
Shadows of Deception 1

Listen to me, if you’re-“ “Shut up.” I was taken aback by his sudden choice of word. “Let’s get something straight miss Grey, I do not appreciate people talking to me, and I loathe it more when people talk back at me. Truthfully, you are crossing your limit and patience with me. So from now on, you’ll do exactly what I say and as I say. You understand me?” ………………………………………………….. Mystery. Romance. Deceit. Finding evidences of her dead brother’s whereabouts, Becky Grey believes that he is still alive. In pursuit to find her brother and restore her family’s remaining happiness, she encounters the infamous and Godforsakenly alluring Russian bastard Sinister Alexander Salvaltore and gets ensnared in his plan of capturing her brother. In order to attain his goal, he offers her a deal. However, the deeper she dives into the tangles of Sinister’s merciless world, she finds herself in a hauntingly farmiliar past. A past that she has been erased from- A past that she cannot escape. Unsettling secrets loom the air of her maddening relationship with Sinister. The question is, will she run from him? Or to him?

Penrose_love · Urban
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71 Chs

He’s Alive

He's alive!

He's alive?

I couldn't get that Enigma out of my head. I couldn't get that possibility out of my mind.

All these years I thought my brother was dead. I tried to suppress the uncontrollable urge to just jump to a crazy level. It couldn't be possible that he was still alive, he met with an accident back home in Florida. He died three years ago. Didn't he?

Yet, the solid piece of evidence in my hand staring right at me said otherwise. I gave the little card another glance to ensure I wasn't tripping of my sanity. It was real. The writing was his and it was addressed to someone Called 'B,883.' The card had my brother's very own signature, last week's date and a request to meet at an apartment building with the number in it.

Honesty, I found the card by accident At the bank when someone pushed me by mistake and I dropped my bag. Low and behold, the card was staring right at me on the floor. It seemed as though someone had accidentally dropped it.

Maybe it was planted for me?

Is that even possible?

I mean, things like that only happen in books and movies right?

Well, whatever. I could handle myself.

I'm not some sort of Barbie doll who needed a Ken, or a Disney princess who needed her Prince Charming.

Plus, I kinda have a white belt in martial belt that I mastered through online class. It counts right?

Alright. Fine I agree, I have a police friend on speed dial. Not that I needed to use it that much.

I nervously made my way through the stinking building to the addresses room on the card. What the hell kind of place was this? No respectable lady should even set foot here.

Men crawled around this place like ants on sugar.

They were probably on the heaviest stuff, I figured.

The place literally reeked of disgusting smell and sweat. I seriously wanted to puke.

What was Daniel even doing in a place like this in the first place if he was alive?

The looks and glares I got from these men were to another level. Look of seduction and abduction. Like they were thirsty for something.

Talk about thirst, these men needed some water. Holy water.

I pushed my brown lock around my ear as I tried to walk in the modest way possible to avoid more piercing eyes. No way was I throwing candy for these dogs. I came here to find my lost brother and so help me God. I will.

Stepping at the room door, I felt my heart clench harder that I couldn't breathe properly. I was about to knock on the door but I noticed it was already opened. Gently giving it a knock, I pushed it open to reveal an empty room inside. Taking careful steps inside, I took notice of the surroundings inside the room. It was dull, and it was as if someone was here some time back.


The apartment was cleaned out, empty, as if someone had just recently moved out. I made my way to the kitchen when I stepped on something solid on the ground.

It was a phone that looked like it was smashed on purpose. There was another kind of writing on a card on the ground. Exactly like the one I got in the bank. My heart was suddenly skipping beats that I swore I needed to go see my doctor on my way home. Although the writing on the card seemed to be completely useless items such as grocery list, I was shocked that it was actually my brother's writing. The very one I've come to master right when we grew together.

My brother was really alive. Infact, this was his apartment and now he's not here anymore.

God no!

I sunk into a state of panic. Why would he do this? So many questions I needed answers to but my grieving heart was preventing me from even thinking about them.

No. I needed to find him now. I had to.

Looking at the phone again, I realized that it was a form of hope. It could be fixed if I spoke to the right person, no?

I had to do this!

I dipped the phone safely inside my bag and took one final look around the room when something caught my eye.

If I wasn't this observant of a person, I wouldn't have noticed the bend picture frame on the wall. Moving to take the frame out I saw a box behind it. like a safe box but it was opened. It was as if someone was rambling through the box's contents before. I dropped the frame and started going through the files inside the box. I needed something, anything to pin me to my brother's location.

I was at the verge of tears already.

A strange folder caught my eye. Opening it I saw some perculiar stuffs. Drug trade transactions? Italian Mafia reports?

What the heck!?

There was another folder that hooked my eyes. It was the draft of a partnership with some guy named Alberto Del Rio, and Daniel Grey…?

My…. Brother?

God no!


The door creaked and I shot my eyes to it. The voices downstairs was getting much like an activity or something was happening.

I needed to be quick. I dragged the file containing my brother's name and dipped it in my bag. The voices downstairs was getting closer as if they were moving to the room I was.

I needed to hide. God I don't want to be caught now, Not after seeing these illegal folders. I dashed towards to bathroom and twisted the lock.

The voices became audible as few steps rushed inside the room. They began rambling everything, as though they were searching for something.

" vrado, It seems as though he has been gone for long."A voice was heard. A male voice.

"He wouldn't have been able to take the files, he left in a haste." Another male voice.

From the hearing of things, I could tell they were farmiliar with the person living here before.

The first voice shot out again." So you believe their words now, don't you think they are working for him?"

"I don't care, take everything in the box." The second voice ordered and they began shuffling again.

I was trying so hard to suppress my voice, my heart was beating too fast and I couldn't see properly. Some minutes past and when I didn't hear the voices again. I moved from the bathroom into the room. It was in a mess now, the box wasn't there anymore and the door was open.

God no.

What has Daniel gotten into now?

On my way out I stopped at the receptionist at the apartment to enquire if my brother Daniel Grey had booked a room there. The answer honestly, screwed with my head.

She said no.

This discovery made me more than just anxious about what was happened.

What the actual heck was going on?

Taking a frustrated breathe, I decided to calm my self down. There was no need getting all flustered about something I wasn't so sure of. I still had that cell phone and the document and it was my only hope. I had to get it repaired no matter what, maybe it will help me about my brother's whereabouts.

The cold night breeze laced through my hair as I walked outside. Yet the chilling feeling of unease never left me. It was almost as if I could feel myself being watched.


Who knows me? I practically came to this town just find my brother.

I felt stares creeping on me as I took a turn towards the hotel I rented. For some odd reason it felt like it was impossible for me to move faster.

I gripped my bag and brought it close to me.

Was I walking too slow? I only do that when I feel unsettled.

Abruptly, I felt a hand snake around my waist and muffled my mouth from behind. For some reason I didn't drop my bag, maybe because of fright. I bit the person's hands to let go of me and surprisingly, he did. But another man stood in front of me. Around five other individuals approached me as well.

They were all men dressed in black.

God. This was not good.

"Give me the folders girl." One of the men said.

first chapter, first anxiety!

what do you think my love?

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Next chapter!

Penrose_lovecreators' thoughts