
Shadows of the Thirteenth Floor

Do you believe in things that science can't explain? Young architect Alex moves into an ordinary high-rise apartment, only to discover an impossible thirteenth floor. There, he encounters the enigmatic Kai, a boy who can manipulate shadows. From that moment, Alex's life changes forever. A time-bending elevator, whispering walls, an infinity pool that drowns in other realities, secret rooms leading to alternate worlds... This building hides secrets beyond imagination. As Alex and Kai explore together, they uncover not only the supernatural truth of the building but also develop feelings that transcend friendship amidst life-threatening adventures. However, as their investigation deepens, they find themselves entangled in a grand conspiracy that threatens the fate of the multiverse. A mysterious Architect, a scientist hungry for power, dangers from the void... Perils lurk at every corner. Alex must confront his inner fears and master his newly awakened abilities. Kai must reconcile with his dark past. Only by standing together can they face the surrounding dangers and save the residents of all timelines. In this fantastic world where science and magic coexist, where reality and dreams intertwine, can love conquer destiny? Is the truth salvation or damnation? When the clock on the thirteenth floor strikes thirteen, all will be revealed. This is a tale of courage, trust, and sacrifice, A journey across time and space, deep into the soul, An ode to love and hope. Are you ready to step into this world beyond imagination? The elevator doors are about to open. Thirteenth floor, welcome.

BlakeinDark · Sci-fi
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101 Chs

Chapter 7: The Time Elevator

Alex stood in front of the elevator, his finger hovering over the button, hesitating. Mike's warning still echoed in his ears, but deep inside, an irresistible curiosity drove him forward. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the up button.

The elevator doors slowly opened, revealing an empty car. Alex stepped in, noticing that the control panel buttons seemed brighter than usual. His finger instinctively moved towards the "13" button, but at the last moment, he chose to press "L" for lobby, intending to clear his head first.

The elevator began its descent, but suddenly, a violent tremor shook the car. The lights flickered, and Alex lost his balance, falling to the floor. As he struggled to his feet, he realized the elevator had stopped moving, but the doors were opening on their own.

He cautiously stepped out of the elevator, and the sight before him left him stunned. This wasn't the modern lobby he was familiar with, but an old-fashioned hall that looked like it belonged to the early 20th century. Crystal chandeliers, mahogany furniture, and antique clocks all exuded a rich, vintage atmosphere.

"Is this... Silver Moon Apartments?" Alex muttered, looking around.

Just then, a bellhop in an old-fashioned uniform approached, eyeing Alex's modern clothes with curiosity. "Can I help you, sir?"

Alex froze for a moment, trying to maintain his composure. "Uh, I'm just looking around. How long has this building been here?"

The bellhop puffed out his chest proudly, "Silver Moon Apartments has just been completed. It's the most modern building in the city! We have elevators, telephones, and even a central heating system."

Alex's heart raced as he realized he might have truly traveled to the past. "What year is it, if you don't mind me asking?"

The bellhop looked at him suspiciously, "It's 1923, sir. Are you feeling alright? Should I call for a doctor?"

"No, no, thank you," Alex tried to keep his voice steady. "May I look around the lobby a bit?"

"Of course, sir. Please, feel free," the bellhop said, turning to greet other guests.

Alex wandered through the lobby, taking in every detail. The paintings on the walls, the intricate patterns on the antique furniture, even the smell in the air made him feel like he had stepped into a completely different world.

Suddenly, he noticed a familiar figure in the corner - the mysterious grandfather clock. Upon closer inspection, Alex found that the clock face was identical to its modern counterpart, except for the missing number "13".

As he stared at the clock, a gentle voice came from behind him: "It's quite special, isn't it?"

Alex turned to see a young man who looked like an architect. The man smiled and extended his hand, "Hello, I'm Thomas, one of the designers of this building."

"Alex," he shook Thomas's hand, feeling a strange current pass between them. "The clock is indeed special. Why is there no number 13?"

A mysterious light flashed in Thomas's eyes, "Some secrets are best kept mysterious, young man. However, I sense you have a connection to this building."

Alex's heart raced, "What do you mean?"

Thomas leaned in closer, lowering his voice, "Silver Moon Apartments is not just a building, it's a nexus, connecting different times and spaces. And you, my dear friend, are a Traveler."

Alex took a step back in shock, "How do you know?"

Thomas smiled enigmatically, "Because I am one too. Come, let me show you something."

He led Alex to a hidden corner and pressed a seemingly ordinary wooden panel on the wall. The wall silently slid open, revealing a secret room.

The room was filled with strange instruments and ancient books. Thomas walked to a kaleidoscope-like device and gestured for Alex to take a look.

"This is a time-space viewer," Thomas explained. "Through it, we can glimpse fragments of different timelines."

Alex peered into the viewer and saw a dizzying array of images: the future Silver Moon Apartments, the building as a wartime shelter, and even completely different parallel universe versions of the structure.

"Incredible," Alex murmured. "So, Silver Moon Apartments has always been... special?"

Thomas nodded, "From the very beginning. We built it to be a hub of time and space. But over time, many secrets were forgotten. Until Travelers like you appeared."

Alex had so many questions, but suddenly, the entire room began to shake violently.

"We're out of time," Thomas said urgently. "You must return to your era. But remember, Alex, Silver Moon Apartments chose you. Learn to listen to its voice, understand its secrets. The future is in your hands."

He pushed Alex towards the door, "Quick, back to the elevator! When you hear the clock strike thirteen, press the floor you want to go to."

Alex stumbled towards the elevator as the world around him began to warp and distort. He fell into the elevator just as the doors closed, hearing the clock begin to chime.

One, two, three...

Alex's finger hovered over the control panel, his heart pounding.

...eleven, twelve, thirteen!

Without hesitation, he pressed "12", his floor.

The elevator shook violently, and Alex felt as if he was hurtling through time and space. When the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened, he found himself back in the familiar hallway.

Alex staggered out of the elevator, leaning against the wall to catch his breath. The experience was too overwhelming; he needed time to process it all. But one thing was certain: he could never view Silver Moon Apartments as an ordinary apartment building again.

Just then, his phone vibrated. It was a text from an unknown number:

"How was your first time travel? Ready to start your real training? - K"

Alex stared at the screen, a smile tugging at his lips. He knew a greater adventure was waiting for him. And this time, he was ready for it.