

In Red City, two deaths occur and the Luna, Luciana is darn serious about finding out who’d done it. The ALL ALPHA, who's their supreme Alpha, sents a detective who's his beta to find out who is in charge of the deaths. More mysteries unfold in Red City and Luna Luciana cannot trust anyone.. including herself. WHO KILLED JULIETTA; HER OLDER SISTER? “Could it be the man standing in my front? Or...?”

Royal_Red1 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Ten: Derex

Chapter Ten: Derex

Raise your hands if you want me to take over? " 

A sisniter air twirled round and Derex stared at the gentleman in his front in a cold manner and the Alpha in his front seemed to pose as his only threat.

Derex's forehead formed lines as he showed anger. "That wouldn't be necessary."

Damon looked at Derex. "Why's that?" Although he feigned being nice his beguiling nature was obvious.

With a plain voice, Derex continued, "Nobody's assuming his position for he is on a journey. I have orders from him that everything should continue to go on smoothly until he returns. If you think you're wiser than than the All Alpha, please signify by reading your hand."

Everywhere was dead cold.

"Okay, no one. Then I can take my leave." Derex rose from his position, buttoning his suit, indirectly dismissing the meeting which he didn't call for.


Now outside*

Derex was heading towards his black car when he met Alpha Damon.

"Hello, there." said Damon. Derex just rolled his eyes in disgust. Damon stepped closer, "What did you do to the All Alpha?"

"Can something be done? I don't understand what you mean by that Alpha."

Damon's demeanor changed to a somewhat intimidating one, "I know what you did. I don't play games with me concerning what could be done to the All Alpha. I know what you did to him. I don't smell his presence anymore,"

Derex was confused. He paused entering his vehicle. Damon then smiled and spoke with a lowered voice, "I'm not an Alpha for nothing. I have a sensitive nose. You can deceive the other fools, but not me," Damon then shifted from the car and seriousness projected through his voice, "Don't mess with me. I didn't get here by accident. I might keep my mouth shut if you comply. We'll keep in touch, high Beta."

Derex's dazed expression showed at the words penetrated through him. Yes, Derex was a threat but right now he acted like he didn't mind taking him as a mad man. Derex lowered his body to enter his car and drove to Red City.


He stood on a bridge and the image of a strong hand handing over a fat envelope to a smaller hand displayed itself in Derex's mind.

This was his imagination.

Below, one could sight a boy and a girl practicing archery. The girl was quite the good archer and the male beside her instructed her on how to shoot.

"You're back."

Derex's side eye glanced at the black polished nails that held the edge of the bridge. It was of course Luciana.

There was silence, they both enjoyed the view of the archers shooting. She then tutted. "The autopsy results are ready. Do show off your usefulness," she then departed with her shoes clacking against the ground.

A swift arrow flew then landed precisely on the target and the male next to the archer below the bridge clapped with enthusiasm.


A cup of wine thudded against the table.

Derex was at Wendy's Daytime Bar. 

That was what they called the place during the day. 

The place was nice; it was a regular bar with mesmerizing services. The ladies that worked there looked so pretty and one would get drunk only by gazing at them. Their looks, feminine voices was enough to encourage you into buying drinks.

Their eyes descended on him and for a reason the girls at the bar didn't really look happy because they knew he was here to investigate.

Wendy's workers had to be careful with their words as no one would like to get on the bad side of any one, especially one of their own.


"Thank you," Derex removed his hat from his head. His eyes searched around. "Where's Denna?"

A black and white haired girl with brown eyes replied, "She dosen't work during the day." the bartender blew a bubble gum in his face.

Derex crossed his legs and searching with eyes for a proper person to dig information from. He looked at a gothic looking bartender with dark shades of lipstick and buldgy eyes with a tattoo of a skull on her neck and he thought the bubble gum girl was the best choice.

"Can I speak with you?" he questioned.

"I know you're a detective. We all do. You could just go straight to the point."

"Do you know anything about Vincent Stella?"

The bartender, Lexi, spoke, "Yeah, she works here. At least you to."

He mixed the drink in his hand by shaking. "And Wendy didn't say anything about it. Do you happen to know the relationship between Stella and Belle?"

"Yeah, they're sisters."

"Wow, striking."

"One more thing. Stella and Belle aren't blood related, one was adopted, that'll be Belle. Though she is older and most favoured by her parents. Sadly, their parents passed away and they hadn't been in good terms since." Lexi breathed. "That's all I can say."

Derex smiled and slid money underneath his cup. He stood up and left the scene.

"Thank you." 


"The autopsy results showed she was poisoned." the body of the victim was placed in front of them. The deceased was as white as snow, pale lips and a not so delightful presence.

Her body was thin and she was nude—completely naked. Her fingernails were darker than usual and there were green veins visible on her neck.

There was a professor in their mist, he was clad in a white lab coat and circle-shaped glasses. The doctor had lost a couple of hair strands, his teeth can be likened to that of a bunny's and nose small.

His brain was very efficient, infact more beautiful than his outer look.

"Wolf's venom. Stella's finger prints matched the one on the victim and of course Luna's fingerprints matched too. That will be from when she observed the dead girl."

Derex: "Any other thing, doctor?"

The doctor went on, "The poison was spilled in the drink the victim consumed. Know anywhere that sells alot of drinks?" That was like a sarcastic joke.

Derex glanced Wendy.

The doctor was not from Red City so Derex thought he could trust him.

"I'll speak with you again doctor." Derex informed.

"Very well."

Luciana folded her arms with attention resting on Derex. "Got any ideas?"

Derex's side lips curved for a small smile. "It's been long I heard that voice in a soft tone."

Luciana offered a dazed look. She wasn't ready for war.

"Just one more piece and I'll let you know!"

She just rolled her eyes and catwalked away. "Whatever!"


A person putting on a butterfly masks who was tall in height clad in tight denim pants and a small shirt stood under the bridge at night. It was a girl with long hair woven into fish braids.

"Dammit!" cursed the hardworking archer who endlessly practiced. The sharp arrow she shot missed the direction and despite it being dark at night, when the atmosphere possessed a shade of blue she was sure it was suppose to still hit.

Her body was positioned in a right way, her legs in combat boots were equally placed well in a proper stance, as the archer wanted to shoot her eyes traced and saw a dark figure approaching her.

She squinted her eyes preparing for danger and when the figure rushed to her, startling her to the core her aim was directed to whatever was lurking in the shadows.

"Aww," the person mumbled a groan. The arrow was right nigh his right arm and blood spilled from him. It was the Beta, Derex.

"I'm so sorry." the lady apologetically said, rushing to see how she could assist. His face then straightened almost as though he didn't feel the pain anymore and the arrow in his chest fell out on his own. It was the quickest a werewolf could heal and it mesmerized the innocent archer.

Derex's eyes glowed red for a reason as he confronted the girl. "You always stay here to practice, don't you?"

"No," she was reluctant to answer. She then went on nervously, scratching her head. "At least not everytime."

Derex went on to investigate, "You saw it right? What happened." The archer's facial expression gave out it was true. "I believe since your you're so hard on yourself your eyes are almost always on that bridge as it is your favourite spot for training. What can you do for me Miss? I'm gonna tell you a secret, and you tell me what happened on the bridge that evening, agreed?"


"Belle, what's wrong?" I asked her, but she just smiled at me weirdly instead. I then noticed she was drunk. "Let's go inside. You're too close to the edge." I held her palm but some weird thing scratched my hand so our hold disconnected.

*End of flashback*

"It was your arrow."

Derex now knew what to do.


The detective marched up to the interrogation room where the three of them where to meet: Him, Wendy and Luciana.

Now in the place, the man angrily stepped close to Wendy and Luciana offered a bewildered look. 

'What's up with the handcuffs?'

"What?!" Wendy struggled angrily. "What the…?"

Luciana went on, "You will explain yourself, Beta."

"Okay," he stepped back. "Officer Wendy, you're under arrest for the suspicion of murder."