

"Why... why would he do this to me? Why would Elijah drug me?" she uttered in disbelief. My heart sank at the realization that she actually believed I was capable of such an act. Despite not knowing me well, I never imagined I projected an aura of malevolence! Anger surged within me, not directed at her, but at the circumstance. Naturally, she would suspect me of drugging her. Who else would she suspect? Unaware that Lauren, a past fling of mine driven by jealousy, could be behind this. Frankly, I didn't even consider it myself. Without a word, I turned and left the room. If she harbored such suspicions, I saw no reason to exacerbate her discomfort by staying. I made my way down the hall to the lobby, slouching into a seat with one leg casually extended and my hand shielding my eyes. "What am I going to do?" I pondered silently. Just then, Rebecca spoke up. "Alpha," she said. "Yes?" I responded without moving my hand from my face. "I cleared the air for you," she informed me. "Just know that she was hurt to think that. She trusts you, even if she won't admit it," she added. "If I were her and felt alone, I'd want a shoulder to lean on... Perhaps a big Alpha shoulder?" she offered, her tone encouraging. I finally peeked out from behind my hand, meeting her knowing smirk. "Fine... But if anyone asks, it was my idea," I retorted with a wink as I passed her. With my trademark confidence, I approached her room and gently pushed open the door.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, trying to maintain a calm demeanor.

"I'm okay. My body aches, but I'm mostly confused about what's happening..." she trailed off, looking sheepish.

"I'm sorry I accused you... and for you having to hear that," she admitted, still avoiding eye contact.

As she spoke, I edged closer, sitting on the mattress beside her, encroaching on her personal space.

I could sense her pain, as if she was radiating it out for me to feel. She was beginning to open up, just slightly. "You're safe now, Kat. Everything will be alright," I reassured her, offering a comforting presence.

At that moment, she broke down in tears, and my heart ached for her. Enzo whimpered in my mind, unsettled by the sight of his mate in such pain and vulnerability. I held her tightly, enveloping her in my embrace, rubbing her back as she sobbed. To my surprise, she reached up and returned the embrace, her arms tightening around me. I rested my chin atop her head, sitting with her in silence, patiently waiting for her to speak. This was her battle, and I knew she would talk when she was ready. As her sobs gradually subsided into hiccups, I softly whispered, "I'm here, Kat. I know it's hard to believe, but I'm here." She remained quiet until I noticed her breathing had become steady, and she drifted into an exhausted, deep slumber.

Feeling a twinge of discomfort, I glanced out the window and noticed that darkness had enveloped the world outside. My own fatigue crept in, urging me to sleep. Carefully, I curled us both closer together and shifted down the bed until we were lying side by side, with me on my back and her resting atop me. I reached for the blanket, draping it over us both, and held her tightly as I succumbed to the embrace of sleep.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to the gentle morning light filtering through the window. I couldn't remember ever resting so well, especially not on something like this narrow hospital bed. "It's the mate bond. It's wonderful, isn't it?" Enzo's voice echoed in my mind.

"Yes, it is," I hummed, squeezing my mate affectionately. She gripped my arms and shifted back against my chest. "We fit perfectly together," I whispered, reveling in the intimacy of the moment.

But suddenly, a flash of panic swept across my vision as she shot up from the bed, flailing away from me and screaming. I immediately sprang to my feet. "Kat, shhh, shhh, it's okay, it's me, Elijah!" I said urgently, trying to calm her down. She ended up in the corner, breathing heavily, her eyes wide with fear.

"What did you do, you sicko?!" she yelled, her voice shaking with anger and fear.

"What?" I said, taken aback. "What are you talking about?" I asked, slowly approaching her.

"What happened?" she demanded frantically.

"Kat, I'm sorry. We were talking, and we fell asleep. Nothing happened... we just slept. I promise," I declared earnestly, hoping to reassure her.

"So much for a breakthrough," I muttered to myself, feeling the tension in the air. She stood there for a moment, seemingly lost in thought as her memories slowly returned. I remained still, not wanting to startle her. When she finally looked at me, I offered a slight smile. "Are you okay?" I asked gently.

"Yes," she replied, her voice subdued. She smoothed down her hospital gown and walked past me to the bed. As I followed her with my gaze, my eyes inadvertently drifted downwards. I caught a glimpse of skin at her neck and couldn't help but continue looking, descending further... "Oh my goddess," I breathed, my mind suddenly filled with sexual thoughts. Her supple bottom, like two perfect orbs that I could bounce a quarter off of. I just wanted to bite it. Fuck...

"What?" she said, turning around, interrupting my day dream. Quickly, I averted my eyes and stared at the ceiling. "Nothing," I said, my voice strained, while adjusting myself as discreetly as possible. I was so hard I thought I would spring through my jeans. I turned around, trying to regain composure and keep Enzo in check. He was eager, ready to claim his mate, and I could feel his anticipation coursing through me. I started to sweat, the pressure building.

"What's wrong?" she asked, sounding closer now. "Nothing," I forced out through gritted teeth, trying to hide my inner turmoil.

"Elijah?" Her touch on my shoulder jolted me, and in a sudden surge of desire and frustration, I slammed her against the wall, encasing her between my arms, our faces mere inches apart. She breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling so close to my body. Closing my eyes, I rested my forehead against hers, struggling to contain the conflicting emotions swirling inside me. I could sense her fear, her confusion, but... was that arousal I detected? Confusion mingled with desire clouded my thoughts.

Suddenly, I sprang back, pushing myself away from the wall and exiting her room in a blur. I slammed the door shut so forcefully that it almost fell off its hinges, leaving her behind, bewildered and alone.