
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

An Interlude


The suspense is killing us.

The stadium was re-covered over 20 minutes ago. The Lycan family looks as poised as ever, but anyone could tell that standing there in the blazing sun, in all that traditional clothing cannot be fun.

Even though the material is thin, there are still a lot of layers.

It hurts me more, that I lounge around in this airconditioned box while Azouf stands there, sun bright, back straight, eyes forward, speaking to no one.

Mother and father have moved towards the view screen. To see what? I can't be sure.

Cali seems to notice my frustration and she leans her head on my shoulder.

"They should be done soon," she whispers.

I crack a smile. We obviously don't know that they'll be done soon, but it was nice of her to say anyway.

The slightest creak of the door has us looking towards it.

Taheri waves as she weaves through the chairs and greets family members. When she reaches us, she flops down on my other side, head almost slamming into my shoulder.

I wince and she just shrugs, wiggling to get comfortable before sighing in content. It's nice to have them both here.

"Who did you get?" Cali asks.

Taheri groans.

"I was supposed to have Azouf, but-" mother gives us the look.

"I was supposed to have HEIR Azouf," Taheri corrects and mother nods so Taheri continues her story.

"But the Vulpus punk beat me out. Our keeper overruled me in favour of him without batting an eye. Stupid biased man. May the old gods curse him to get a flat tire and set his stupid wig on fire."

I startle and Cali's eyes widen as well.

"Which Vulpus punk?" We whisper shout.

Now Taheri looks startled. She sits up and looks at both our faces before slowly saying:

"Cielo Vulpus."

"That absolute TOOL." Cali growls.

"Stupid, good for nothing, blabber mouth. Can't even believe that Azouf had to deal with HIM. That absolute WASTE of SPACE."

Taheri looks alarmed now.

"What in the name of the old goddesses did I miss?"

"That sorry excuse of an Heir cheated on Azouf no less than 9 times before Azouf found out and ended it. He claimed that he only cheated because he wanted to 'perfect his technique' before trying it on Azouf." I hissed out lowly.

"That SNAKE!"

Taheri almost screamed. Mother and father turned towards us, concerned. We plastered on smiles and waved them off. They raised an eyebrow and I gestured at Azouf. They softened. They love Azouf.

"You mean that FOX." Cali whispered back when mother and father turned away again.

I snort, and Taheri slumps back onto my shoulder.

"At least Azouf took out the trash."

Our eyes whip towards mother. She looks at us knowingly and father even chuckles at her statement.

"Mother!" Cali gasps scandalously, struggling not to laugh.

"That is not proper language young lady!" Taheri admonishes with a cheeky grin.

What I say next breaks the dam.

"He's an absolute douchecanoe ain't he ma?" I beam at her.

Everyone manages to keep their composure for a bit, but ultimately everyone dissolves into laughter. Father laughs loudly, mother's laugh just borders on polite, Taheri bursts into giggles, and Cali is clutching onto my arm to stop from slipping with how hard she laughs.

The rest of the House may not know exactly what we are laughing about, but they're laughing too, because who wouldn't when someone yells out the word "douchecanoe," like come on.

I'm cackling like a madman and the frustration that threatened to overwhelm me dissipates. It's not gone, but I feel much better than I did previously.

We bask in each other's company as the laughter dwindles down. There is still the occasional snicker, and varying degrees of smiles overtaking everyone's face, and I'm so glad that our family didn't have to take to the throne. I couldn't imagine not being this close.


"So he wears a wig?" Cali asks after a while.

Taheri nods as vigorously as she can with her head still stuck to my shoulder.

"Hideous little thing really. Thick, black and curly, when his hair is literally the dullest shade of orange in existence."

"I wonder how bald he really is," Cali states.

"We could always have a good game of tag near him. And if the toupee so happens to fly off his head and we so happen to take pictures, then who's to know?" I wonder aloud.

Mother walks over just to swat my outstretched leg, but doesn't exactly say anything against my non-existent plan.

The three of us grin.

Then movement in the corner of my eye catches out attention. In sync, we turn to look. Lady Lycan has stepped forward with her arms out to the sides again.

"Let stage two commence!"

Thanks for reading! I hope you're all still enjoying it!

Any interactions are always welcome!!


Danger - BTS

My Boyfriend's Back - Paris Bennet (remix)

Gangsta - Will Jay

Stormhawkcreators' thoughts