
Shadowstrike Arcanist: Lightning's Embrace

In a world of magic and combat, Noah, a 21-year-old orphan, finds himself reincarnated after sacrificing his life to save a child. Now known as Aric, he discovers a loving family and the affection he yearned for in his past life. However, as he becomes attached to his newfound world, sinister demons threaten its existence. Aric, along with his companions, embarks on a perilous adventure to safeguard the people and the life he cherishes. Will he succeed in protecting his loved ones, or will tragedy strike once again? Join Aric as he navigates through danger and uncertainty, determined to rewrite his destiny and save his world from destruction.

Shadowguard08 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


As the demon was standing watching as he was looking at ants

The knights, led by Levi, immediately formed a defensive line. "Everyone he is the demon and even if he is powerful we are royal knights we cant back down from him so show him our kingdoms power attack!" Levi commanded, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes.

The knights charged at the demon with their weapons drawn, but it was futile.Demon with just single flick conjured a dark flame and With a single, swift motion, the demon shot the flame and it struck them down. Their bodies hit the ground, lifeless, as we watched in horror.

"Kekekeke," the demon cackled, his voice dripping with contempt. "Weak, so weak. Is this the power of humans? I expected more from the knights of the kingdom."

Roselyn's face was pale with fear. "Uncle Levi, what should we do?he is too powerful in just one move All the knights are dead!"

" Don't worry, Princess," Levi said, trying to mask his own fear. "We need to buy time. Reinforcements will come. We must try to escape."

"Aric, we have to get out of here," Shadow urged. "This demon is far too powerful for you to handle alone."

"Yes, but how?" I asked, feeling a surge of desperation.

"Kekekeke, planning to escape?" the demon taunted.looking at us as though he was looking at his toys "Don't even think about it. You won't get away from me."

Levi stepped forward, his sword igniting with flames. "Demon, you may have bested my men, but you will not harm the princess!"

The demon smirked, amused by Levi's bravery. "Oh? Let's see you try."

Levi lunged at the demon with his flaming sword, but the demon dodged effortlessly, his movements fluid and mocking. "Shadow, what should we do? Even Levi can't handle him."

"Aric, focus on protecting the princess and I will figure out something ," Shadow advised.

As the demon prepared another attack, he launched a dark energy ball at Levi. Unable to dodge in time, Levi took the hit, his arm bleeding profusely. "Uncle Levi!" Roselyn screamed, running towards him.

I saw the demon readying another shot. Without thinking, I sprinted towards them, my lightning sword at the ready, and intercepted the attack. The force of the collision sent shockwaves through the clearing.

"Heh, boy, you have guts,to take my attack head on " the demon sneered. "But now I have to finish you all. My time is limited here."

The force of the demon's attack left me gasping for breath. "Aric, don't take his attacks head-on. You're not ready for them. They will seriously damage you," Shadow warned.

"Then how am I going to deal with him? He's going to kill us all," I thought frantically.

"Stall for time," Shadow advised. "He mentioned he has limited time."

While I tried to figure out a way to stall the demon, he fixed his malevolent gaze on me. "Kekekeke,hmm I am thinking about giving you a chance boy you're brave to evade my attack. I'll grant you a lifeline so you can become strong enough to be a worthy opponent that way I could have some fun. But I'll take your friends' lives for that."

He shot a dark energy ball towards Levi and Roselyn. Panic surged through me, and I sprinted towards them. "Nooo!" I yelled as I jumped in front of them, taking the hit in my shoulder. I fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

"Noah!" Roselyn screamed, her voice filled with anguish.

"Aric, don't worry. It's not a critical injury. I'll help heal it," Shadow assured me as he began working on mending my body.

"Kekeke, interesting. You survived my attack again. You have my respect, boy. Not many can take my attack head-on and live," the demon said, his tone almost admiring.

I glared at him, my body aching but my spirit unbroken. Suddenly, the sound of approaching horses filled the air.

"You're lucky your friends have arrived just in time," the demon said. "But know this, boy, I'll be back. Be strong so that I can have some fun next time." With a final sinister laugh, he vanished into the shadows.

The knights on horseback stopped in front of us, their armor gleaming in the light. The lead knight dismounted and approached Levi. "Levi, what happened here?" he demanded.

Levi, still clutching his injured arm, looked up. "We were ambushed by a demon. He was too powerful. These men saved us," he said, gesturing towards me.

As we started heading towards Elaria, one of the knights, a young man named Alex, spoke up, his voice tinged with disbelief. "What demon? How could there be a demon in our kingdom? There's been no record of demonsin our kingdom ."

"I don't know, Alex," Levi replied, his face grim. "But we have to report this to the king immediately."

Alex nodded, then levi turned his attention to me. "But first, we need to heal that boy. Because of him, the princess is safe."

"Yes," Alex agreed. "Let's move quickly. Take the boy and levi to the healer."

"Princess, we need to go," another knight urged, concern evident in his voice.

"But Aric—he's not responding!" Roselyn cried, her voice trembling with worry.

"Don't worry, Princess," Levi reassured her. "He's unconscious because of his injuries. He'll be okay, but we need to get him to a healer as soon as possible."

"Alright," she said, her voice steadying with resolve. "Let's go quickly."

The knights gently lifted me onto one of the horses, careful not to jostle my injured shoulder. Roselyn, still visibly shaken but determined, climbed onto another horse. The group set off at a brisk pace towards the city, the urgency of the situation clear in every movement.

As we rode, the atmosphere was tense. The knights were on high alert, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential threats. Roselyn rode close to Levi, her face set in a determined expression, but her eyes occasionally flickered back to me with concern.

"Stay with me, Aric," Shadow whispered in my mind, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the pain. "We'll get through this."

The journey felt interminable, the landscape blurring as we raced towards safety. Finally, the walls of Elaria came into view, towering and majestic against the horizon. The sight of the city brought a collective sigh of relief from the group.

As we approached the gates, the guards, recognizing the princess and the urgency of the situation, swiftly opened the way for us. We rode through the bustling streets, drawing curious and concerned gazes from the townspeople.

At the healer's quarters, the knights dismounted and carefully carried Levi and me inside. The head healer, a stern but kind woman named diana, immediately took charge, directing her assistants with practiced efficiency.

"Get them onto the beds," she ordered. "Prepare the healing salves and potions."

Roselyn hovered nearby, her anxiety palpable. "Will they be alright?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Diana glanced at her, her expression softening. "They'll be fine, Princess. They just need time to heal."

Relief washed over Roselyn's face, and she nodded, stepping back to let the healers work. She watched as Diana and her team tended to our wounds, applying salves and administering potions with expert care.

As I lay there, drifting in and out of consciousness, I felt the soothing effects of the healing magic begin to take hold. The pain in my shoulder eased, replaced by a gentle warmth that spread through my body.

"Rest now, Aric," Shadow's voice murmured in my mind. "You've done well."

The last thing I saw before slipping into a deep sleep was Roselyn's face, a mixture of gratitude and concern. We had survived the encounter with the demon, but I knew this was just the beginning. There were greater challenges ahead, and I needed to be ready for them. For now, though, I allowed myself to rest, knowing that I was in safe hands.