks up expecting him to be gazing back with starry eyes, Wei Ting just looks…confused. "Uh, Chujiu," he mumbled, "did you eat chicken fried rice again without sharing it with me?” The Speechless Chujiu practically exploded out of the room, leaving a puzzled Wei Ting on the bed wondering what on earth just happened. After a few days, Chujiu finally reunites with her long-lost parents. Her dad, overcome with emotion, choked out, "Daughter, you've been through so much to find me! I've caused you worry and you must have made several sacrifices to find us. How can I ever repay you?" Suddenly, a handsome young man who had remained silent interjects, “No need for repayment. She came to find you so that she can enjoy her marital bliss." Taken aback, Chujiu retorts, "What nonsense are you spouting?" The innocent young man blinks his eyes and says, "A few days ago, didn't you cry while holding me, saying you couldn't wait to enjoy your marital bliss but couldn’t do so without finding your parents?” Buried alive in embarrassment, Chujiu wished the earth would swallow her whole. This hilarious misunderstanding, fuelled by her overly affectionate nature and Wei Ting's impressive ability to miss the point entirely, was just another day in the life of the ever-so-lovable Chujiu.

liyi369 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Advanced Again

After some time, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a pair of eyes watching her with interest.

"Grandfather, what are you looking yet?"

Grandfather Lin smiled and asked without answering her question, "You advanced again?"

Grandfather Lin is shocked silly. But soon gathered himself.

How is it possible?

If this continues, wouldn't his grand daughter reach emperor realm in just a few more years. Then will she leave him alone in the manor?

Though he do not want her to leave him, that do not mean he will stop her growth.

Seeing grandfather Lin's mood getting low, Chujiu jumped from the bed and threw herself in to his arms.

Grandfather Lin caught her steadily and patted her back.

Being an orphan in her previous life, god must have pitted her. How can she leave such a kind and warm hearted grandfather?

She comforted him slowly, "Grandfather, as long as I am alive in this world, I will never leave you. Even if I become an immortal, I will stay by your side. Not only that, I will bring back my father and mother to you. We will become a complete family and live a peaceful life."

Grandfather Lin pulled his little nine and asked while looking in to her eyes, "You won't marry a bastard and leave with him?"

After her last talk with him, he seems to have developed a small trauma… This shows how much he love and care for her.

"Even if I marry, I will bring in a live in grandson in law and will give you a bunch of great grand children to play with. I want to see a few babies plucking your hair…"

Both of them laughed heartily for some time before Chujiu bid good bye and left.

She is now at stage 6 of Spirt Realm. She climbed 3 more stages now.

She absorbed a large amount of dark elemental energy and that caused this abnormal hike in her cultivation. She has to stabilise it before thinking of what to do.

Just before the upgrade, she was thinking of sneaking in to Song family to vent her anger.

Now it seems like, she has to wait for a day.

After entering her room, Cai Wei served dinner which she ate with relish.

She got on to bed and checked her mystical space. As expected, there is an upgrade but what is that?

She found a small room in the corner. She went inside and all she could find is a small letter.

Chujiu opened it to read. She was so shocked reading the contents of the letter and almost dropped it.

She turned her head and saw there is really a black door in the corner of the room as written on the letter.

Her legs were trembling and she took small steps towards the door.

She clenched her fists and stood in front of the door. She swung it open. To her surprise, a room materialised before her, completely defying the traditional vibes of her ancient world.

The interiors resembled a place straight out of her past life—a modern, sleek setup. Large screens adorned the walls, flashing images and information that seemed to belong to another era. A robotic voice chimed in, a bit too cheerfully, "Welcome, Lin Chujiu. This is your inventory room."

Chujiu raised her eyebrows and scanned the room and her eyes widened at the collection.

There are a series of screens with a huge list of items ranging from daily necessities to high end vehicles and explosives.

The robotic voice continued its explanation, detailing the items available for her picking. However, due to her current cultivation level, some things were off-limits. 

"Seriously? Explosives and guns? What kind of cultivation journey involves this arsenal?" she mumbled to herself, a mix of confusion and amusement playing on her face.

The screens showcased a vast array of items, some mundane and others seemingly from the future. It was a bizarre fusion of the old and the new, leaving Chujiu somewhat dumbfounded.

The robotic voice chirped, "You can only take a few items for now. Choose wisely!"

Chujiu smirked, "Oh, the joy of choices. Let's see... I'll take some of these futuristic-looking things, and a few explosives for good measure, you know, in case of emergencies. Gotta be prepared, after all."

As she started making her selections, the room seemed to echo with the clash of ancient traditions and modern conveniences. Chujiu couldn't help but marvel at the irony of her situation—a cultivator standing in a room that could rival a high-tech store in her old modern world.

She chose some human skin masks which seems to have been developed in a futuristic era. She now believes that there are several worlds with different timelines.

These are special, they can transform to a particular face and anybody can use it. It will automatically adjust its size and will change the appearance of the face. But the rest of the body will be same, so one had to make preparations for the complete appearance change, like appropriate dress etc.

Chujiu asked the invisible robo, "Hey, the bodies of modern world people and people of this world are different. Will these things work here?"

Robo answered, "Yes, the things in the inventory are modified to meet the attributes of the world you are currently living in."

"Also, you should remember that humans are humans and basic attributes do not change."

Cultivators depend on spiritual energy to heal themselves for minor injuries and will take pills for severe injuries. The medicines in the mystical space are helpful in emergencies when a person is severely injured, he may not be able to use spiritual energy to heal himself.

She took some medicines to stop blood loss, pain killers etc. These medicines look like modern medicines but the effectiveness is vastly different from them and they suit cultivators.

This is what the robo said.

She got 3 bombs as well.

They are several items but she could not take them for now.

The robotic voice added a final, chipper note, "Enjoy your loot, Lin Chujiu!"

And with that, Chujiu stepped out of the room, shaking her head at the absurdity of it all. "Well, if I'm going to face ancient challenges, might as well do it with a touch of the future," she chuckled, the door closing behind her as the screens continued to flicker with images of both worlds colliding in this magical space.

She now has - 11 Face masks including male and female, 3 bombs and emergency medicines.