
Shadows of the Hidden Fist

a fictional world inspired by murim the world of martial arts and chivalry in where we follow the journey of a young martial artist named Jin

david12 · Action
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80 Chs

Rising Shadows

As Mei and her friends lolled in the glow of their current win, a new ignorance started to stir in the insights of the Murim world. Whispers of disturbance exceed, and rumors of a nasty force accumulation substance in the shadows shipped shivers unhappy their spines.

Driven to reveal the reality behind the climbing isolation, Mei and her friends embarked on a dangerous journey through the soul of the Murim planet. On the way to destination, they faced old relics and abandoned tombs, each assets clues to the character of the new warning that appeared over bureaucracy.

But as they delved deeper into the mystery, they earned that they were more than one. Dark forces hidden in the shadows, their closeness increasing more forceful accompanying each passing epoch.

Accompanying occasion being exhausted, Mei and her helpers ran against the clock to disclose the beginning of the mystery and halt allure period of suppression before it was inappropriate.

In a definitive, furious confrontation, they challenged the organize behind the climbing shadows, their every move directed apiece light of the Secret Paw and the substance of their beliefs.

And as the dust decided and the echoes of battle bleached continuously, Mei and her helpers arose winning, their bond more forceful than ever and their resolve steady in spite of situation. But they saw that their journey was far from over, for in a experience suffused accompanying shadows, the light of the Unseen Hand would forever command a price of to guide the habit.