
Shadowed Vengeance

KingCannibal · Others
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9 Chs

A Quiet Moment

As the night wore on, Thomas and Jason found themselves strolling through the quieter parts of Gotham. The events of their encounter at the warehouse lingered in the air between them, casting a subdued atmosphere over their usual banter.

Pausing in a dimly lit alley, Thomas leaned against a graffiti-covered wall, feeling the cool concrete against his back. He ran a hand through his hair, the weight of the night settling on his shoulders.

Jason stood a few feet away, his arms crossed over his chest as he surveyed the surroundings. He glanced at Thomas, noting the furrow in his brow and the distant look in his eyes.

"You okay, Thomas?" Jason asked, his voice breaking the silence.

Thomas shrugged, his gaze fixed on the ground. "Just thinking," he replied quietly. "About tonight, about everything."

Jason nodded, understanding flashing in his eyes. "It was a rough one," he agreed. "But we got through it."

Thomas looked up, meeting Jason's gaze. "Yeah," he said, a hint of gratitude in his voice. "Thanks for having my back out there."

Jason offered a small smile. "Anytime, Thomas. We're in this together, remember?"

Thomas returned the smile, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Yeah, I remember."

They stood in companionable silence for a moment longer, the night air cool against their skin. Though the city buzzed with activity around them, they were lost in their own little pocket of calm.

With a nod, they continued on their way, the weight of the night still heavy on their minds but their spirits lifted by the quiet camaraderie they shared. For in a city as dark and unforgiving as Gotham, moments of connection were rare and precious—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was still light to be found.