



Khayjin finds Zeyta by a waterfall.....


Khayjin- "Hey Zeyta are you ok

Zeyta- "No Khayjin, I failed at something I've worked so hard for. This has been my objective and main goal in life, and I failed myself. You, Master Rouke, and Northern Edge"


Khayjin- "Don't worry about me, I will represent our village. But that move you did, where and when did you learn that?"


Zeyta- "Do you remember the man we met in New Hampshire who was crazy?"


Khayjin- "Ummmm no I can't recall."


Zeyta- "Remember we used to sneak into the house on the hill at the lake and fish there? We ran into that old guy named Niosh."




ZEYTA-"YES! Well he had an Anointing which was Saul-Paul from the Bible. So, he dabbled in both worlds. After the first day we went, he told me he saw potential in my blade skill while hunting. So every day I started returning to Niosh. He started teaching me moves based on the kill. He told me if I ever run into a demon, the current skill I have would never even scratch them. So, he taught me blade sync, which was that move you saw. I showed Master Vojim during training, but he said I'm nowhere near ready for that move. I should have listened, but Sol's presence distracted me. My goal was to impress him. I went too far."

Khayjin- "Don't worry Master Rouke and Master Vojim will teach you to manage I'm sure of it….and come to think of it, didn't that Niosh guy get kicked out of the tribe?"


Zeyta- "Yes Rouke kicked him out after he found out Niosh was doing his own thing. Plus rebelling against Rouke on numerous occasions." 


Khayjin- "Well it's OK I'm gonna represent for the village. I just need your support, there's always next time." 

Zeyta- "Sorry Khayjin, I must go on another journey. I must find myself. I'm going to find Niosh, he understands my abilities. My job is to hunt demons like Raiza. I don't need approval from leaders when I have approval from God."


Khayjin- "Zeyta you're letting dark reside in you. This isn't what we've trained and prayed for. Our goal is to follow under God's lead."


Zeyta- "How is us following man's rule, God's rule? You ever realize that most of these leaders are older, they were left behind why? Why are they what determines our path? I got word Niosh stays in Eclipsed Forest..I must link with him and become my own person."


Khayjin- "Then I'll be left alone. We grew up together Zeyta this isn't…" 


Rouke- "She's right Khayjin."




Rouke- "I heard it all. I may not agree with going to someone as half-sided as Niosh. But I want to give you free will Zeyta. I believe in you, but I will not hold onto you any longer."

Zeyta- "Master Rouke, you have been amazing for me. You have been a father to me. You have been all I could ask for. But I can't wait another five years for another trial. I must get myself prepared for slaying. I can't restrain myself from using my skill."


Rouke- "Do as you must Zeyta, God be with you."


Khayjin- "No wait, that simple? Master Rouke, she could die."


Rouke- "God will accompany her Khayjin. Let's go .Warm-ups begin around three am early tomorrow morning." 


Khayjin- "Zeyta I'll see you later huh?"


Zeyta- "Yes you will Khayjin, go get certified. I still can't believe you made it this far when you never even had interest."


Kari approaches, "At least stay to see Khayjin become certified."




Kari- "No don't worry, I won't stop you. But I ask that you be careful and ready. I know this Niosh guy, he's very divided. He works with demons and Anointed, even Cursed. He will do anything to get his way. That's why Rouke banned him from the village."


Zeyta- "Well maybe I can talk sense into him."


Kari-"Maybe…..well get ready. It's almost time for the trials."


Zeyta- "Rouke seemed hurt and disappointed."


Kari- "I mean you're like a daughter to him and what he had to do to get you and Khayjin from ..Never mind we'll save that story for another time. When you're ready I'll tell you the entire story of where we all come from. But for now, let's get rest."


Kari leaves and Zeyta looks at the waterfall and gets more angry thinking about the fact that she failed. Then she walks toward the village.

Scene switches to outside New Babylon above the lake. Three hooded figures survey the area...


Genjo- "OKKKKKK! Now is the time to move forward, Cyro and Kyll!"


Kyll- "Finally!"


Cyro- "I've scoped the entire area. Under this water is the hidden arena. I'll go under to find an entrance. When I do, there should be a door that opens only to a scriptural verse."


Genjo- "I'll use water elements to protect you two and keep your air at bay, so you can breathe underwater. Kyll, you'll use your daggers to destroy any drones."


Kyll= "Easy!"


Genjo jumps into the water and comes up, telling them the coast is clear. Then, Cyro and Kyll jump in. Genjo puts a water bubble over their faces, allowing them to breathe. Cyro swims fast downward toward the stoned temple. Kyll starts destroying the bots as they swim downward.


Cyro notices the cracks in the door and swims straight to it. Genjo sees a bot almost spot Cyro but crushes it with a small wave. Kyll takes out a few more bots, then Cyro tries to see if there's any reference to scripture.


Genjo gets near the wall and tells Cyro that if they can't find the scripture, they can enter another way. Genjo places his hand on the stone temple and says, "Dark Realm Opening." The entire temple glows purple as Genjo concentrates.


Kyll- "Master Genjo, what is this?"


Genjo- "I'm searching for an opening. If there's someone in there who operates under any spirit, I can enter through them, meaning anger, depression, anxiety, etc."


Kyll- "That's amazing, but aren't they all under God? How can you find darkness with all that light in there?"


Genjo- "Shhhhhhhhh! I sense a lot of anger surprisingly."


A black demonic bird forms from malice in the village and becomes Genjo's eyes, searching through the entire town of New Babylon.


Kyll- "Master Genjo, how does this help?"


Genjo- "As I said, this technique allows me to see through any malice or darkness. Not only that, I can latch onto someone's entire memory as long as I can enter the ear or eye gate. I can get the password or at least a hint that can give us access. Ooooo, I think I found our victim..."


Genjo's bird flies into Zeyta's ear and out the other, allowing Genjo to see through her eyes for a few seconds of her memory. He gets the passcode from her in mere seconds.


Genjo- "I got it! The scripture hahaha that girl in there has a lot of anger. Thanks for the pass hahahaha."


They approach the door, and Genjo quotes the Lord's Prayer as he puts his hand on the stoned temple.


Suddenly, the temple rises from the water, rumbling loudly. Kyll exclaims, "Wow, it actually worked! Now we're at the surface!"


The temple is now lifted above water, and the staircase opens. They travel down the stairs and approach a door.


Cyro- "The door is opening."


Genjo- "Let's go. Be on alert, you two."


They walk into a room filled with water, but it's empty, with a ceiling that looks like the floor.


Kyll- "What is this place, Genjo?"


Genjo- "Watch out."


Arrows shoot at them out of nowhere. Genjo sighs, "All that work to sneak in... I should have known they'd have another line of defense. Genjo grabs the arrow and sends it back as Shink deflects it.


Genjo: "Well, ain't my first time entering holy grounds, and it won't be my last! LOLLLLL. And these two won't be fighting with me. I need them to be fully healthy for the tournament they'll enter."


Shink- "What?! Are you speaking of...?"


Genjo- "Well, I'm a fair man. I'm gonna have the best Anointed in the trials fight my two champions, Kyll and Cyro. Here's the best part: loser dies! HAHAHA!"


Shink- "You evil trash! I'll kill you here..."


Soz, Heku, and Hazai appear. Shink commands, "Soz, Heku, we'll attack from the front. Hazai, keep him busy at range. We need to ring the bell to alert everyone."


Genjo- "Now, Kyll, you do have one job. Don't let them touch that bell."


Kyll- "I wanna fight! Why can't I kill these weaklings?"


Genjo- "They may not have Anointings, but these four are masters with their weapons. They know a lot of demon weak points and curses. This fight will be mine."


Kyll- "Understood."


Cyro- "I shall observe."


Genjo moves forward. Hazai jumps and shoots a flame-lit arrow. Genjo backflips, making it miss, but it grazes Genjo's hair, causing a small strand to turn to stone.


Soz charges forward with a two-bladed staff lit with blue fire. Genjo dodges it all. Heku jumps from above with a long katana to stab Genjo. Genjo turns into a shadow pool and appears behind Soz, bear-hugging him and doing multiple slams at a rapid pace.


Shink charges with a blue-flamed blade. Genjo grabs his hand and delivers three super-fast punches, sending Shink flying. Hazai shoots another ten arrows. Genjo takes Soz's axe and dances with it, dodging all the moves and reflecting them. Genjo throws the staff at Hazai. Hazai dodges, but when he looks back, Genjo is in his face. He slaps Hazai hard to the ground, then throws purple daggers toward Hazai to kill him.


Shink blocks the daggers. Soz appears behind Genjo and two-hand punches his stomach, making him cough up blood. It sends Genjo toward Shink. Genjo turns at the last minute to reflect Shink's blade with his own sword.


Shink- "As I told you, Demon King, you die today!"


Genjo- "Nahhhhhh, not today!"


Genjo goes into a shadow pool and appears next to Hazai, swinging his cursed blade. Soz interferes, and they engage in an intense close fight.


Soz- "He's trying to kill Hazai! His range is too much! Heku, you ready?"...


Heku- "Yes, releasing traps now!"


Genjo- "I forgot about him?!"


A wire suddenly grabs Genjo's foot, sending him dragging across the ground. Then, a massive load of daggers shoots down from the sky towards Genjo. Genjo cuts the rope and backflips away from the daggers, only to be met with a huge mace with spikes.


Kyll: "Watch out, Master!"




Genjo gets cracked hard with the mace by Hezu, sending him flying.


Hezu- "Got him!"


Shink- "You guys good?"


Hezu- "Got him good, it seems."


Soz- "Yeah, stay on alert."


Hazai- "Alright, time to go for the bell."


Hazai shoots an arrow, and Genjo jumps up to grab it, shocking everyone.


Genjo- "Well, there's me, then there's him, then there's us."


Shink- "What is this, Genjo?"


Genjo- "Ooooo, just four different versions of me, that's all. Shall we continue?"


Now, there are four different Genjos, each with a distinct aura.


Shink- "This isn't good at all. There are four different versions of him. Okay, you three, prepare TM-4."


Genjo- "Hmmmmm, a technical move. That should be fun. Well, these other three versions of me have techniques from me. They all have their own curse, so let's see how you four hold up now."


The four Genjos appear: Shadow Genjo, Steel Genjo, Elemental Genjo, and Swordsman Genjo.


Genjo- "This is all me, split into four for each of you four."


Shink- "I see it's time I live up to my name. There will be no technical moves. We will each kill off a part of Genjo. I'll fight the Swordsman, the main one. Hazai, fight the Elemental one. Soz, take out the Shadow one, and Hezu, take out the Steel one. Understood?"


Genjo- "I must say you four have definitely lived up to your name. To get me to use this technique takes a lot."


Shink- "This is nothing from you, Genjo. I know how powerful you truly are, Demon King. That's why I cannot hesitate any longer with you. It's time you know why they call me Shink."


Genjo- "Hahaha, nobody gives a crap about your name. I've already told you I'm aware of the Four. I remember when I first saw your cowardly face at the Eclipsed Forest. You were worthless fishermen, and you couldn't save your beautiful wife and two sons. Ezon had to come to the rescue for you all; otherwise, I would have killed all you weaklings. You're the reason your wife is dead, and you were worthless then. You're still worthless now – no family, no Anointing, no purpose. You suck at life, and us demons have a joker poster of you in hell."


Soz- "Yet you acknowledged a cowardly name?"


Genjo- "What?


Soz- "You heard me. You speak of all this, you down-talk our leader, but yet you've already had to resort to using your 4th DM."


Genjo- "What? How did you know?"


Hazai- "Yes, our cowardly master, that you referenced, has studied you demons – how you move, defend, strategies, etc. And the move you just used, splitting into four, is a demonic move number 4, aka DM4."


Kyll- "How did they know that? Even I don't know that."


Genjo- "Hahahah, I must say I'm slightly impressed. Yes, that was DM4, but I can see you four are still stuck at the same level. See, it's the same as SL, aka Spirit Level, and SG, aka Spirit Gauge. SMS, aka Spirit Moves, and CMS, aka Cursed Moves. Our moves are based around an Anointing or Cursed, and they borrow a lot of energy from the SG or CG. As of now, only a few have mastered SM 1-5, and very few CM 1-5. But me? Hahahahah, let's just say I'm well above a CM 5 as of now."


Everyone is shocked.


Shink- "(He has to be lying.)"


Genjo- "And to make you four feel better, if you get me to use a DM-5 or above, I will personally quit while fighting."


Everyone is shocked again.


Genjo- "Yes, I'll drop everything – the entire plan. All you have to do is push my limits hahahaha.





SHADOWLANDZcreators' thoughts