


As I stood there, I had never felt such pressure in my life. I was at least 15th in line and saw people walking up to a machine, putting their arm in, and then hearing a clipping sound. Afterward, they would walk away and go into a gate to get a pass. I was extremely nervous, having witnessed a man bring someone back from the dead and then explode another man's body. I wondered, what happens if I reject it?

Two people later, a lady stood out and said she wouldn't receive the chip. Guards grabbed her by the arms, and she screamed, "Please, watch my children; that's all I ask!" Her husband came behind her and said he would take the chip. She yelled at him, calling him a traitor, a miserable father, and a man condemned to hell. Natas said, "No need for anger and hostility. When you people get arrested, you are sent to a location where true teaching goes on. Now, carry on."I thought to myself, "What if I get the chip and repent for it?" My sister always said I could repent. Suddenly, a hooded man appeared behind me and said, "Don't do it. Repenting can't save you from this mistake." In shock, I attempted to look at the hooded figure. He then said, "Keep your eyes forward. Help is on the way. Don't accept the chip."Before I knew it, only one person was ahead of me in line. My heart was pounding, and I was sweating. I couldn't even hear myself thinking. I could hear my heartbeat, and I was terrified. As I walked up, the hooded man was no longer there. I wondered, how could that man read my mind? I thought I was having an anxiety attack.I approached the machine, and Natas quoted some words to me. He said, "Do you renounce your faith? Do you believe in any of the false religions?" I froze up, not knowing what to say. He asked me, "Do you Renounce all faiths and commit to the cause?" I put my arm inside the machine and said, "I acc..."

Suddenly, there was a flashing light, and everybody was blinded. I could hear people yelling and shooting. After a few seconds, I saw a white-robed man appear in front of Natas, swinging a white sword. Natas blocked it with his arm, and the impact pushed all of us backward. The White-Robed man said, "Squad 6, go!" Random people in the line lifted their clothes, revealing robed armor, and started killing some of the soldiers.I looked back and saw Natas and the White-Robed man fighting at high speed. I couldn't believe my eyes. This was too much to take in. The man who had once read my thoughts came up to me and said, "We have to make a run for it." Then, I thought, "How are we going to get out of here?" The man said, "You've seen all this, and you're still questioning me? Let's go!" He threw round balls that exploded, causing every soldier around us to become blind. He gave me a black tie and covered my eyes; I was able to see, but the soldiers were blinded.

The thought-reading man yelled, "Everyone who wants to be free, follow us! God is giving us a second chance at redemption." The remainder of us started running. I looked back, and the White-Robed man swung his sword at Natas multiple times, but Natas blocked the attacks with his forearm easily. Then, the man who read my thoughts said, "There's a cliff; we're going to jump!" We were very high right now, but he reassured me, "Don't worry, support is at the bottom of Dynoxa."We reached the cliff and jumped. The thought-reading man said, "We're going to hit the water, but don't worry." We all jumped and landed in the water. Underwater, people were either already dead, getting shot at, or dying from the impact. Suddenly, a hand grabbed and pulled me up. There were seven boats with different robed people on them. The man with the white robe was on top of the cliff, still fighting Natas.

Then, the boats started going fast. Soldiers were shooting at us, and some more people were killed. Suddenly, a huge warship appeared out of the water. The thought-reading man yelled, "Shoot the barriers now!" The robed men aimed their weapons at the White-Robed man, and he kicked Natas and disappeared. A man yelled, "Fire the lock nets at Natas now!" The wired net barriers trapped Natas from moving forward, but the warship was now getting ready to fire at us. Were we going to die for no reason. Are we going to die for no reason? Then, the thought-reading man says, 'Formation 9!' The ships all align, and the warship charges, shooting a huge purple blast. I think, 'We're dead for sure.' Then, the White-Robed man lands on the front boat. He says, "Everyone, lay down as flat as possible." He then says what sounds like a scripture, and before the blast hits us, we all see a white flash for 0.2 seconds. We somehow appear at an entirely different location on a lake near some forest...


Chapter 3-ARRIVAL