
Shadow Track

-Cat and Girl, a story about a kind-hearted human girl in the cat's self-vision.

dreameryuki · Urban
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Chapter Two: Strange Her

I didn't understand that girl named "Jing" could always find me day after day and give me food. She will come on sunny mornings, and she will come to hold up an umbrella for me on stormy days, is she idle and flustered?

Is her home close to here? As far as I know, it seems that she still has to take a bus to reach her house. I don't know how far the distance is, because I'm really too lazy to chase, and as a gentleman cat, you shouldn't be following people.

"So well-behaved." Every time Jing's girl reached out to touch my forehead, she would immediately retract her hand, so that it would be good and not affect each other.

She now provides me with food every day, and I am foraging everywhere.

But I always felt that this was not a long-term solution, knowing that things change every day with the change of light.

Over the years, there have been many more cars, I can only hide more hidden, some cats will accidentally be hit by cars, that tragic situation I really don't want to recall.

Whenever I see these tragic situations, I always think how lucky I am to be alive today, and those stray cats have lost their health and lost their lives, and I feel sorry for them.

Sometimes their bodies are just there, and humans can't be blamed, after all, sometimes cats suddenly walk up, and they are often invisible when they drive the car.

Once I saw a girl who is probably called an 8-year-old by humans, she quickly took out a bag and put the cat in the bag when the traffic light was changed to green. She then buried the deceased cat deep in the nearby soil.

I think humans are still nosy by nature, but not necessarily, because I see too many people in a hurry who just glance coldly at the dead cat on the floor and continue to hurry forward.

If the cat asked me if I remembered what the girl looked like, I could only say I didn't, because she didn't feed me often. That day, I was watching her and the dead cat from a distance, and she didn't know me, but her legend was often talked about by me.

Somehow, this memory of mine led me back to the place I remembered.

There are more and more cars, and even passers-by seem to be a little afraid of moving vehicles.

Oh!? Is it crystal? What did she stop doing?

I looked closer, and it turned out that she was picking up the dead cats like the little girl I had seen and finding a resting place for them.

Was she the little girl she was back then? I really don't know, because the little girl didn't give me food or give me her name.

If yes, I am lucky to meet such a warm person again. If not, the world is lucky, and there are people who are willing to find a place to bury these dead stray cats and let them be peaceful.

Watching her bury her dead cat in the nearby soil, the corners of my mouth unconsciously rose, thinking that I must repay her something, so I caught a mouse nearby and threw it in front of her.

She seemed a little shocked because she took many steps back,

"Eh, rat?"

This is a gift, a gift that rewards you for kindness.

I "meowed," expecting her to understand me

She had a flash of light, and for that moment I thought she really thought she could understand my words

"You're for your companion! You are so sweet! "

There really is a generation gap between cats and people, I shook my tail helplessly,

What a little girl who doesn't understand the style.