

Alex Crowe, the boy who lost everything and cursed with the powers of undeath now seeks vengeance, and he has taken it. Will he find the light strong enough to repair his soul? or will he lose himself to the darkness of his hatred. His path will be paved with those who sought to control or remove his existence. With his back against the wall, the fearsome killer must fight with all his strength, skill and power if he is to forge his own fate.

Emo_Crow · Fantasy
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51 Chs

(Extra story) Alex Crowe: Resurrection Part II

Buckle up coz this part may have some gore and violence.


On the night of the party, the majority of the teens are having the time of their lives. Loud music, food and drinks, dancing and games, taking place at a very luxurious home, which belonged to a certain, selfish, entitled princess.

A red hooded figure hides in the shadows watching the house, Roxanne is his first target and she dies tonight.

"And so my vengeance begins." Alex mumbled.

Alex jumps from shadow to shadow to avoid being caught. He pounced and perched on the branch of a tree and looked at the window with a clear view of the inside.

He saw Roxanne making out with a random guy. Alex narrowed his eyes as he found her.

Meanwhile, Roxanne is having a makeout session with some random handsome guy until she pushed him down to the bed. Things are getting heated and more intimate.

"Wait, wait, gimme a minute." the guy asked while he was out of breath.

"Aww, why the stop? you know you like this." she seductively said.

"I know, it's just that can't we just slow down a bit."

"From my position, it's now or never."

Then the guy gets her off and excuses himself.

"Ok well I'm gonna get us a few drinks before we get on with it."

"Ok hun. Oh if you're thinking about trying anything funny, just remember I still have your embarrassing picture. Wouldn't be good if I show to anyone." she said in her so-called innocent voice while playing with the phone in her hand.

The guy looked troubled and left. He obviously didn't like her, but the power she has over people just to get her way.

With a huge grin on her face, she turns to her phone to text her best friend.

"Guess what Chels, I got Josh ;)." she texted.

"Really? OMG that's so good." Chelsea texted back then asked more.

"So you're gonna ditch Nelson?"

"Please girl, that nerd is gonna get me high grades while Josh will break a few rules for us." Roxanne replied.

"Will I get a share?"

"Of course girl." Roxanne hesitantly texted.

"Gtg girl, there's a guy I gotta hook up."

"Good luck Chelsea XOXO."

Roxanne puts the phone away and proceeds to sit on the dresser to put on her makeup.

She applied the blush, then goes to put her lipstick, but she fumbles and drops it.

She goes to pick it up. When she laid her eyes back in the mirror, she suddenly saw a guy in a red hoodie standing behind her, glaring at her. Before she could process this, he grabs the back of her head and slams her into the mirror, shattering it, and threw her to the floor.

"What the hell?!!!" she yelled angrily.

"Scream, they won't hear you." Alex said in a voice most calm yet angry.

She tries to crawl away but Alex walks to her and picks her up to get her face to face.

"You asshole, do you realize you just ruined my face?! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!!!" she screeched in anger.

"You don't know me, but you did know my sister."

"Your sister? Sounds like a real bitch, and you're probably a loser." Roxanne mocked, she really doesn't understand the situation she's in.

Alex took one look in her eyes and realized she'll never care what she did, nor will she take any responsibilities for her actions. He's wasted enough time.

"A pig with a golden ring. Nothing but empty flattery and false entitlements." he chants before throwing her to the floor.

She recovers tries to crawl away again but quickly stops when she sees the look in Alex's red eyes, a look that screamed bloodthirsty anger.

"This is for my sister."

At that moment, Roxanne finally realized who he is as Alex approach her with broken mirror shards in his hands.


A few minutes passed, and the guy named Josh was in the party, grabbing drinks and chatting.

When it's time go back to Roxanne, he took two drinks and walked back to room. He reaches by the door.

He tries to open it but it was locked.

"Baby?... It's me, Josh. Are you in there?"

But his words fell on deaf ears...or in this case, dead ears.

Because on the other side of the room, the window was opened with wind blowing through, and on the bed is lifeless Roxanne, whose face was full of cuts and mirror shards pierced her in the throat.

A selfish princess who flatters herself dies by the tools of flattery in the most poetic way.


Few minutes after, Alex was seen walking in the empty street away from the party. Fresh from the recent kill, he knows the sight of her body will eventually surface, so he heads home.

Then he eventually stumbles upon the route from school to his home. Just as he looked at the one particular spot, he gets a headache.

He knew what was coming so he gives in to view a memory.



School bell rings of dismissal and the kids in school race out to their way homes. One girl with black raven hair was waiting by the fountain for a certain someone.

After like half an hour, Alex came out with a very stern expression.

"Hey Alex! How are you doing?" the raven-haired girl greeted.

"I'm ok Rena." Alex answered.

The girl is now revealed as Rena, Alex's twin sister, she continues to press on with the worried look.

"I heard about the fight. How bad are you?"

He meekly looked down. "Just went off without a scratch. But Bradley and the other two."

Rena scowled and crosses her arms. "You know better than to pick a fight! It only makes things worse for you!"

"They were gonna lay their hands on you and Melanie, it had to be done!"

Rena was touched that her brother would protect the honors of those he cares about, but it still doesn't ease her worries.

Alex sighed "...but still, I should've handled it better."

"Mom and Dad will not be happy about this you know."

"Don't remind me."

The two walked out of the school gates. Since school had ended and most students have already gone home, Alex and Rena avoided much of the gossip and slander.

"So what did you get?" Rena finally asked.

"Five-day suspension." He stated.

"I'm not surprised. Bradley and the others?"

There was a moment of hesitation.

Alex sighed deeply. "Nothing."

Rena stopped momentarily as Alex continued forward, astonished at the outcome.

"What?! Why?!" She quickly caught up to him.

"The teacher who reported the fight only saw the outcome and naturally assumed the worst. Despite my best efforts, it was Bradley and their goons' words against mine."

"Wait, they didn't ask the other students?! The fight has been the talk of the school all day" She found it hard to believe that none of the witnesses were asked to give an account.

"No, and guess who I saw among the crowds."

Rena's eyes narrowed. "Lemme guess. Albert was there and did nothing as usual."


Rena instantly stopped and punched the wall next to her to take out her frustration. Once she calmed down, they resumed walking.

"Unbelievable!" She yelled.

"You guys have been friends since first day of high school and he suddenly turns his back on you?"

He sighed deeply and looked down darkly. "How are you fairing?"

It was Rena's turn to sigh deeply. "Same insults from Roxanne, only a little with everyone more focused on you. This isn't right! You don't deserve this, Alex."

"I hate this as much as you do, but one of us must take the fall."

"Hmph! Dad's been teaching us how to fight, and I'm taking kendo classes. You know at some point I'll be able to defend myself and you. You can't do this all the time."

"I know. This isn't what we wanted."

"Alex! Rena!" a familiar voice called out.

The twins turned around to see who it was. It was Melanie. Alex soon softens when he sees her.

"I'm going ahead. You better explain it to her and mom and dad." Rena nudged before heading to the direction of their home, leaving Alex and Melanie alone in the street.

(Flashback end)


(Present time)

Alex opened his eyes and saw he wasn't moving from his spot at all. He sometimes questioned how did his life became so bad.

Right now he could just head home. But he needs to make a stop.

He began to walk to a different route, one that is also familiar to him. He kept at this path until he eventually reached his destination.

Melanie's house.

It's a nice suburban house, and a window with the light on was the first that came to view, and he could see Melanie studying.

"Melanie! Hey Melanie!" he called out but silently so no one would hear him.

That didn't catch her attention so he did the next thing.

He picked up a pebble and lightly threw at her window.

This time she heard. She opened her window and smiled to see him.


Both used their indoor voices so they wouldn't wake up the neighbors. Them gazing to each other felt like almost an eternity.

Until Alex decides to break the silence. "May I come in?"

"Yeah, my parents will come home late anyway."

He smiled then surveyed her house for climbable ledges. He climbed those ledges until he stands on the porch roof, right at her window.

He crouches down to her level and gives a peck on her lips before she pulled him inside.

Once inside, he was given a view of her room.

The walls are light green with posters and notes stuck in each walls, the cupboard is made of clean mahogany wood with pictures of Alex and Melanie together in each of them. Her desk is pinkish color filled with papers and books on the top shelf and her bed has a pink blanket decorated with flowers and the pillow of the same color and design.

"This is your room? It's gorgeous and smells nice." Alex complimented.

Melanie blushed before clearing her throat.

"This isn't the first time I snuck you in here. My dad hasn't approve of you due to your... reputation, but he didn't stop me from seeing you."

Alex then looks at her with a serious expression "Tell me everything."


The two sat down on the bed. Alex gave her a moment so he wouldn't rush her. Melanie sighed deeply until she was good to go.

"We were only 8 when your family moved in here. We first met in the playground. You were so carefree and innocent back then, we had something in common, it's not hard for us to become friends. Everyone's not likable in the Hollow Hills, but your family are the only ones who were kind."

Alex became engrossed with the story as Melanie continues.

"We grew closer over years, and you always liked being different from people. But when we got to high school, things got worse, because in their perfect society where they abhor people for being different, but you didn't refuse to fall in line. So you rebelled, and as expected, you were frowned upon. Including your sister and me, for being associated with you."

This sent worry to Alex as he feels apologetic, Melanie could see it but she huffs it away with a smile. "It's okay, I have no regrets."

"Because your family were immigrants, you and Rena were slandered with obvious lies about being criminals."

"I can understand slandering through stereotypes, but anyone should be smart enough to know that slandering with complete blatant lies only makes one question their sanity." Alex asked.

"Adults yes," Melanie said before taking a deep breath. "But kids..."

"I see."

Melanie looked at him with sympathy. "You had it rough. The ostracization, the bullying. I wished I could've done something, but all I could do was being there for you. But despite that, you kept fighting. So you toughened up, you picked up martial arts and parkour skills. But with everyone treating you, you decided to rebel against everyone, you even made a promise that you wouldn't let us go through the same thing you did."

Alex went silent then gets up and strides around the room while processing this.

"That bad huh?" he asked.

"Yep, been like that for two years in high school. To everyone you became a delinquent stereotype, rebellious and all. But never stopped caring for us. Until..."

This last statement, Melanie looked down in sadness. Alex looked at her with worry.

"Six months ago...your house was on fire...and you, Rena, and your parents were murdered." her voice cracked.

It took a moment for Alex to digest the fact that his death took place six months ago.

"Six months?" he asked

"I was so devastated when I learned what had happened. I wish I could've done something....How did you come back?"

"You may not believe if I told you."

"Try me"

Alex sighs. "I dug myself out my own grave. Truth be told I don't what I am. All I know is I lost my memories, and I've been collecting them so far. Among them led me to you."

Alex admits to himself that he's scared of how she will react, that she'll might call him crazy and want nothing to do with him. The silence makes him feel unease.

After a while, he heard a giggle from her. "So you're basically a zombie?"

Alex looks at her with surprise and saw Melanie smiling. Then it was his turn to giggle.

"If that's how you wanna see it, then I'll eat your brain....Rwarr!!!" Alex made a zombie gesture and goofily tackles her to the bed.

Melanie laughs at his playful act as he tickles her. Alex ends up wrestling a little bit before locking himself on top of her.

Both Alex and Melanie were breathing heavily. The two of them stared at each other with their faces red. Alex starts to lean in to her then she does the same. Their lips are inches apart, moving closer and just when they're about to touch.

"Melanie! We're home!" a female voice called out.

Alex and Melanie stopped and separated themselves.

"That's Mom and Dad." Melanie whispered.

"Guess that's my cue. I'll see you tomorrow." Alex whispered back before planting a kiss on her forehead and leave through the window.

"Alex!" Melanie called out. Alex turns to her as he grabs and places his foot on the window sill.

A moment of silence occurred before she speaks up.

"Can you meet me on that playground tomorrow night?"

"Sure thing Mel." Alex nodded then goes through the window and disappeared into the night.

As Melanie felt relief, she also felt unease. She wanted to ask him if he had anything to do with Dan's disappearance. She would understand that he did it for revenge, she had hoped she hasn't lose him to it.

Meanwhile in Alex's thoughts, he hasn't told her about his quest for vengeance. He started to get worried on how she'll react to the truth. For now, he'll just have to keep it to himself.


(Time skip)

A day passes through and it's another in school, except the atmosphere isn't a very good one. The news of Roxanne's death has become known to everyone, even the town is in turmoil. The police investigating the scene in hopes to find the one responsible, tells the students to remain calm and vigilant

However, Roxanne friends aren't very lively than usual and her best friend, Chelsea, was crying and no one comforted her.

But today's focus is on Alex's former friend, Albert. He usually hung around with Alex for some time for the school, but he always chickens out, never supported him. Albert was there at the night when he was murdered and did nothing as Alex burned.

Today he pays the price.

After their gym class, Albert is currently in the showers in the boys' locker room. So many boys changing and chatting, even laughs are heard. When the boys were done and dispersed from the locker room, only Albert remains.

He was anxious and shaken. Ever the news of Dan's disappearance and Roxanne's death. He figured out that Dan and Roxanne specifically were no coincidence. They were connected to the burning of the Corvus residence, along with Bradley, Chelsea and himself.

He became paranoid, afraid he was going to be next. Oh he is right to be afraid, because his comeuppance comes to him.

He thoughts were interrupted by a loud sound as if something fell over and hit the floor. Albert peeked from his shower to investigate.

"Hello?" he called out only to be met with silence.

"Must be my imagination." he shrugs off as he finishes his shower. He exits and picks up the towel to dry himself.

When he wraps himself with the towel, a noise was heard behind him. He sharply turns to look, there's a kitchen knife stuck at the locker.

This sent fear all over Albert. He tries to make a run for it but blocked by none other than Alex himself, and he does not look happy.

"Alex, but you're dead. How?" Albert was horrified at his sudden appearance.

However Alex didn't answer, only shot him a cold, angry glare as he steps closer and Albert stepping back.

"Alex wait!....I tried to stop them but...they pushed through...I really tried...still friends?" Albert panicked.

But Alex knew he was lying. "You abandoned me at my darkest hours then allowed them to kill me and family. We both know how this ends."

Albert tried to run but he tripped on soap and crashed his back on the bench chair, Albert screamed in pain, tried to process what was happening.

When he regained his senses, he was already staring at Alex's feet then looks up at him looking down with his cold, red eyes.

"Please..." Albert breathed out though he struggled in pain due to his broken spine.

Then picks him up by the arm, drags him to the showers, lifts him up and threw him with immense force that the showerhead attached to the wall impales him.

Albert coughs out blood, struggling to take his breath as he looks at Alex at his cold demeanor. After a moment, Albert finally gives out and goes limp. Blood flows down from the wound.

Alex disappears from the scene.


(Time skip)

After Alex left the scene, Albert's body was eventually found. The school told the kids and staff to go home immediately while the police rush to the scene, though they were never given the truth.

Where was Alex after that? He went to his burnt home and sitting on his bed with thoughts in his mind.

He killed Albert today, now all is left is Chelsea and Bradley. But even if he kills them all, what then? What will happened after? Should he really tell Melanie what he's been doing?

He never put much thought into that until he stared at the front porch from his window and closed his eyes to view an incoming lost memory...

...of his parents.



The home of the Corvus family was what you call a normal one.

Rena was doing homework at the counter.

"Renalyn, shouldn't Alexander be home by now?" the middle-aged woman cooking their meals asked.

"No Mom, Alex is just with Melanie for a minute. He'll come home." Rena responded.

Their mother bears a resemblance of her daughter. She has black hair tied in a bun, silver eyes, fair complexion. She wears a pink long-sleeved shirt, white pants and an apron. Although her tone and attitude sparks a positive soccer mom.

"Fufu, I'm so proud that my baby boy found someone so pretty in his life, just hoping he doesn't go too overboard. I can't wait to tease you when you found yours, my little raven." the mother teased.

"Dad! Mom's teasing me again!" Rena whined.

"Relax sweet pea. He'll be fine." the older man said. As their father, he bears a similar resemblance to Alex.

He has black shorter hair compared to Alex. He has brown eyes, fair complexion, and black facial hair. He wears a black shirt and blue jeans and brown shoes.

"But if it makes you feel better, I'll wait outside."

"Okay sweetie." the mother said.

The father heads for door and opens it. Just as what he expected to see, he knew Alex was sitting on their front porch for a while.

"Hey son, you better come inside before you catch a cold." He chimed to his son.

"Hmm." was all the response he got from him.

The father sighed before closing the door behind him and proceeded to sit next to his son.

"Rena told me what happened. I know I taught you and your sister how to defend yourselves from a fight, not start one." the father said calmly.

"They started it!" Alex retorted.

"And you gave in."

"What am I supposed to do?!! Let Bradley have his way?!!"

"It's not that simple."

"When is it ever?"

Both stopped saying another word before it got out of hand. Alex was annoyed while the father was calm throughout the argument.

The father sighed deeply. "Are you satisfied with how it ends?"

The father then looks at the grasshopper trying to kill an ant in the grass.

"You end one fight, there will always be another. If you're not careful, you'll be forced to fight battles over and over until you have nothing left."

The father watches the grasshopper kill the ant but more ants came to attack. The grasshopper fights and kills many ants as it could but the ants eventually overwhelmed the grasshopper until its life gave out.

"You cannot change that no matter how much you struggle and fight."

Alex sighed "You were the one who taught me to fight for something I believed in."

"What is it you believe in?"

"... that you should be yourselves without having to put up with other people's whims or opinions, just because you're not what pleases them doesn't make it theirs to change"

"You choose a long harsh ideal, then I'm afraid you'll have to fight a endless battle. There will always be people who'll against you and you may stand alone. Just choose your fights carefully, because victory isn't always glorious."

Even if Alex sinks in his father's words, it makes no difference everyday. He would pay any cost if it meant safe those he loved safe. But for now, he at least understands.

"Okay" Alex conceded.

His father put his arm around his son and pulled him in for a hug. "There's my little crow."

"You really like black birds, do you?" Alex giggles.

"It's how your mother and I fell in love. We both have a shared interest."

"Sebastian! Is Alexander back yet? Dinner's ready." The mother called out.

"Yeah Hana! We're coming!" the dad replied.

"Well you whaddya say? I hear your mom made your favorite. Fried chicken."

Alex laughs as father and son walked back inside the house.

Little did Alex know, he's going to learn his father's lesson the hard way.


(Flashback end)

Alex opened his eyes, looking out the window overlooking his rusted and charred front porch.

He may be bereft of his family, but he's not alone yet.

Speaking of which, he's supposed to be meeting Melanie at the playground tonight. The sun is almost setting so there's no harm in going early.

He got off his bed and leaves the room.


(Time skip)

He's currently sitting at a swing, waiting for her. He wondered if he should tell her what he did to Dan, Roxanne and Albert. He became worried that she'll hate him.


A familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked to the person in front of him.

It's Melanie with a sweet smile, holding a black guitar with a rose pattern.

"Hey there Mel. What's that?" he asked.

"This...Is...A...Guitar. It's the thing where you play music with-" she jokingly speaks slowly with a grin in her face.

"I know what it is. I'm asking what's with the guitar." He giggled at her joke.

"It was yours silly! you usually play music in your private moments. It was the only thing intact in the fire." She handed the guitar to him.

He didn't know he even played guitar and yet the guitar seemed to remember his touch.

"Do you remember?" she asked. Alex shook his head in response.

"Let's give it some time to jog your memory." she suggested.

Alex shrugged then the two looked at the sunset for a minute.

Until Melanie decides to break the silence.

"So how's your day going?"

"Just sorting some stuff out." he vaguely answered. "You?"

"It's been well. But the school sent us home because someone got murdered in the boys' locker room. It's crazy, first Dan disappeared, then Roxanne died, and then Albert. The whole town has been restless lately."

Alex felt a pang of guilt. Not because of killing, but because he's keeping it from her.

"Yeah well it's....been the talk in the town." he simply responded. It wasn't entirely a lie since he walked around town hearing the gossips of the townsfolk.

"Oh right, sorry for being so grim." she apologized before changing the subject.

"About your life in school. You were very Arts & Design material." she chimed

"Really?" he said bewildered.

"Yeah, not many kids go much about theatrics and musicals. But you only went there to get away from everything. You were a real veteran to acting, singing and art stuff, you were really into dark and gothic stuff. Plus I also got to hang out with you."

"Isn't what I do boring you?"

"Nah! I just happened to share your interests. But it was only flower arts, nature and people. Though I may have made drawings about you and us."

"Really? Can I see it?"

Melanie blushed, thinking showing him drawings of him were embarrassing. But they were dating for some time so she hasn't have much to hide. She reached for her bag, takes out her sketchbook and hesitantly opened the pages for him to see.

"Wow! these are beautiful Mel." He looked very astonished, her drawings were indeed impressive. He complimented her in each page he turns, then stops at the drawing where two of them were staring at the stars in the night sky. "What's this one about?"

"This was when we first fell in love. You dragged me out at night to look at the stars. They were pretty then when we looked at each other, we....had our first kiss." Melanie blushed at the memory, trying to think of what to say next until Alex put his hand on hers.

"I remember now. It was a beautiful memory."

Melanie smiled with her cheeks warm.

"I think I remember something now." Alex says, turning to his guitar.

He put his finger on the string and strummed. He strummed a bit before strumming continuously to play a soothing melody and began to sing.

🎵And I've lost who I am

And I can't understand

Why my heart is so broken

Rejecting your love without

Love gone wrong

Lifeless words carry on

But I know

All I know's that the end's beginning

Who I am from the start

Take me home to my heart

Let me go and I will run

I will not be silent

All this time spent in vain

Wasted years wasted gain

All is lost

But hope remains and this war's not over

There's a light, there's a sun

Taking all the shattered ones

To the place we belong

And his love will conquer all.🎵

Melanie then joins him singing for the chorus.

🎵And I've lost who I am

And I can't understand

Why my heart is so broken

Rejecting your love without

Love gone wrong

Lifeless words carry on

But I know

All I know's that the end's beginning

Who I am from the start

Take me home to my heart

Let me go and I will run

I will not be silent

All this time spent in vain

Wasted years wasted gain

All is lost

But hope remains and this war's not over

There's a light, there's a sun

Taking all the shattered ones

To the place we belong

And his love will conquer all.🎵

After they finished the song, the two stared at each other's eyes.

Looking at Melanie's eyes, they were filled with hope, and life, the kind he would protect with his own. While Alex's red eyes were filled with pain and darkness. But among the darkness, she gazed upon the one bright light, a beautiful spark of life.

While they gazed, they leaned closer until their eyes closed and their lips meet in a kiss. It was bliss and there was a lot of passion behind it. Their tongues met and fought for dominance, soft moans can be heard from Melanie. After a while, the two were forced to separate for air. Both of them were breathing heavily but it didn't stop them from gazing at each other's eyes. A moment of respite from the darkest times.

Alex breaks the silence first and offers her. "Come on, it's getting late. I'll walk you home."

Melanie smiled and took his hand. They both laughed as they left.

On the way home, they continued talking about their likes, dislikes and interests. They both liked hip hop, cats, video games. Melanie was also introvert just like him. They shared jokes and cited movie references. It seems both of them have a lot in common.

But one thing disturbed Alex in the back of his mind. What he's been doing ever since he crawled out of his grave. Dan, Roxanne, Albert, he killed him and he doesn't want that to ruin these moments with her. But he didn't like lying to her. Should he tell her?

They arrived at her house and Melanie was the first to step on her porch.

"Well this is it. Goodnight Alex." she cheerfully said.

Just before she touches the doorknob, she paused while Alex stood there, his bangs shadowing his eyes.

'Melanie is no idiot, rumors have spread long enough for her to suspect. Things will get worse if I keep this from her. I have to tell her. she deserves to know." he muses. He sighed deeply, preparing for the worst.

"Melanie I-"

"Alex. Dan disappeared two days ago. Then yesterday you showed up, then the following night, Roxanne was murdered. And now, Albert. There's no way it was a coincidence." Melanie interrupted him before turning to look him in the eyes.

"Alex, tell me the truth. Did you kill them?"

There it is. The cat's outta the bag. There's no way he could just lie to her now. So he looked at her in eye with a serious yet sad look.

"Yes....I killed them."

Silence fills the air. Melanie had a frown on her face that he can't help but look away and feel a sense of dread at the thought that she might be afraid of him.

"I did it because I wanted revenge. But now that you know, I understand if you feel angry with me. I just didn't know how to tell you. If you want me to leave, then I'll go and you'll never have to see me again." Alex says


Melanie remains speechless for a while, which starts to unnerve him. Then she finally spoke.

"Just gimme some time. I need some sleep."

"Alright. Goodnight Mel."

Melanie didn't say a word when she enters her house and closes the door behind her.

That's it. It's over. What he feared came true. After a while, he began to walk away into the street on his way to his house. When he reaches the sidewalk, he allowed a single tear flow down his cheek. The reaction she gave wasn't really a positive and yet she never told him to leave.

She was the only one left that mattered to him and he screwed it up. Now all it's left is to kill Chelsea and Bradley, and his revenge will be his.


Melanie enters her room, open her light and closed the door behind her. She stood there for quite some time, weak-kneed. Then she finally let her tears flow and fall down to her knees and weep.

She didn't really hate him, she understood why he did it. She was afraid that if he knew the truth of this town, he would become what they force him to be.

A monster.

"...Oh Alex"