
Shadows of the Thirteenth Floor

Do you believe in things that science can't explain? Young architect Alex moves into an ordinary high-rise apartment, only to discover an impossible thirteenth floor. There, he encounters the enigmatic Kai, a boy who can manipulate shadows. From that moment, Alex's life changes forever. A time-bending elevator, whispering walls, an infinity pool that drowns in other realities, secret rooms leading to alternate worlds... This building hides secrets beyond imagination. As Alex and Kai explore together, they uncover not only the supernatural truth of the building but also develop feelings that transcend friendship amidst life-threatening adventures. However, as their investigation deepens, they find themselves entangled in a grand conspiracy that threatens the fate of the multiverse. A mysterious Architect, a scientist hungry for power, dangers from the void... Perils lurk at every corner. Alex must confront his inner fears and master his newly awakened abilities. Kai must reconcile with his dark past. Only by standing together can they face the surrounding dangers and save the residents of all timelines. In this fantastic world where science and magic coexist, where reality and dreams intertwine, can love conquer destiny? Is the truth salvation or damnation? When the clock on the thirteenth floor strikes thirteen, all will be revealed. This is a tale of courage, trust, and sacrifice, A journey across time and space, deep into the soul, An ode to love and hope. Are you ready to step into this world beyond imagination? The elevator doors are about to open. Thirteenth floor, welcome.

BlakeinDark · Sci-fi
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101 Chs

Chapter 36: The Architect Appears

Since Alex learned to initially control shadow abilities, Silver Moon Apartments seemed to become more active. The runes on the walls flickered more frequently, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of anticipation.

Late this night, Alex was awakened by a strange resonance. He sat up to find the entire room trembling slightly, with the runes on the walls emitting a soft glow.

"Kai, wake up," Alex gently nudged Kai beside him, "Something's not right."

Kai immediately opened his eyes alertly, "I feel it, the entire Silver Moon Apartments is restless."

Just then, Marcus rushed into their room, his face bearing an expression of surprise and excitement.

"You need to come see this right away!" Marcus said, breathless, "The lobby... something strange is happening in the lobby!"

The three quickly went downstairs to the lobby. When they arrived, the scene before them left them stunned. The entire lobby was enveloped in a soft golden light, with countless glowing runes floating in the air. In the center of the lobby, the ancient grandfather clock was spinning wildly, its hands rotating at an incredible speed.

"What's going on?" Alex asked in surprise.

Leo's apparition suddenly appeared, his expression both surprised and expectant, "I've never seen anything like this... unless... could it be that he's coming back?"

"He?" Kai asked puzzled, "Who do you mean?"

Just then, the clock suddenly stopped spinning, all hands pointing to 12 o'clock. A dazzling light shot out from the clock face, forming a human silhouette in the center of the lobby.

As the light faded, an old man in ancient robes stood there. His eyes were like the deep starry sky, emanating an indescribable aura of majesty and wisdom.

"The Architect," Leo's voice was filled with deep respect, "You've finally returned."

Alex, Kai, and Marcus looked at the suddenly appeared old man in shock. They had heard legends of the Architect but never imagined they would one day actually meet him.

The Architect looked around, his gaze finally falling on the three. "Ah, the new generation of guardians," his voice was like an ancient bagpipe, carrying the vicissitudes of time, "You've done well, even better than I expected."

Alex gathered courage to step forward, "Are you the Architect who created Silver Moon Apartments? But... why appear only now?"

The Architect smiled slightly, "I couldn't appear until the time was right. But now, with crisis imminent, it's time to tell you some truths."

He waved his hand, and the entire lobby suddenly became a huge star map. Countless galaxies and dimensions rotated around them.

"Silver Moon Apartments is not just a building," the Architect explained, "It's a key node maintaining the balance of the multiverse. And you are the chosen ones to guard this node."

Kai frowned and asked, "But why us? What's special about us?"

The Architect's gaze deepened, "Every era has its guardians. Each of you possesses unique abilities, and when these abilities combine, they can produce power sufficient to counter the Void."

Marcus curiously asked, "What exactly is the Void? Why does it always want to disrupt the balance?"

The Architect sighed, and the star map suddenly darkened, showing a vast expanse of darkness. "The Void is the antithesis of the multiverse. It represents chaos and destruction. And its goal is to devour all reality, reducing everything to nothingness."

Alex felt a chill, "Then how can we stop it?"

The Architect turned to Alex, a glint of approval in his eyes, "You've already taken the correct first step, young traveler. Learning to combine different abilities is key to countering the Void."

He walked to the clock, gently stroking its face, "Silver Moon Apartments is a powerful magic array, designed to seal the power of the Void. But as time passed, the seal weakened. You must learn how to reactivate and strengthen this seal."

Kai thoughtfully said, "So that's why the Void's invasions are becoming more frequent?"

The Architect nodded, "Correct. Time is running out. The Void is about to launch a full-scale attack, and you must be prepared."

Just then, the entire Silver Moon Apartments suddenly shook violently. The Architect's expression turned grave, "They're here, earlier than I expected."

Alex, Kai, and Marcus immediately became alert, ready to face the impending battle.

The Architect looked at them, his eyes full of complex emotions, "Remember, young guardians. Your power comes from unity, from love for this world. Don't let fear and doubt shake your beliefs."

He turned to Leo's apparition, "Old friend, it's time. You know what to do."

Leo nodded, and suddenly, his apparition began to emit a dazzling light.

"Leo?" Alex called out in surprise, "What's happening?"

Leo smiled at them, "Don't worry, children. This is the moment I've been waiting for."

With a flash of bright light, Leo's apparition suddenly became solid, transforming into a handsome young man.

"Father," Leo looked at the Architect, his eyes full of complex emotions.

The Architect gently embraced Leo, "Welcome back, my son."

Alex, Kai, and Marcus watched this scene in disbelief, unable to believe their eyes.

The Architect turned to them, "Leo's sacrifice gave Silver Moon Apartments its own consciousness. And now, it's time for him to become part of the guardians again."

Just then, the entire Silver Moon Apartments shook violently again. Terrible roars could be heard from afar.

"They're here," the Architect said seriously, "Are you ready, young guardians?"

Alex took a deep breath, looking at Kai, Marcus, and the reborn Leo. They all nodded, their eyes full of determination.

"We're ready," Alex said firmly.

The Architect nodded in satisfaction, "Then let us protect this world together."

With a dazzling light, the entire Silver Moon Apartments began to change. The walls became transparent, revealing complex magic arrays behind them. Every rune began to glow, and the entire building seemed to transform into a giant magic formation.

Alex felt an unprecedented power surging within him. He knew this would be a battle concerning the fate of the multiverse. But with the Architect's guidance and the team's support, they could overcome all difficulties.

And outside Silver Moon Apartments, countless Void creatures were approaching. The final battle was about to begin.

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