
'Oh, just my luck.'

I wasn't able to fall back asleep after he left me with my hand frozen in the air. It took me a while before I picked up the shattered pieces of my thoughts and head back to bed where I found him already lying on his side—sleeping.

Silvery eyes that held a hint of mystery—a mystery that I might not even get close to uncovering. His gaze, piercing, like he could read what's on my mind if he tried. 

I closed my eyes and mentally screamed. 

The audacity of this man to play with my emotions. I'll be sure to come up with ideas to make him just as speechless.

Just so you wait, Leon Salvatore Astor-Leighwell!


I was finally able to sleep sometime between plotting my revenge against Leon and staring at the part of my palm where I can still feel his lips. When I came to, it was already past nine and my maids have brought breakfast for me to eat in bed.

"Why am I having breakfast in bed?" I wondered because they've always waited for me to wake up and then ask me where I would like to eat. So, what changed?

Leon did.

Apparently, that handsome piece of artwork told my maids that I had a hard time sleeping last night and somehow needed to eat in bed so my body can recuperate. They were all blushing and gushing over the thought when they told me about it that I just had to clench my fists and force a smile on my face.

Just you wait, oh my dear Count Astor. I will device a situation where you'd be caught off guard for the wits of you that you won't be able to forget about it for months!


I ate what my maids brought me with gusto even though the portions were larger than I was used to. I'd bet my life on it—well, not my life, maybe one of my boutiques would do—that Leon told them how much food to serve me. What am I, livestock?

"Is everything to your taste, my lady?" Marie asked worriedly. "The portions are..." she paused, and her eyes shifted when she lowered her head, "Master Leon told us to give you almost twice your usual portions to... uh, regain your strengths." She straightened herself after talking and walked briskly towards a nearby small round table that they had moved from the balcony. "This tea... Missus Jane told me this would help you get your energy back."

"Marie." My voice was stern that both Marie and Viola perked up immediately, their hands in front of them. "Didn't I tell you to stop shifting your gaze when you're talking? And stop lowering your head for no reasons. You should talk confidently even if the topic's embarrassing." I should be the one embarrassed here with all these false accusations. I'd bet the whole castle's already buzzing with different sorts of gossips about it.

Oh, what I'd pay to even have that bit of gossip become a reality.

I huffed. 

"Where is the Count now?"

"He's probably in the guild. Or maybe at the Keep? I overheard a stable boy that they'd be needing extra hands to sift through the pile of things they brought from the north." I only nodded. It must be the things he mentioned last night about sorting it and giving it back to their families.

Now there goes my thoughts for revenge.

"Help me get dressed today. I want to look around town." It's about time I look around the rest of Vervin, and then maybe, when all my feelings of sadness and guilt are washed away by meeting new faces, I'd be able to think of a way to exact my revenge on my dear husband-to-be.

Of course, I'm going around town with the thoughts of stopping by his beloved guild. 

Just the thought of seeing his surprised expression again made me want to laugh maniacally, but I can't. Not in front of Marie and Viola. It's not lady-like, so I just discreetly cleared my throat and wiped the side of my mouth with a napkin before I gracefully placed in on the table.


By the time the chapel bells rang ten times, I was already dressed to impress. I wanted to go out full-glam, with shining jewelry and one of my best dresses but I wanted to be... normal. Approachable. Plus Viola said the road around town are pebbled and rough so it would be best for me to wear comfortable clothes and flat shoes.

Hmm, not bad, I said as I examined myself in front of the mirror. Even these plain clothes couldn't cloud my beauty, I vainly thought as I did one last turn, my hair following my every movement.

"Don't you think I should wear my hair up today? It's been pretty humid lately."

"If you prefer it that way, my lady, we can certainly quickly make it in a bun."

I looked up for a second and visualized—he'd be so surprised to see me at the doors of his office and I'd smile slowly as I let him see his men behind me looking. Then he'd asked me what am I doing in town and I'll tell him that I was out sightseeing. One conversation would lead to another and I'd soon find myself in his arms; he'd let down my hair and—

"My lady?" Viola interrupted and I shook my head.

Isadora Montcroix, you're at it again.


"Should we wait for Missus Jane or Mister Alestair to come back from their errands before we leave?" Marie was by my bed holding a thick draping cloak for me to wear.

"Well..." I paused. It's true that I don't want to worry them unnecessarily about my whereabouts. "Hmm..." If I waited for them to return, there's a slim chance they'd let me, and I don't know when they'd be back. For all I know they could be back at sunset. "Maybe you can leave a note for the both of them? Rosa's in charge when Jane leaves, right?"

"Well, I guess we could..." Viola sounded unsure as she looked back to where Marie was standing.

"Then that settles it," I clapped my hands, acting oblivious of the glances exchanged by my maids. If things turned out not good for them, I could always come to their defenses, so I didn't see what's the problem here.

Before we head down, I made a quick trip to my study to write the note for Jane and Alestair. Pouring red wax and stamping my seal on it was the last step, then I was off downstairs where I had Viola and Marie arranged a ride for us at the stables.

It was a lovely morning. Not too sunny and bright, not too gloom—it's a perfect day for a little excursion and I made sure to bring a pouch full of money with a reminder to myself to keep my eyes peeled for any promising businesses—though I highly doubt there'd be one since my maids once told me that they only have housewives for seamstresses and a couple of blacksmiths here.

Maybe there's a promising blacksmith I can invest my money on? Hmm...

Before my mind gets filled with making money, I quickly made my way out, greeting those I crossed paths with. Any longer and either Jane or Alestair would be here. That'll put an end to my excitement. But as if the universe heard my concern, by the time I took a step on the stairs in front of the castle, a carriage arrived. 

One that bore the crest of Count Astor.

The carriage that stopped by the stairs was Alestair's. With him was a stereotypical old man with a monocle and a leather bag that just screamed, art collector. Or maybe art collectors should be long-haired young men with impeccable good looks and a slim body?

I stopped for a heartbeat but remembering that I was wearing a hood and in plain clothes and seeing that he didn't recognize me at first glance, I only bowed my head and pull the hood over. Maybe he'd think I'm just a rude... nobody? Or someone else that had a business in the castle. Either way, I don't care as long as he doesn't recognize me, and I get to leave.

Just when I cleared one obstacle, an even bigger one appeared.

"Oh, just my luck," I snickered as another carriage bearing the count's crest came through the gates. It's not just one who came home, but two!

I picked up my dress and hastily walked to the side of the castle where the stables for carriage horses were and where Viola said they'd wait for me. But just when I was about to make a turn, a curious voice called out for me.

"Lady Isa?" It was Jane poking her head out the window of a moving carriage. I couldn't help but stop on my tracks, then I heard Alestair just a few meters behind me saying my name too. "Stop the carriage," the head housekeeper ordered, and she came rushing towards me when she got out. "Oh, Lady Isa, I almost didn't recognize you in those plain clothes."

Oh Jane... Sweet, sweet Jane. It would've been nice if you didn't recognize me at all. But alas, with your keen eyes you did.

"Guess, I've been caught," I shrugged my shoulders and let out a short laugh as I drew back my hood.

"Well, I wasn't sure it was you at first, but I can't miss those jewel-like blue eyes of yours." She examined me at arm's length and then her eyes shot past me that I naturally looked back as well. "Care to explain to me why the lady is dressed in plain clothes and donning a hooded cloak?" Jane turned stern as my maids arrived probably to see what's taking me so long.

"I ordered them to dress me like this so I can go and visit town. I've been cooped up in this castle for so long, I feel like I'm slowly forgetting what it felt like to meet other people." I chose to say ordered because no matter how they oppose it, they can't disobey their master's orders. That would take the blame off of Viola and Marie, and hopefully, that would the end of the discussion with Jane.

Which, fortunately did, to my relief.

"Oh, you could've told me about it, and I would've arranged a carriage for you. My husband's one of the coachmen here in the castle. He could take you to town if you want. What about lunch? Would you be eating there? Marie knows the best places to eat in town, and Viola can take you to see the market. Her father's a fisherman so she knows most of the people there..." Jane went on and on and on, and I just smiled whilst listening to her. She must be a good mother to her children and her grandchildren. Though I think she'd be one strict parent too, but nonetheless, she would probably hug her kids after she scolds them and maybe cook their favorite meals to make up for the crying.

I sighed discreetly. I wish my mother was like that... I shook my head. Let's not think about that strumpet. She's bad for your skin, Isa.

"Lady Isa..." Contrary to how Jane seemed to dote on me, Alestair wasn't a bit enthralled by my little dress up. When I looked up to him, he seemed like he would devour me and spit my bones out for the ants to pick at. "You have a guest. It would be best for you to postpone your trip to town," he said monotonously.

I peeked past him, and the old man looked less understanding of my predicament than the butler, as he ran his eyes up and down my body.

The audacity.

"Assist the lady inside so she may have a change of clothes," he later demanded, and my maids scurried to get me inside to change.


If only Alestair updated me about what I asked him, I would've been more prepared and planned my day better. How hard was it to tell me that he's found an art collector and might be visiting soon? 

I blew on a strand of stray hair off my face, "I'm pretty sure Alestair hates me."

"If it consoles you, my lady, he's like that to everyone who comes close to the Count." I rolled my eyes. I'm surprise he didn't follow his master to the battlefield.

"Marie, have you told our dear butler that I want to talk to his friend in my study? What did he say?"

"He said he'd order the kitchen to prepare a light snack," Marie answered after closing the door behind her. "Would you like to redo your hair, my lady?" I shook my head and told my maid to help Viola pick a dress and jewelry to match it instead.


It's only been three days since they started serving me, and yet I couldn't be more proud to see how wisely they picked a long-sleeved olive green gown that had pearl buttons from my chest up to my neck and complimenting pearl buttons at the cuffs. The skirt was pleated slightly and with the layers of fabric under it, made it puffed a little.

I looked ready to close a business deal compared to my usual picks of straight cut satin and corset that lifted my chest.

"Greetings..." I let the word hang for the old man sitting on the couch to finish.

"Giles Ashleign, Lady..." He stood from his seat and offered his hand.

"Isadora..." I took his hand and firmly shook it twice before adding, "Montcroix. Isadora Montcroix."

Giles' mouth opened and his hand froze mid-air, "Montcroix..." he repeated in a whisper. "As in Englebert Montcroix of Vlona?"

"You know my grandfather?" I smiled, gesturing for him to take a seat.

"Who doesn't?" he sounded bewildered. "Whenever he arrived at any gathering, built like a bear that he was, he immediately took control of the room. Everybody would stop what they're doing and look at him. Everybody wanted to meet him; everyone wanted to be close to the Montcroix family."

"Were you able to talk to him?" I found a comfortable spot at a couch opposite his.

"Well, not exactly," he flashed a faint smile then quickly averted his eyes and scratched the tip of his nose. "There were always too many people around him and what's a budding art collector have to offer to the richest man in the capital?"

"I'm sure you'd have a lot of things to talk about. My grandmother was a lover of the art that's why you'll always find an artist in Vlona. Well," I straightened myself and ran a palm on my skirt, "At least now you're here talking privately with his granddaughter."

The old man looked up to me and blinked twice. "Yes, of course, of course," the side of his eyes didn't crease when he smiled at me, "I've heard of the Enchantress of Vlona too when I travelled to Reka months ago."