
Shadowed by the Moon: A Werewolf's Tale

Lisa moves to a town called Springfield to live with her mom. The town gets a sudden hike in wolf attacks. She is a college student. She firmly believes that there is no such thing as werewolves. She meets 2 classmates named Aaron and Brian. Both of them are werewolves, and both of them love her. Lisa discovers that Brian and Aaron are werewolves. Lisa falls in love with Brian, but Aaron is jealous. Aaron turns into a wolf during a full moon night. However, he can't control his urge to hunt animals and humans when he becomes a wolf. Brian, the brown wolf saves Lisa's life from Aaron, the black wolf. Brian saves Lisa from a crocodile attack. Brian and Lisa visit the nearby city Metroville to meet her father. They have good time in the city. Brian also saves the life of a teen girl from human traffickers by turning into a wolf. Lisa's friend Jenny discovers that Lycanthrope's Locket can control werewolves on full moon nights. Jenny, Brian and Lisa search the locket and give it to Aaron. Aaron wears the locket and doesn't turn into a wolf during the next full moon night. The town was safe from him now. Brian informed a cop that Aaron is a werewolf. The cop made Aaron angry by punching him in the face and killing his mother. Aaron removes the locket and becomes a black wolf and kills the cop. Angry Aaron hunts many animals and people that night. Brian and Aaron, the werewolves get into a fight. Aaron dies in a road accident. The town seemed safe now, but a new enemy of Brian came to rise. his professor hates werewolves and wants to kill each of them because his wife was killed by a werewolf, probably Aaron.

DaoistmGfTly · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 The Arrival

Lisa had always considered herself a practical and level-headed 21-year-old. She had grown up in the bustling city, surrounded by skyscrapers and the cacophony of urban life. The idea of supernatural creatures like werewolves seemed utterly ludicrous to her. However, life had a funny way of upending one's beliefs.

It was the middle of autumn when Lisa arrived in Springfield, a quaint town nestled on the outskirts of a dense, ancient forest. The town was a stark contrast to the bustling metropolis she had grown up in. The tranquility was both unsettling and comforting as she stepped out of her father's car.

The drive had been mostly silent, except for her father's strained attempts at small talk. Lisa knew it had taken a toll on him to travel this far, just to drop her off to live with her mother. Her parents had divorced when she was just a child, and Lisa had spent most of her life with her father.

Lisa's mother had moved to Springfield several years ago, seeking a more peaceful life amidst nature. Her mother had written heartfelt letters, expressing her longing to have Lisa back in her life, and Lisa had finally relented. She couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with apprehension as she approached the quaint house that would be her new home.

The day was already starting to wane as Lisa's father helped her unload her bags. The golden hues of the setting sun bathed the town in a warm, enchanting glow, casting long shadows that stretched toward the nearby forest. Lisa's father hugged her tightly, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and regret.

"I hope this will be good for you, sweetheart," he said, his voice trembling.

Lisa nodded, her throat tight with unspoken emotions. Her mother was looking at her through a window of the house. Her father didn't wish to enter the house, and her mother didn't wish to meet him either. Maybe, both of them still don't get along well. She watched her father drive away, leaving her standing at the threshold of her new life. Her mother came out of the house and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, sweetie. Look at you. You have grown up so much," her mother said smilingly.

As the days passed, Lisa slowly adjusted to her new surroundings. Her mother welcomed her with open arms, and their relationship began to mend. Lisa appreciated the slower pace of life and the opportunity to reconnect with her roots, even if it meant living in a place that felt almost isolated.

The forest surrounding Springfield, however, seemed to be a constant presence in her life. Its dense canopy cast cool, dappled shadows over the town, and the locals spoke of the woods with a mix of reverence and fear. Lisa couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to the mysterious tales that occasionally made their way into conversation.

It wasn't long before the tranquility of Springfield was shattered by a series of disturbing events. Reports began to flood in about wolf attacks on livestock and, in some cases, even pets. The townsfolk were on edge, and fear hung heavily in the air.

One day, Lisa was reading a book in the living room.

Her mother entered, "What are you reading? Let me see."

"Um, it's just a novel," her mother said. She looked at the cover of the book.

"It's a love story," her mother narrowed her eyes.

"Mm-hmm," Lisa murmured.

"You know, I don't believe in true love," her mother furrowed her brow.

"Well, your marriage ended up with divorce, doesn't mean, there is no such thing as love. You know what, Dad still wants just the best for you. I know that for sure. He just isn't good at expressing it," Lisa said.

"Anyway, do you know, there have been a lot of wolf attacks in the town recently?" her mother tried to change the topic.

"Yeah," Lisa looked thoughtful.

"Just be careful, okay? This is a new town for you, and don't trust anyone," her mother said.

"Don't worry, mom. Those are just wolves, not werewolves, and nothing is gonna happen to me," Lisa chuckled

Lisa couldn't deny the palpable tension that gripped the town, but she remained resolute in her skepticism. Whenever the topic of werewolves or supernatural creatures came up, she would dismiss it with a laugh, convinced that these were merely wild wolves causing the trouble.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the town was bathed in the silver light of the full moon, Lisa was on her way back from the town square. She had picked up groceries, and the air was crisp with the scent of autumn leaves. The only sounds were the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hooting of an owl.

As she approached the path leading to her mother's house, a sudden noise made her stop in her tracks. It was a low growl, followed by a rustling in the bushes to her right. She strained her eyes to see through the darkness, heart pounding as her imagination ran wild.

Then, from the shadows, emerged a large, imposing figure. It was a wolf, larger than any she had ever seen. Its fur glistened in the moonlight, and its eyes were a piercing amber. In that moment, Lisa's skepticism crumbled, replaced by a creeping dread. This was no ordinary wolf.

The wolf stood there, its gaze locked with Lisa's. She held her breath, fear coursing through her veins. The creature took a step forward, and Lisa took a hesitant step back. But to her astonishment, the wolf didn't attack. It merely regarded her with an unsettling intelligence.

In that tense moment, Lisa couldn't help but consider the impossible. Could it be that the townsfolk's tales of werewolves were true? She had always believed in rational explanations, but the undeniable presence of this creature shattered her convictions.

The standoff continued for what felt like an eternity, and then, with a suddenness that left her breathless, the wolf turned and vanished into the depths of the forest.

Lisa's heart continued to race long after the wolf had disappeared. She finally made her way home, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and questions. She knew she couldn't deny the existence of the supernatural any longer. Springfield held secrets, and Lisa was determined to uncover them, no matter how unsettling or unbelievable they might be.