
Chapter 01

The chase had started yet again. I was trapped in this world with no idea on how I was going to escape. I continued to run into the woods, I didn't know where I was running to or if I'd see anyone to rescue me but I continued to run, I ran as fast as my frail legs could carry me. I dared to look behind my shoulders and I saw it. I didn't know what it was or what it wanted from me, but I was sure about one thing, whatever the hell that thing was, it wasn't human.

I looked up ahead and I saw smoke in the sky, that meant fire and fire meant people. I ran towards the direction of the smoke, although I didn't know know if I was running towards or away danger, I was willing to take my chances at this point.

Short pants left my mouth every now and then, I didn't know where I had gotten this strength from. I wasn't an athletic person by any means so, the fact that I had run this much and I had not collapsed on the floor yet, meant something. Everything was strange, nothing was making any sense nor adding up. I didn't even know how I got myself here to begin with, I just found myself at the entrance of the woods where I saw this thing running towards me and it didn't look friendly so, common sense kicked in and I ran.

I drew closer to the source of the smoke, I looked ahead, and just a few feet away from me, a small cottage sat. Shelter. I didn't even think about it twice, I ran into the cottage and shut the door behind me.

I took a few minutes to clam down my racing heart, I wasn't tired but my heartbeat was so erratic. After stabilizing my breathing, I noticed it had gotten quiet outside, whatever was chasing me should have been here by now, maybe it had given up and left. I let my body relax at that thought, and studied my environment, I didn't even realize I was now inside an unknown house, I wasn't scared surprisingly, the house gave off such a soothing aura, you couldn't help but feel comfortable. It was made off wood but the place I'm assuming is the living area, the room I was currently in, was painted in a warm cream colour and some brown furnitures littered the room, a rocking chair at the far corner of the room, two single fur chairs sat beside each other in front of a fireplace and there was a sofa beside the chairs, a coat was sitting on the sofa, there wasn't a single thing out of place, and it was warm. It was simple and cozy.

I heard footsteps approaching, my survival instincts kicked in and I went to hide. I found a small cupboard that was just beside the door that led to another room and that was where I hid myself. Someone walked into the room, I wasn't able to get a glimpse of their face but I could tell that it was a man, it was obvious from his large build. He gently set down a cup which contained something hot, because of the steam coming out from it. He set it down on one of the small stools beside the chairs and moved around the room, in search of something I was thinking. Then suddenly, he stopped and he looked around.

He reached for something behind him, and when he brought it out, it was a silver pistol that reflected when the light made contact with it, I watched him as he unloaded the gun and let a bullet drop to the ground, he loaded the gun back, held it firmly in his grasp and pointed it out. "I know someone is in here and I know you just heard the bullet that fell to the ground, just showing you that I have a loaded gun and I'm not afraid to shoot, plus I have an accurate aim. So I suggest you come out and you do it right now." I would have taken more time to appreciate the richness of his voice, but for the situation we were in right now, he had such a thick and sweet voice and the sound of it alone, did strange things to me.

I sat still in the cupboard and weighed my options, he wasn't hostile or aggressive in the way he spoke, but he could be a killer for all I knew or he could kill me for not coming out whilst thinking I wanted to hurt him and I'd die when he was a really nice guy.

I decided to take my chances and slowly opened the cupboard, hands high above my head and I let my hair fall over my face, acting as some type of shield for me.

"Look up." He barked at me and I did but when I looked up and stared into his eyes, something I wasn't expecting happened. There was some sort of electricity that sparked through us, I felt it and judging by the expression on his face, he felt it too.

"Who are you?" He asked breathlessly and quietly, slowly lowering his gun.

Before I could answer though, something hit the front door with a loud pound, my attention was drawn to the door once again, I had forgotten all about what I was running from.

"I mean no harm, but I was running from something. I saw this house and took refuge, that's why I'm here. Help me please." I dropped my hands that had previously been in the air and moved closer to this guy, the same thing that happened just a few minutes ago, happened again.

He grabbed me softly by my wrist and drew me closer to him, "Stay behind me." It was when I was up and close to him that I was able to take in his features, his eyes were green, you couldn't see it from afar but when you drew near, it was there. He turned his attention back to the direction to the door, arms outstretched, the gun firmly sitting in his hands. I snapped out of my reverie and did as he had told me, I hid myself behind him and he had such a large body, his body completely covered mine, it was like I was hidden behind a wall.

The thing at the door continued to pound, it was trying to break down the door, the stranger who I had taken shield behind him maintened his defensive position.

The pounding stopped moments later and then there was silence, I thought it had given up and I relaxed again, only to be startled by the crash at the door. I looked up and saw that the door had been broken down and that's when I saw what had been chasing me all these while.

It was a fury creature that I thought only existed in fairytales and stories. It was big and had sharp claws and giant teeth. It was a brown werewolf. I couldn't believe my eyes, I fell to the ground and crawled to the far corner of the room.

How was this possible? Werewolves didn't exist. The guy fired a few shots but it did nothing to stop the predator that was slowly making its way towards me, destroying everything in its sight.

The wolf snarled at me and started running towards me, ready to pounce, I closed my eyes, already accepting my inevitable fate, so this was how I was going to die?

I was waiting to feel the pain of the wolf tearing me apart, but the loud crash I heard on the other side of the room made me open my eyes. The brown wolf was down but standing in front of me was another wolf, this one had white fur and was very similar to the brown one laying in the corner, only that the white wolf was much bigger, where had it come from? I looked around, hoping the man I was previously standing behind could offer me any explanation for whatever was going on and couldn't find the man anywhere, where had he gone?

I found something though, I saw the clothes he had on, on the floor, it was in shreds, that could only mean one thing, he was the white wolf. I looked back at the wolf that was now staring back at me, it had the same eyes as the man from earlier had, before I could connect the dots, a movement in the corner of the room caught my attention, "Look out." I yelled out, not knowing whether or not he could hear me.

The brown wolf that had been knocked out from before, got up and pounced on the other wolf and they fought and tackled each other around the room, knocking over anything in their way, the white wolf was stronger though.

All the brown wolf kept trying to do was get to me, for some reason. I wondered why though, but the white wolf wasn't allowing it, he kept circling in front of me. The white wolf lunged for the other wolf and tackled it till they were out of the door. When they landed outside, the brown wolf had an opportunity and took it, it bit the white wolf in its legs and it let out a loud howl, and dropped to the ground, it was in no position to defend itself again. The brown wolf noticed this and was ready to go for the kill when an item caught my eye, it was a silver spear, I reached for it but the moment I grabbed it, I felt myself weaken and I went down on my knees. I pulled myself together and looked up, the white wolf was badly injured, it laid still on the floor, if I didn't act now, it would die. I summoned all the will power I had and stood up and took the spear along with me.

The other wolf had its back to me so, I quietly went towards it, it was about to sink its teeth into the other wolfs neck when I raised the spear and drove it through the wolf, it let out a pained howl and I watched as it bled to death.

When I was certain that it was dead, I dragged the other wolf inside, and right before my eyes, it transformed back into the guy that had been in the room. I moved away from him and covered him with the coat that was previously laying on the chair now discarded on the floor, what was going on here? How was any of this possible?

His wounds started healing up, the blood was disappearing too, when all his wounds cleared up, he spoke, "Did you touch the spear?"


"Don't do that again please. That spear had wolfsbane on it."

He cautioned me like any of what was going on right now was normal, "Am I supposed to know what that is?"

"Don't touch wolfsbane again, it weakens a wolf."

"How does that affect me? I really don't see how I'm affected here, unless, are you saying…?" I trailed off, not able to complete my sentence.

"I can't answer all your questions right now, there's no time. You have to come back home, come back home. We need you, come home and find me." He said hurriedly.

Before I could ask any further question, I sat up and let out a loud gasp. I was now back in my room, sitting in bed, my PJ's was soaked with my sweat. It was just a dream, but a dream that felt all too real.

And why was I told to go back home?

I got the answer to my question when my phone rang.

I had to go back to my hometown. My father was dead.