
Shameless Ghost King Is My Husband!

“Ah! My… My husband…” "You, my dear wife, is the sweet I craved the most." “You know how to talk,” Ying Yue flushed and felt the bite to his lips. “Ah Yue,” a breathless deep chuckle made his body shivered, “The times I spent with you, touch you, and taste you will never satisfy me.” *** Ying Yue was Heaven’s Chosen, a person gifted to bring peace, balance, and rid the world of evil. He was full of pureness and hope! Only problem? He fell deeply for the shameless Ghost King, Wang Li. Wang Li, a person gifted to bring chaos and death, had waited centuries for Ying Yue. Now that he had Heaven’s Chosen, he would never let Ying Yue go. A beauty like Ying Yue was meant only for him. With their marriage, the truth of their love brought a curse and a prophecy for the Ghost King’s death. The worst part? Ying Yue was the one fated to kill his husband. What should he do to keep this love with Wang Li? What had to be sacrificed to preserve it? Was he willing to? That aside, He had also married a horny shameless king! And he… He dared to declare that he regretted nothing. “I want to take your innocence, your body, your heart, your lips. Everything, my beloved wife. I am not whole without you.” Yep, he regretted nothing. == *WPC 159- Gold Tier Winner* *SMUT starts chapter 16 and throughout future chapters.* Other TAGS: Fate, Death, Childhood Love

MichelleLeeee · LGBT+
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228 Chs

I Want To Kiss You

After their 20th spar, it happened. Ying Yue felt anxiety and worry built up like a yarn inside his stomach.

"Ah Yue, your eyes," he felt Wang Li running his fingers over the mark on his forehead, "This mark… you are chosen."

"I…" he searched his friend's face worriedly, "… maybe it was a mistake. You are the chosen one from Heaven, Ah Li."

"Ah Yue," he saw the boy smiled softly and pressed a kiss to the mark, "Your eyes are beautiful as gold or green, and this mark…" their foreheads pressed against one another, "... means we are bonded, does it not?"

He placed his palms on his friend's collarbone and let out soft laughter. They've grown so close that he felt stupid for even worrying. Wang Li had always supported him, and he was grateful. He was always nice to him, was patient with him, and laughed with him. His best friend…

Pulling back, he smiled relieved as he looked into silver eyes.

"Why have you hidden it?" His friend questioned.

"I thought you would…" gold eyes turned away from the boy in red.

"I would never leave you, Ah Yue," he heard his friend admit covering his hands.

Gold eyes searched his best friend's face before a bright smile spread across his lips. Ying Yue let out happy laughs as he leaned forward with his forehead against the young man's shoulder.

His heart felt so full and beating so happily. He closed his eyes and took in the scent that Wang Li always carried with him. Plum blossoms… he always loved how it looked, how it smelt, and he loved it even more because of Wang Li.

"Ah Li," he hesitated, unsure if he wanted to continue. He was nervous with the thoughts and feelings he was carrying, but the hum from his friend urged him to continue, "um… I…"

He pulled back, only to feel lips brushing against his cheek. They both froze in place as their breathing quickened, eyes widening. He felt his heartbeat accelerated as he pulled further back to stare at him. His golden eyes looked at Wang Li's lips, like they were drawn to it before a flush covered his cheeks. Golden eyes investigated silver ones.

"I… should go," Ying Yue whispered, but did not move from where he was.

"Do you…" Wang Li whispered squeezing his hands, "like me?"

His ears reddened and he saw his best friend's own cheeks heating up.

"Ah Li," he gulped and trembled slightly, "If I say yes, would you-"

"No," the boy in red interrupted with a smile, "I would never leave you, Ah Yue," he heard repeated and the blonde let out a relieved smile.

"Then yes, I like you," Ying Yue nodded, "… and you?"

He watched the grin spread across his best friend's lips with a soft laugh, "I want to kiss you."

Face flushed covering his pretty freckles, the blonde looked down shyly.

'Wang Li… wanted to kiss me?!' He could feel his face flushing even more.

He slowly nodded and saw the other chosen leaning forward. Closing his eyes, he lifted his head after a moment and felt it. Lips touched lips and he squeezed his eyes tighter. He had… he had never kissed anyone before. He didn't know what he was doing. He felt Wang Li slid his lips at an angle, slotting them perfectly with his. His fingers gripped the inside of his friend's robe as he leaned further. Then, he felt Wang Li remove his lips and lightly lick his red ones.

"Thank you," his friend whispered against his reddened ear. Ying Yue laughed and sighed. Wang Li… he felt the same way for him then. Stomach filled with butterflies and skin tingling with heat, he closed his golden eyes with a smile.


"Huh? What is happening?" He woke up groggily to the sounds of chatter.

"Eh? Ying Yue hurry up and dress. Master is waiting for us," Han Mo called out.

"Waiting for us to do what?" The blonde yawned and got dressed.

"We're going to the caves," the brunette reminded him, "Master said he found a perfect spot for deep meditation. He said it enhances one's Qi and advancement."

"Oh, for how long?" Green eyes wondered as they walked out of the cabin.

"Five years, perhaps," Han Mo replied and Ying Yue froze.

'Five years! But… But!' He stared wide eyed at his master.

"Master! Do we have to go now? Can we go tomorrow?" The youngest questioned worriedly.

"Today is a good day to go, Ying Yue," his master fanned himself.

"But… but I didn't get to tell my friend," he frowned, worried evident on his face.

"This friend of yours," his master hummed, "You must truly care for him. If he cares for you, he would wait."

"But what if he-" he tried once more, but his eldest brother tsked.

"Stop wasting time," the redhead frowned at him, "Let's go. Stop worrying about nonsense."

"Ying Yue," his master touched his head, "It is time for you to learn the next stage. Be sure to focus or you will not complete your mission."

"Yes master," he said sadly with his shoulders dropped.

As they all headed up the mountain, he kept glancing behind him to the road that he always took- the road that led to Wang Li.


(Both Wang Li and Ying Yue are now 18 years old~)

He stood at the lake, Wang Li's favorite spot to stare at the moon. It was not full tonight, but the sprinkle of stars twinkled in the water. He worried his hands wondering if the raven-haired male had forgotten. The blonde had not shown up at their nightly meeting for five years due to an unexpected move by his Master to meditate in the caves.

'Maybe… maybe he gave me up,' he looked down, 'I mean… it had been a long time.'

He heard footsteps nearing him and he turned, golden eyes widened.

Wang Li.

Long black hair was twisted in a braid with glass beads decorating it; eyes of silver as sharp and clear as the first day he saw the man. Red… how he made the color look even more captivating must be a gift of the beauty before him. He saw the head tilt and he smiled.

"Ah Li," he greeted softly, frozen with weak legs.

"Ah Yue," his voice was deeper now, "It has been a long time."

He nodded his blonde head and watched as the man, once the same height as he was, now towered him.

'He still looks beautiful,' he thought and smiled.

"Are you hungry?" He motioned at the meal he brought with him, "I brought your favorite."

Silver eyes warmed and nodded. Ying Yue found himself sighing in relief. He had thought his friend would be angry with him, but it looked like he was forgiven… maybe. Sitting under the tree, he pulled out the bowl of fatty beef and another of the white wined rice. Sharing the bowls, they ate quietly underneath the stars.

"Ah Li," the blonde felt like he needed to confess, "I am sorry for leaving for so long without telling you. I… my master said I needed to go meditate," he explained, "Said it would open up my channels to learn the next stage."

"What is the next stage?"

"To control my energy for my purpose."

"What is your purpose?"

"To bring balance."

Wang Li nodded in understanding.

"You know," he let out a soft laugh spooning the rice, "When I was meditating, I thought I heard you."

"Oh?" The raven-haired beauty questioned chewing on a beef.

"Yeah," he grinned, "Thought you were there with me, you know?"

"Did you miss me that much?" The man grinned at him with a soft laugh.

He rolled his eyes, but grinned. Finishing their meals, he packed it up as both leaned against the tree. Ying Yue missed this. He missed being here with his best friend and he missed the comfort the man brought him. He turned his head and watched the raven-haired male looking at the stars, at the moon. He found his lips curling up, enjoying his view of the man in red.

"Ah Yue," his friend turned to him and their face were close, "I missed you too."

"I want to kiss you," he admitted and felt his face reddened, but it was true.

The first time they kissed… he dreamt of it often. He really did like Wang Li and it scared him yet excited him at the same time. Licking his dry lips, he stared at those lips on his best friend. He saw them smile and his golden eyes looked at soft silver eyes.

"As you wish, Ah Yue," Wang Li said softly and Ying Yue nodded.

Heart racing and ears hot, he leaned forward and closed his eyes.

'I love you.'

Ah, young innocent love~ Enjoy the 2 extra chaps!

*psssss, if you haven't already, in my review section I added a chibi pic of our lovely couple~~ Please do not reuse it, but get heart eyes from the cuteness <3*

Big Thanks to:

Voters- Lotte_Xx, MissReeed, Amanda_Lilly_0560, azure_121_, cadisle, pink_cupcakes, and Rat_189 <3<3

Commenters- Kimwoosung and moiya <3

Love, Michelle

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