
Shadows of Judgment

On the continent of Almeron, a large army of Orcs march, taking over, and sometimes even destroying, anything in their way. Their ultimate goal, complete conquest of the continent. But for now, they march into the Elven country of Faelion, intent on wiping the elves out, and the large army of Orcs soon arrives at the capital city known as Syalthaes, which consists of mostly varying Elven races. Duvainion, the young Elven prince, only manages to escape with the help of his top bodyguard, Caleldes. These are their adventures, as she struggles to try and protect the young prince, while also trying to seek aid for her now destroyed kingdom, and its now scattered people; and as he struggles with something dark and sinister that starts to awaken within himself. ------------------------------ * Just a short disclaimer, most of the names that I use tend to be from a name generator site, or derived from various combinations of the names from the name generator site. So, any relations or similarities to any other names from any other novels, anything real, or the like, is completely coincidental; as I am terrible at coming up with my own unique names. Thank you for your understanding. ------------------------------ ** I am also willing to listen to any suggestions that any readers may have in mind for the future of the story; I have a base guideline, but don't really plan things out too much, not very professional I know, but it's how I work best, to be perfectly honest. ------------------------------ *** One last authors note: parts of this story, and some of the characters, are actually going to be based off of something that me and my bf had done together a long time ago. Just felt that should be added in there, just incase. Anyways, this is going to be my first story made public, so I hope that you all like the story, and thank you for reading!

Ruby_Riolu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The Invasion

** Just a quick warning, this chapter will have a few more mature suggestions in it, but nothing generally stated outwards, along with a few swear words. Just a heads up, first. **


The Orc army had already infiltrated the city, cutting down anyone who gets in the way. A female Orc seems to be leading the army, and though she may be a bit smaller in stature, and also have a lighter tone of green skin, then most of the other Orcs, none of them even question her authority, as she orders them about. She wears a full suit of dark colored orcish armor, and wields a large two handed battle axe.

A large orc soon heads over to the female Orc. "General Ghorsha, ma'am, we're having a bit of trouble penitrating the inner walls."

"Obviously the inner walls would be harder to break down. We can't just use our normal methods. Where are those useless morons that are supposed to use those artifacts to take down the barrier protecting the walls?" Ghorsha retorts to the Orc in front of her.

"They should be here, soon."

"Well then, go find them."

"Yes, ma'am." The Orc then takes off again.

"Moronic brutes, the lot of them. Where would we even be right now, if I weren't instructing them." She heads for the inner walls as well, taking down some more elven soldiers as she does so. As she reaches the inner wall, she sees mostly just the Orcs with large shields attempting to protect the others without any from the elven guards up on top of the inner wall, who are shooting arrows at them.

Ghorsha then builds up a brownish energy in her battle axe, and then soon unleashes it towards the wall, causing a small localized earthquake. Due the the protective barrier around the wall, it barely effects it, but it does at least shake the ground quite a lot, causing the elven archers to either fall over or off the wall. As she does so, the Orc soldier from before returns, followed by a few other Orcs, though these new Orcs look more mage like then the rest. "About time you guys got here. Start your spells, and we'll protect you."

The mage Orcs nod, then each pulls out some strange sort of ancient looking amulet, practically radiating a dark energy. The Orc mages then start to channel a spell through the amulets, and the remaining archer start to target the mages. The other Orcs defend the mages from the volley of oncoming arrows, some of the soldier Orcs being felled, but most still mostly intact. And soon enough, the barrier surrounding the inner wall soon starts to disappear as its energy is pulled into the Orc mages amulets. This sends the archers into a panic, who are then shot down shortly thereafter, by the Orcs own archers.

Ghorsha then builds up a mix of both the brownish colored magic energy, and a reddish one as well, the two magical energies swirling in sync as she builds up as much as she can, before releasing the energy in a fiery shockwave at the inner walls, causing a loud explosion and quake as a large part of the wall comes down. She then yells out "What are you all waiting for? Go!" And the Orcs that were just standing there, some a bit bewildered by her display of power, now start charging into the inner parts of the city, which consists of the highest noble families, and the palace at the inner most section. And even more of the elven soldiers are killed as they make their way to the palace. The grounds around the inner walls now painted in elven blood.

They soon manage to clean the main halls of the palace out of guards, she then heads for the throne room, followed by plenty of her Orc soldiers. They throw open the doors, to find only the elven king sitting there, with a group of his royal bodyguards.

"So, you've finally arrived. Well, I won't go down without a fight." The elven king then gets up, pulling out a large greatsword.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to this. You better be a strong opponent. It's disappointing when the king himself can't even defend himself." Ghorsha retorted, seeming to try and get a rise out of him.

"You will not manipulate me, you green b*tch"

"Such language. Is that any way to treat a lady?"

"You're barely a woman. Enough talk. Either fight or die."

"Fine. Down to business then, hm?" She starts to head for him, though is soon stopped by another voice.

"Enough. The king is mine. Go find the queen and prince, Ghorsha."

She just seems a bit surprised at hearing this voice, turning to them, to look at the Orc king. "...Yes, sir." She takes a few Orc soldiers with her, then heads off to go find the queen and prince, as the Orc king faces off against the elven king.


They eventually find the queen, along with a few of her attendants, exiting her room, her attendants carrying multiple bags each. "There you are, queenie. You're mine."

"What? The king and his guard are supposed to be keeping you and your soldiers busy..."

"Initially, yes. But there was a sudden surprise visit that allowed me to come and meet you, myself. Aren't you so glad?" She smirks as she brandishes her battle axe.

The attendants just drop the bags that they were carrying, as a spray of blood covers the walls and floor, and partially them, mostly shocked, but still attempt to run away. The Orc soldiers easily catch them, though they only hold tightly onto them, rather then killing them. Then one of them asks "General, we can keep them, right?" The women then start to struggle in the Orc soldiers grasp even more desperately now.

"I don't care. And if you're not planning on helping, I have a little prince to find." She heads off as the Orc soldiers start to bind the former queens attendants.

Though after a while of looking, a different soldier walks up to Ghorsha. "Ma'am, we can't seem to find the prince."


"We believe that he may have already escaped, most likely with some guards."

This news just seems to upset her. "He's not going to be very happy about this, you know. He'll have my head, if he's in a bad mood. Look harder. The little sh*t is probably just hiding somewhere."

"Right..." The soldier then heads off again.

She then starts to head back for the throne room, to report back to the Orc king about everything that's happened.

Also, I know that I have this story labeled as 'male lead', and he will be the main lead soon enough, but for now, I feel that he may be a just bit too young. Thank you for understanding.

Ruby_Riolucreators' thoughts