


The White Robed man stood before us, his eyes scanning the group as he pulled back his cloak, revealing a hint of exhaustion. "Forgive me, I'm drained. Transporting you all from Texas was a draining task." He then went on to say. "Now, I suppose this is the part where I deliver a solemn speech, a grand monologue to inspire and steal your hearts for the trials ahead." All of them were shocked by his surprising sarcasm and humor. Then I asked him, "How can you remain so calm and laid-back in a time like this?" He replied, "Because, unlike you, my hairline is not receding." We were all completely shocked.

"HE CAN'T BE SERIOUS" a woman replied. Ezon then said, "No I am!" and proceeded to laugh hysterically aloud.


"Master Ezon, we lost people today while escaping Dynoxa. Sorry, we failed," Kion said, his voice heavy with regret.


Ezon replied, "Yes, it seems a lot has happened while I was fighting Natas. When we arrived on the island, I immediately sensed thousands of demons outside the barrier. I went there to kill them all. Then, I sensed some had breached the barrier and gotten inside. Genjo is close to finding the new base. We must make plans for escape and relocation."


Kion nodded, then added, "My leg is broken but it will heal. I can't say the same for Lady Aries she was hurt very badly. She's still unconscious. Ezon replies "Yes, we must get her inside."


A man spoke up, "Ezon, who is Genjo?"


Ezon says "I know you all hate this phrase by now, but all will be explained." He smiles, "now let's get to the tree's base."


He continued; his voice laced with an air of mystery. "Each of you possesses unique traits, gifts that will help you become the beacons of light in the Shadowlandz. We'll discuss this further, but for now, I'll muster my last ounce of energy to reveal the secret base."


With a subtle gesture, he opened his hand, and a low, whispery scripture escaped his lips. The tree responded, its trunk sliding open to reveal a staircase that plunged into darkness, seemingly endless. We stepped inside witnessing a huge staircase, our hearts racing with anticipation, we descended into the unknown.


Finally, we arrived at a colossal stone door, its surface etched with ancient symbols. The air was heavy with secrets, and we knew that our journey was far from over.


When we got to the bottom, Ezon said, "Before you all go in here, there are a lot of people who have devoted their lives to serving Christ in this day and time - a lot of children, even some teens. You must make a commitment to not go in here to cause problems or bring darkness. We are dwellers of the light. So, before I open this door, I must give you all a brief history, a brief explanation of everything going on within the Shadowlandz. Before we start story time Kion can you bring Lady Aries inside for healing? I must make sure all these people are wholehearted. Kion replies, "Of course", as they say a scripture and open the door. "As you all know, my name is Master Ezon. A year after the Rapture happened, God came to me in a vision. I was left behind, but I used to be a pastor. I failed because I struggled with addictions, and because of that, my wife and children are now with the King. But God spoke to me and said, 'I'm giving you another chance - not just you, but anyone who chooses to open their heart to me.'

I asked him, 'How? I thought it was a dream, but it was like I was awake and asleep at the same time - a premonition, a prophecy.' God replied and told me everything that would happen during the tribulation. He warned me about President Natas in advance and told me about all the evilness to come. I asked him, 'Why am I worthy of this? Better yet, how?'


He said, 'There will be death, there will be trials, but if you recruit and spread the word of God in your heart, getting more people to follow Christ again before the second coming, then all will have a chance to be redeemed.' I really didn't know what to think of this at the time, but then God told me, 'These are your main objectives. This is the new way to live. You must teach people the word of God within your heart and instruct them to follow it. That is one step to being redeemed. The second step is for people to carry out an act of holiness in order to find my kingdom. All my Commandments will still uphold, but I will want you to use what I'm going to gift to you to gift others. There are few other people I have come to in a dream and shown the path they shall follow, but you will be the main one. I am going to bless you with the ability to anoint people. This will not be the anointing you are used to hearing about or what you used to do in your church. I'm giving you the anointing of Samuel. This anointing will allow you to discern who the right people are...It can be young children; it can be adults - whoever you see fit. You will pass the next anointing to them.' Then, I asked God, 'What does this mean? What is the anointing?' God said, 'Certain people carry on the anointings of the original ones I've given it to. For example, Samuel, who is a prophet and a seer. You now have that same anointing, the difference is that it can be used physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will be able to do things that Samuel was able to do, but in a stronger manner. The reason being that demons have cursed our land stronger than ever, and my Holy Spirit no longer dwells here. So, anyone that you anoint with this light, and whoever else I have picked, will have an all-time high discernment. You will have dreams that will show you who are the people you need to go save. You will have dreams showing who are the people you should anoint. You must go through intense training, and you will learn how to use your anointing. In a few years from now, you will be strong enough to take on the full power of the anointing. Once you can do that, your faith can be so powerful that you can even move mountains.' By this, I was shocked. Why in the world would God give us a second chance? We failed him so many times. Why would he give me, a broken pastor, the opportunity to lead again? Then God said to me, 'Don't worry about your wrongs now. You can make those right. But do know that with no Holy Spirit, this world is desolate, evil, and Lucifer runs amok freely and openly. Understand that even with an anointing and even being saved, it does not mean all these people have a 100% chance to find me. But I'm giving them a chance to be with Christ for the second coming. There will be a lot of death, and it'll be the worst things you've ever seen, but I am with you, even though the Holy Spirit is not. I still watch. I need you to build tribes. Those tribes will separate into different parts of the lands, just like the tribes of the Old Testament. And you all will spread the word in different nations of the land. However, before that can happen, you must find the perfect leaders, and you must find the perfect bodies and vessels for the anointings. You will be given anointings such as King David's anointing, Samuel's anointing, Moses' anointing, and thousands more. The problem is that there is an evil that is doing the same that you do. Satan is not bound yet, so he will do what he must to keep people in bondage. He will gain followers. He will work through the government to manipulate people's minds, but you will counteract him. But before you can counteract, your spiritual and mental training will begin starting today. I will put you to sleep for an entire month, and you will train in mind so you can uphold the powerful anointing you will have. Although while you do this, there's a demon king that runs amongst us. His name is Genjo, and he only has one objective - to curse people to have evil hearts and intent malice toward the Lord. So, he will counteract by putting darkness in their hearts. For example, the spirit of Cain - will enter a young man, causing this young man to be a forced power, very hard to deal with. There will be thousands of others that you will anoint then he will curse, but with this power you have, you have the light. Darkness will never overrule the light. This land I now call the Shadowlandz because there is no light. But people like you will bring it. That is my word to you'…


So, before I let you all go through this door, will you follow, or will you remain a part of the ShadowlandZ?"