
Shameless: Level 1

Reborn in the Shameless as one of Gallagher Follow Bruce as he experiences what it is like to live with the Gallaghers and what adventure he goes through as one of the Gallaghers and the changes he brings to the family

voidheart · TV
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6 Chs


What the fuck ? Where am I ?


Who are you ?

It is I

Who ?

I am a entity created by will of multiple clusters of what you humans call 'observable universe '

It was your soul's chance to be reincarnated into h§§§§l planet cluster where the universal core energy  is in a malleable form

what is this energy malleable stuff and What do you mean 'was' ?

The best way to explain it for your human mind would be magic but calling it magic might be too crude .

Unfortunately for you

It was destroyed

So I  am giving you another reality for your rebirth

Unfortunately, it does not have universal core energy in a malleable form.

But i shall provide you with the best universal core system and the best blessings possible in that reality

Now be ready to enter that reality

Do not that  you will gain access your past memories and the system once you are fully conscious