
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Earth and Shadow


  After their intense battle in the Aether Arena, Axel and Zoru decided to take a break and catch their breath. They found a quiet corner of the arena's courtyard where they could sit and chat, away from the bustling crowds. As they relaxed, Zoru couldn't help but notice that Axel appeared a bit uneasy. His brow was furrowed in deep thought, and his eyes occasionally darted around as if searching for something. "You seem a bit distracted, Axel," Zoru remarked, taking a sip from his water bottle. "Is something on your mind?" Axel sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it's just... I can't help but worry about the finalist, Don Angelion. He can manipulate earth, and I'm not sure how Aether can deal with that kind of power." Zoru raised an eyebrow, studying Axel's expression. "You're too focused on using Aether for everything. Remember, you have other abilities at your disposal, like your shadow manipulation." Axel looked puzzled. "Shadow manipulation? But how can that help against someone who controls earth?" Zoru chuckled, his blue hair crackling with electric energy. "You'd be surprised. Shadow manipulation isn't just about creating darkness. It's about manipulating shadows and using them strategically." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Zoru extended his hand toward a nearby stone pillar. His fingers crackled with electricity as he sent a surge of energy into the pillar's shadow. To Axel's amazement, the shadow seemed to come to life, wrapping around the stone and binding it in place. "See?" Zoru grinned. "You can use shadows to immobilize your opponent's movements. It's all about creativity and quick thinking." Axel's eyes widened as he began to understand the potential of his shadow manipulation abilities. He had been so focused on Aether that he had neglected this other aspect of his power. "You're right," Axel admitted, a newfound determination in his voice. "I need to be more versatile in my approach. Thanks, Zoru." Zoru patted Axel on the back. "No problem, buddy. We've got your back. Just remember, the finals are going to be tough, but with your Aether and shadow manipulation, you've got a shot at victory." As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Axel felt a renewed sense of confidence. The Aether Arena had brought him challenges and unexpected friendships, and now he was ready to face Don Angelion in the finals. With Zoru's guidance and his own determination, Axel was determined to make the most of his diverse abilities and prove himself as a formidable contender. The stage was set for a showdown, and Axel was ready to embrace the power of both Aether and shadow.