
Shadowbound Conquest

In an attempt to regain a regular life after a horrible past, a young man finds himself thrown into a world full of magic and extraordinary powers. Unfortunately, disaster still haunts him when he realizes that magic does not exist in him. Weakness is unacceptable in this harsh environment, and catastrophes that remind him of the past happen and spark a brutal journey of revenge. Forced into the darkness by destiny, he starts on a journey of revenge that makes him hunted around the world. The journey ends in conquering, whether he conquers the enemy, or the enemy conquers him. A war between light and darkness develops, challenging the strength of character and the limits of a given destiny. Can he, who merely wants a normal life, take vengeance with his power, knowledge, wealth, and life? Can he accomplish victory despite having to fight enemies without losing himself in a dark game full of malicious intrigue? ***** [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] Find official illustrations for my novels here: https://linktr.ee/FictionFalcon

Fiction_Falcon · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Beginning (Part 3)

I pulled out my phone and sent a message to my friend quickly because this woman seemed to want to escape her room now.

[Meet me in two hours at the school director's office, don't bother me, and don't make any trouble in this school.]

[Wow, it looks like you're going to have fun. Okay, I'll take a tour to see what the school of your dreams looks like. Don't worry, I promise not to cause any trouble.]

"Please take your hand off my shoulder, Evan. I still have a meeting that I need to get to soon."

Look at her, She still has a crimson face and a panicked expression in her eyes, but I can also feel desire and excitement in her. Why are women unable to be truthful about their own feelings?

"Oh, forgive me, and don't worry because I've already called my friend to come to this room in two hours, so no one will interrupt the moment for both of us, Avia."

"Wh..what? two hours? We can't do it because, as I mentioned, Evan, there will be a meeting soon."

"Oh, it looks like you already know what gift I will give you, Avia."

Hehe, it's funny to see this woman who always acted calm, lost her composure, and even struggled to speak when speaking. So I will increase the intimacy between the two of us now and see what will happen to him. I sat on the sofa and pulled Avia so that she was on my lap in a position that was comfortable for both of us.

"As I said before, dear Avia, I will not let you go no matter what. Enjoy your happiness because I have a gift for you to enjoy for the next two hours."

"Ev..Evan I have a meeting lat.."

"Don't worry, I've sent a message to your secretary to postpone the meeting for another three hours. Because I'm sure you need to take a rest for at least an hour after our activities together, right?"

When I showed Avia her cell phone, she was too shocked to even realize I managed to open her cell phone and send a message to her secretary. What a careless woman!

"How..how do you do…Mhmm"

"That is your punishment for being a careless woman, not even realizing that your cell phone had been taken and used."

Even though I only gave her a quick kiss, it felt wonderful. Her lips had such a captivating charm that it left you desiring more.

"Th..that's your fau...Uhmmm"

"And that is your punishment for trying to blame me, even though it was your fault, Avia."

The second kiss was intense, a French kiss that lasted until she was nearly out of breath., combined with another kiss on her ear, which was one of her weak spots.

I want to do it on the sofa now, but because it will be used for receiving guests, I have to move to the bedroom available here. As I said before, this office is like a presidential suite, so it is hoped that the director can rest comfortably without having to go home if there are circumstances that require her to stay at school.

I lifted Avia in a princess carry towards the room, she screamed a little because I did it suddenly. This is the first time I've entered the room in the director's office. A luxurious and elegant atmosphere welcomed the two of us. I put Avia with a little roughness on a super king-sized bed, which looked very soft and comfortable. I don't know why she had such a large bed. This is because, as far as I know, she always goes home, no matter what happens.

"And this is your punishment for provoking me earlier, I will eat you and won't let you rest for the next two hours, even if you beg me, dear Avia."

"At least let me take a shower first...Ahhnn"


It's been a long time since this brat contacted me, and now he suddenly sends me a message. You are an ungrateful brat. Fortunately, this young lady is big-hearted and generous, so I will reply to your message. If it were someone else, they would definitely ignore all your messages.


Oh, so you contacted me because you had a request, instead of because you missed me or anything, you brat. Let me, Octavia Pearl Hampton, the woman who used talent and perseverance to rise to the top and become the director of this great school, give you a lesson about what happens when you play with a woman's emotions.


Ahh, I think I went too far when playing around because my long-suppressed annoyance finally surfaced. If this is the case, it's time to step back and look for another chance to deal with this brat. The opportunity will always be there, and I'm the one who always uses it.


Please, anyone, help me! I can't escape from him. If he goes further than this kiss, my desire to stay with her will surely come back to the surface. I don't want to feel the pain of always hoping for him.


I can't bend to my will, a Hampton never loses to anyone else, especially this brat who abandoned me and played with my feelings all this time.

"At..at least let me take a shower first...Ahhnn"


"Slow..Ahhn slowly, I haven't done it for a long time, Haang."


"Give it a minu..Mmh, I just cum and my body is becoming more sensitive now Unngh"


"It's definitely been more than two hou..Ohhh, please stop right away and let Ahn me rest."


"You cruel man Uhhh, you always playing with women's hearts Haanng."


"I...I'm a Hampton Uugh, I won't bow down and lose to you Ahhh, I'm cummm."


"Fufu..Ummph, two hours are over ughh, and I can still survive your attack...Ahhhhnn"


Ugh, how long have I been asleep? Did I just faint after doing that? It was really a shameful thing to lose to a man younger than you, but where is he? Did he leave me and meet his friend? As expected from a heartless guy at all, I hate him.

"What are you thinking with such a serious face?"

"Kyaaa, Wh...why are you still here?"

Did I just say what was on my mind, and he heard me? I hope that wasn't the case because I don't want him to think the wrong thing about me.

"Why can't I be here? I just took a shower and prepared drinks for the two of us earlier, because we both have lost a lot of fluids, or should I say you're losing so much fluid, so make sure to keep your body hydrated, okay?"

"Fufufu, it turns out your caring attitude is still there, it's still the same as before, and I hope it will always be the same in the future."

Don't be fooled by his charm, Avia. Remember that winning his heart is the toughest thing you have ever done, and he is also a heartless man. Sigh, I should take a shower and let my head calm down so that I can think properly.

"Is your friend still not here? I see the appointment time has passed."

"Ohh, he just called me and gave me extra time, so there's half an hour until he arrives, and we can do it again if you want, Dear Avia."

"Your little friend is still excited? Even though you've been doing it for two hours? You monster"

Why did he say that so easily? As far as I remember, we only did it for an hour, or at most an hour and a half, with several breaks in the middle of the session. But earlier, when we did it without resting at all, did the strength and stamina increase?

"Ahh, I don't want to do it again. Do you want me to faint all day because of doing that? So I'll take a shower and get ready to go to the meeting."

Heh, I'm not going to fall into the honeytrap that you have set for me, as Humpton, even if I lose, the next opportunity must be my victory. But right now, it's really difficult for me to even stand up, my legs are still weak and cannot move, only my hands can work properly.

"Please assist me to the bathroom, I'd like to take a shower now"

"Okay, but drink this while it's warm and finish it all, after that, I'll take you to the bathroom."

Guhhh, don't be tempted by this Incubus, he is dangerous and cunning. Be careful, Avia!!! I had to leave this room right away, or I'd be stuck here forever.

"I've finished it, thanks for the drink. Now, can you kindly accompany me to the bathroom?"

"Okay, I'll take off all of your clothes first since we did this while wearing clothes, and you'll have to put on new clothes afterward. Also, let me wash your clothes, Avia."

"Whose fault is it? It's your fault for being impatient so that my new clothes got dirty and wrinkled."

"It can't be helped, seeing you dressed like a charming and sexy office worker makes me excited, after all, you enjoy it, so don't blame me, blame yourself and the way you dress."

Huuu haaa, huuu haaa, take a breath and let it out, relax your heart, all that was just a playboy's bullshit.

"Hey, what keeps you still here? You should leave right now because I can take a shower on my own."

"I was going to give you a bath because you seemed to be having trouble moving, but I changed my mind. my little buddy appears to be excited once more because it's been a while since I last saw your whole body. There's still some time until he comes, so let's do it a few more times quickly."

"W..whaat? How come you're still so excited? I don't want to do it again..Ahhhhnnng"