
ShadowHunters: Angelic Decent

Transmigrated into 13-year-old Shadowhunter Elijah Everlight's body, our MC with the powers of his bloodline and memories, Elijah sets out on a quest, determined to recover and strengthen his Angelic bloodline. -------------------- Hey Guys, im writing this cause there no good fanfic on ShadowHunters, most of them are short and mostly about romance. so im gonna write this for all the Shadoehunters fans out there, also this is based on the series and some details of the books.

ricardo_yammouni · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Awakening Caution

Elijah's senses slowly returned as he found himself in the dimly lit room. The echoes of the warlock's sadistic laughter still lingered in his mind, a haunting reminder of the pain he had endured. As he gingerly touched the bruises on his body, the reality of this world pressed upon him.

"I can't treat this like a TV show anymore," Elijah muttered to himself, his confidence replaced by a newfound caution. The memories of the Shadow Market, a mysterious hub for supplies and information, flickered in his mind.

It was time to revisit this hidden network and fortify himself against the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

Lying on the cold floor, Elijah allowed his thoughts to drift, contemplating his next move. The warlock's sadistic intentions had left a mark, both physically and mentally. He needed a plan, a strategy to navigate this treacherous world.

The memories of his past life and the glimpses of his present one collided, creating a tapestry of uncertainty.

"I can't afford to be reckless," Elijah mused, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. "This isn't a game anymore. It's survival in a world that's far more dangerous than any fictional story."

The pain in his body served as a stark reminder of the consequences of underestimating the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

The warlock had made it clear – this world demanded caution, calculation, and a willingness to adapt. Elijah clenched his fists, determination welling up within him.

As he lay there, he contemplated through the fog of pain what his next moves were. The Shadow Market – a clandestine hub where secrets were traded, and alliances forged in whispers.

It was a place where the supernatural mingled with the mundane, a nexus of information that could prove invaluable in his quest for strength.

"The Shadow Market," Elijah whispered to himself, the name resonating with a sense of opportunity. He remembered stumbling upon it in the labyrinthine alleys of the city, a hidden entrance marked by a subtle shimmer in the air.

The market had welcomed him with its mysteries and dangers, and now, it offered a lifeline.

With newfound determination, Elijah pushed himself up from the floor. He needed to gather information, resources, and perhaps allies.

The warlock's debt hung over him like a shadow, a reminder that he had to play by the rules of this world, whether he liked it or not.

The journey to the Shadow Market became a beacon of hope, a sanctuary where he could reshape his destiny. Each step echoed with a resolve born from the depths of adversity.

Elijah's inner monologue became a silent vow – he would not be a pawn in this supernatural game. Instead, he would carve his path, using every resource at his disposal.

The city, with its secrets and dangers, awaited Elijah's cautious exploration. The warlock's sadistic game had inadvertently propelled him into a realm of calculated decisions and strategic maneuvers.

As he stepped into the unknown, the echoes of the warlock's laughter faded, replaced by the pulse of the city and the promise of the Shadow Market.


Elijah's journey through the Shadow Market led him to a peculiar stall tucked away in a corner, its entrance shrouded in a mystical glow. The air seemed to crackle with energy as he approached, and the vendor behind the counter greeted him with an enigmatic smile.

"Welcome, Elijah Everlight," the man said, his voice carrying a resonance that hinted at ancient knowledge. "I offer everything one might seek in the shadows. What is it that you desire?"

Elijah studied the array of items displayed on the stall, his eyes drawn to intricately carved blades, enchanted trinkets, and vials containing substances that shimmered with magical properties.

This is the place, he thought, where I can obtain the tools to navigate this world of shadows.

The vendor, sensing Elijah's quest, leaned forward. "Shadowhunter equipment, runes, and the means to draw them, you seek. I have what you need, and more."

Elijah's gaze narrowed with curiosity. "You know what I am?"

The man chuckled, a sound that echoed with centuries of wisdom. "In the Shadow Market, truths are often laid bare. I see not just who you are now, but echoes of a past and a future entwined."

With a subtle gesture, the vendor revealed a stelle adorned with ancient symbols, its surface humming with latent power. "This is not just a tool; it is a conduit for your will to shape the world. Take it, and it shall serve you well."

Elijah accepted the stelle, the weight of its significance settling in his grasp. As he did, the vendor produced a blade, its blade etched with runes that seemed to dance with a life of their own.

"A Shadowhunter's Seraph blade, a weapon that severs the ties between the mundane and the supernatural," the vendor explained. "Use it wisely, for it carries the legacy of those who came before."

These tools, Elijah contemplated, are the key to survival in a world where every step carries unseen dangers.

However, as he examined the runes on the blade and stelle, a realization struck him. There were gaps in his knowledge, runes lost in the transition between past and present. The memories of this body, while rich in information, were incomplete.

To master the art of runes, he pondered, I'll need to reclaim the missing pieces of this body's past.

The vendor, as if sensing Elijah's thoughts, spoke cryptically. "The past holds whispers, and the future echoes those whispers. Seek what was lost, and you may find more than you expect."

With the acquired equipment in hand, Elijah thanked the mysterious vendor. The stall seemed to fade into the shadows as he left, leaving him with a renewed sense of purpose.

To draw upon the full extent of this body's knowledge, I must unearth the secrets buried in its past.

As he ventured deeper into the Shadow Market, Elijah's inner monologue echoed with a resolve to uncover the missing fragments of his identity, intertwining his fate with the enigmatic tapestry of the supernatural world.


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