
'Amusing, how?'

Without even batting an eyelash, he said, "Yes. To be honest, I'd like that," and I just had to stop and laugh. I was laughing so hard a tear slid down my cheek. "Is something funny?" he cleared his throat and straightened himself.

"Oh no…" I replied, wiping the trail of tear from my cheek. "Very good. I like honest men…" Pushing myself off the couch, I walked towards him and sat comfortably on his lap, my arms around his neck. His eyes were like polished steel; cool and unyielding.

I wanted to know what he's thinking, but I feel like he's the one reading me instead. How would he react if I tilt my head a little to the left? Would he pull me closer? Would he wrap his arms around my waist and whisper in my ear like he did earlier? 

Only lustful thoughts clouded my mind. What have become of me from that brief interaction that I even slapped him for? I looked past him and saw a few dancing flames reflected on a set of crymzite earrings I took off before Jane and I started with my luggage.

Crymzite looked like rubies and only trained eyes knew the difference. I love red, it goes well in contrast with my dark hair and fair complexion. And red makes me feel confident, powerful… and bold enough that maybe, just maybe, if I close this gap between us, I'd have a taste of the alcohol he had earlier. Just the scent—his scent—alone already intoxicated me, should I take the chance and have a sip?

"Lady Isa?" He said and my eyes darted on his lips. So close, I thought as I discreetly wetted mine, so very close.

"Hmm?" It was hard, but I managed to divert my attention.

"Would you like to wash and have dinner first, or should I tell Jane that you're too tired to come down?" There was mischief in his voice that a smile drew on my face.

I cleared my throat and stood up. After flicking my hair back, I reached out my hand to him and he took it, smiling. "Since we're on the topic of being honest, I don't want to disappoint Jane and miss dinner. It'd be rude to your people not to introduce myself."

"Well, if that's what my future wife insists on. I'm fine with it."

Yes, let's start this relationship, no matter how sudden and abrupt, on the right foot. This much display of affection, fueled by lust as it is, is normal between a man and a woman who will be vowing each other's lifetime to one another. I'm not a virgin anymore, so I won't act as if I am.

I like him, and by the blessings of the Heavens, he seemed to like me as well. What's the point of playing hard to get? We'd have plenty of time to get to know each other along the way. Plus, I've been at the center of high society for years and my ears never fail me.

The reason why Leon was sent to the frontline was because the queen hated him so much, she wished he died there. The king didn't even want to send the prince there, but he left anyway. If I get the chance, I'll ask him about it later. I might sacrifice a few personal information that I may not want to divulge so early in the relationship, but building trust is a give and take process.


Like the rest of the rooms in the castle, the dining hall was not saved from the horrendous taste in decor. Animal heads hang here and there and it's pretty unsettling to eat peacefully even if this perfect-looking husband-to-be sat across from me.

"Do you like to hunt?" I ask though I realized right away that it was redundant, because he's spent a decade of his life in the north, of course he most likely likes to hunt—and not just animals at that.

"Not much. For food maybe, but not for entertainment. I had my fill of that." I let out a sigh of relief and beamed at him. Since he's not into hunting, that means I can do anything to it. The dead decor can say their goodbyes and rest from their posts—forever.

"About the decor… the animal heads to be exact?"

"Oh, they were already there when we got here. I thought Jane and the others have disposed of it already. Do they bother you?"

"Yes. Very." A shiver ran down my spine, "I feel like I'm being constantly watched."

"You don't like to be watched?"

"Who does?"

"Well, I thought you'd be used to it since you are the Enchantress of Vlona."

A short laugh bounced off the walls, but I covered my mouth when I realized that a servant has gone in with a tray of appetizers, then another with decanted wine. I wanted to introduce myself but they're serious about this dinner so I might have to postpone that for tomorrow. I'll ask Jane to let me meet the servants and then roam around the property if she's not too busy—or maybe I can ask Cosmo to come with me?

"You seem to be in deep thought? I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that I've heard your nickname from other people that I got curious why you were called that."

Oh, he's curious? And who did he hear it from? I don't think rumors about me has flown itself to this sort of secluded island.

"I guess it was started by a group of ladies who were jealous of me. I'm too rich and influential to call me a witch or other degrading words so that's when people in my circle call me an enchantress instead." As I took a sip of the wine served to us earlier, my eyes narrowed again to Leon's lips. Now that he has finished half of his wine glass, I won't be able to taste the alcohol he had earlier.

"But you know that behind your back, they're still likely calling you a witch?" He has a point and I'm not even going to deny it.

"Yes. Well," I tilted my head and looked at the crystal chandelier above us, "They settled on calling me an enchantress because they're afraid I might retaliate. The way I see it, why would I spend time, effort, and money on someone who can't even face me head on? For what, so I can put them on their place for insulting me?" I snickered. "Enchantress or witch, either way, I'm that beautiful woman who can either bless or curse people I come across with."

"You're quite… amusing," the side of his mouth turned upwards as he glanced at me before helping himself with some vegetable salad. "I like the way you think." That's the first time I heard that from someone who's not Quinn or Ingrid.

"Amusing, how?"

"For one, you're not afraid of speaking your mind,"—I've been called tactless when I was younger—"Two, I thought, given your disposition in life, that you'd be more… full of yourself."—Father and Quinn kept me grounded by always telling me how our family struggled before—"And lastly, you're really beautiful." My head exploded and I was beet-red in a heartbeat.

I've been complimented about my beauty before, so I should be used to it right? Hearing it directly from the count's mouth should weigh so little.

"Well, uhm… I'm grateful for the, uh, compliments." I barely looked at him as I played with the vegetable on my plate. "So… how about you? How did you become Count Astor? I was brushing up on my history before I left Vlona, but I couldn't find a Count Astor anywhere."

"Astor is my mother's family name. She's the youngest sister of the current Baron Astor."

I nodded my head in understanding, "I've been meaning to ask, but why me? You're the king's favorite, you came home as a war hero… You can easily ascend the throne rather than that flimsy first prince." I waved my hand at the mention of the first prince. If I were in Reka, I'd probably be charged with contempt towards the royal family, so it felt nice not having to worry about it here.

"As I told you earlier, I'm not marrying you to legitimize my bloodline or have a go at claiming the throne. I have no plans on ruling the kingdom." He stopped and his gaze narrowed at me which made me feel uncomfortable. "Did you… want to be more than a Countess?"

He's seriously asking me that? Please, I'd rather sip some alcoholic beverage at a beach somewhere than follow royal protocol. The royal life is just not my cup of tea. Though… maybe if my financial situation was a bit dire, I'd rethink—thank the heavens that's not the case though.

"I received your marriage proposal about two weeks ago, and it just dawned on me earlier that I'm going to be a countess. Are you aware that I passed out just thinking about that? I've got more than enough to live a comfortable life even if I marry a commoner—or not marry at all. I don't want the chains of being a part of the royal family weighing me down." By the time I looked up, Leon's eyes were wide in disbelief. "What? Did I say something offensive? Or perhaps you were offended when I said I didn't want the royal family chaining me down, given that you're a prince and I basically married myself into the royal family?" silence surrounded us, and I am not good with this long pauses. It makes me want to talk more, but I know I have to give people space to think so I'll wait this time—no matter how impatient I'm becoming every passing second. "And…"—no, I'm too impatient to wait, after all—"You're not that only man with a status who proposed to me."

"Oh? As much as you want to know why I chose you, I'm also dying to know why, despite the other proposals sent to you, you chose to marry me?" He placed his napkin back on the table as he leaned back on his chair, his arms crossed in front of him.

"Hmm... well, I guess, just like you, I want to silence some insect surrounding me," was my simple answer. I know that I told him we should be honest with each other, but I can't outright tell him that I want to get married and live far away so I can avoid seeing a former lover who's, at the same time, married to someone—and that I, even if don't admit it, spent a good year of my life being a mistress.

"Hmm… Is that so?" was his only reply before he rang the bell and not long after, servants came clearing our table and when they were out of our sight, a few more entered with our main course in tow.