
Sorcerer's To Do List

Sunny spent the next several hours exploring various mystical materials he had accumulated over the years and considering what, exactly, he was going to craft.

The memories of the Shadow Realm kept creeping into his mind, but he resolutely ignored them and tried to concentrate on the task at hand. Sadly, just as he did, there was another distraction.

It was Aiko, who wanted to know where the large hole in the floor of the dining hall had come from.

Sparing his bewildered assistant a neutral look, Sunny turned back to the shelves and gave her a non-committal shrug. 

"Oh, you know. I just happened to find the Gates of Death, by accident, and decided to take a quick look at what was on the other side. It was quite pretty, actually… sadly, my soul kept disintegrating, and someone shot an arrow through my heart. So, I took offense, and left."

He sighed.