

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Twenty-five: Genevieve {The Boy Near The trash}

Chapter Twenty-five: Genevieve {The Boy Near The trash}

"Ana," Raphael held her arm. "I want to leave."

She felt heavy in her heart.

"I know we have a lot to catch up on and I shouldn't be leaving but.." He could see unshed tears trapped in her eyes, though the Queen didn't want to bring them out. He silently chuckled. "We haven't seen each other since like forever and I thought to come visit sooner but, things have not be favourable for me. I want to spend more time with you, and when I saw Red City was finally opened for a ball event I dashed in just to see you." 

She laughed like it was nothing to her. "Okay, fine." Her voice sounded cold.

Raphael laughed again. "I remember that time I was about to leave you when we were kids, you cried your eyes out now you're more matured." His hands went to her cheeks then tucked her bright hair behind her ear.

She kept an angry look. "Thought you'd stay this time."

He took her by the jaw and drew his face near hers. Her eyes grew bigger with heart aching when his lips drew near to her. It was in a sped up motion but he abruptly paused extremely close to her beautiful face.

"Come visit me. My grandfather, who's an Alpha, just passed and father's sick." Luciana gulped. "The Luna's tryin her best but needs me. Just like your people need you. Please come visit me, Luna." He curved his lips for a wide grin. He gave out a friendly vibe and Luciana thought she mistook it for something else.

Luciana didn't know when she hugged him quickly.

"Thank you for being here right now." She cried. Feeling him one more time made her feel good. The hug was warm. Very warm. He gently pulled her out, demanding a response.

"Will you come?"

He was so, so kind to her and that caused her to feel otherwise. Maybe that's what extremely friendly people can do to you. 

"Of course." He ran his fingers through her hair and wrapped her closer to his solid chest.

Luciana had the widest smile on and Raphael too reciprocated, but who didn't was an eerie presence felt from behind them. Raphael dazedly looked behind only to get burnt by the heated glare offered to him by Derex. Raphael blinked a couple of times in bewilderment while they hugged.

Derex's disdainful look stuck almost interrupting the wonderful ambience.


Black curtains shielded the lights from entering inside the spacious room. Damon was with a girl in his bedroom. He stood up and headed towards his table.

"Hmmm, an invitation." He had a red envelope in hands. He said this then chuckled afterwards, "It's red, I wonder who it's from. Too bad the 'supreme Alpha' has 'commanded' me not to go. It irks me each time!" He angrily slammed his fists against the table.

Genevieve romanced his chest with her hands. "Calm down, Alpha."

He disdainfully looked at her. "Who are you to tell me to calm down?" 

She recoiled her body then bowed sadly in regret. "I'm sorry, sir. Just…"

He Interrupted, "—That Billy goat Derex sent me on a mission years ago." He voice then calmed down in a sly tone, not containing anger anymore. "I was an ambitious teenager eager for power. He presented himself as a Beta telling me to obtain a certain secret from my ex-girlfriend."

Tension rose and the girl by his side got more curious.

"He wanted to find out how to kill the Alpha. I knew that was a risky task and I put my life at stake. I thought he wanted to kill the All Alpha, but… now that I know he's the All Alpha, things have really twisted."

"But.. is it possible?"

He rubbed the corner of her head. "You say no word of this out to anyone. I'd really want to resume that mission. Maybe that's why he's still in Red City. Perhaps Luciana knows how he could be killed that's why he's going close to her, just as he wanted me to be with Julietta."

"So you had to go close to her soley to find that out? How our immortal All Alpha can be killed?"

"Nooo, I actually loved her." He sang in sweet tone.

"Then why did you kill her?"


Damon kept a straight face devoid any emotions as he did not reply that. Rubbing the envelope, Damon uttered, "Why don't we cause some trouble at Lulu's event?" He gifted a sly smile at her once more.

Genevieve's POV

Yes, it had always been Julietta now Luciana. I wondered what was so intriguing about that family. He mentioned they may know how to kill our god, it's special and something unspeakable but I still don't get it.

I've known him since like forever. We attended the same school and he was the highschool's throb. Everyone had a crush on him, not me. 

I was who someone would describe as a 

bookworm or serious nerd.

My hair use to be very short trimmed bod haircut. I didn't possess the supermodel kinda of body. My parents weren't that rich so most of the times I literally starved. 

I was smart; very smart.

The rain saturated the ground but I had my head up high. I crossed my bag across my chest and used my palms to prevent rain from splashing me; not like it helped.

The smell of rain danced beneath my nose and I shivered even dressed in my black suit above my vest.

School was over and I was waiting for a student who was my customer. I usually did students assignments for them and they ended up having A's or B's. Sometimes C's depending on how smart they looked. I didn't want the teachers to be surprised on how they're popular dumb student got an A.

And sometimes, it depended on their payment.

Excited I sighted my male customer, I frailed my thin body towards him. My short hair was drenched and so was my uniform. My eyes were cat-like and brows thick. I wasn't very attractive back then, so I thought.

"Hey, here it is. Dunno why you told me to meet you here tho." I said to the customer, handing over the assignment. He skipped school and informed me to meet him in a shadowy alleyway a bit far from school.

He said, "Thanks." Then rubbed behind his head after collecting the paper. "Um.. about the payment,"

My face looked stern. "That's what you said last time. My money." I stretched out my hands.

"Gosh, Gene, you're so serious all of a sudden. How bout I get you concert tickets instead."

I slammed a wall behind him.

"Oooh, pretty Gene's gett'n mad. Like a wet pussycat meowing in fury. How adorable."

"It's not fair, Dikeans."

He now annoyingly brought out cash from trouser pocket. He seemed angry. "Gosh. I didn't even get an A last time you did my homework." He dragged the work from my hand as I had fomerly clenched a part of it in preparation for war.

Not like I could do anything.

I tutted in annoyance as he left. "That cuz you deserved an F. Oh, it isn't even complete. Ughhh!!"

I was running, trying to see if I could get a ride when I encountered an incident. 

A boy was in the middle of men being beat up. They were beating him to a pulp and I wondered what felony he must've committed to deserve such. My pupils dilated in their socket when I saw he was dressed in our uniform.

From my pocket, I brought out a recording device which I used to record a siren's noise and thought to press it.

The community men were beating the boy with the bloodied face, who  still managed a sly smile like he was demon or was enjoying being tortured.

Though he moaned and groaned accordingly.

As soon as I pressed the device, the men fled the area, leaving the weirdo who was being sadistic towards himself. 

"Let's get the fuck outta here!" One said, leaving with urgency.

Or was it pride so the men would be hurt as he wasn't crying; giving them what they wanted?

He was in-between trashcans in the alleyway with soaked hair and body. He seemed very, very weak and giddy.

I was terrified.

What if the men came back??

Oh, get it together Genie.

My heart panted as I thought to lift his body quicker than a lightening bolt. When I revealed myself from the corner where I had hidden, I got the shock of my life.

It was Damon, the highschool's heartthrob. The boy everyone loved. His faced the ground with bleeding nose and bruised face. When he winced, facing me absolutely wondering who was in his front and why the beating had stopped, he offered a seductive leer.

I shifted back—for I was cautious.

"Hey there.." he slurred. "My night and charming angel. Amour, or is it knight in charming…? You know, I don't know how it goes, buh I don need an armour blocking that face of yours."

He struggled up maintaining his charming aura. "You… Asian? Asians are beautiful and I'm ha—" He locked his gaze with me and I noticed him wince. His eyes weren't normal and stance not staggering.

There's no harm in this Genie.

Though he looks like he's dying.

Don't wanna be in trouble.

I gingerly took steps closer out of the innocent heart I had.

"You're totally my ty—"

Before he could say or do anything further, he gave a genuinely transparent hurt face—he couldn't hide it anymore, and collapsed on the ground with a loud thud.

I shifted from him spillage, as a huge amount of blood flowed intensely from the dead man in front of me!